


  Hello, i'm JackMa, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.



  15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream,that someday we can build up a company ,that can server millions of small business. Today , this remain our mission to make easy to do business anywhere.


  (小企业主small business,让天下没有难做的生意make it easy to dobusiness anywhere)

  At Alibaba, we fight for the little guy,the small businessmen and women and their customers. our role is simple, through our ecosystem,we help merchants and customers find each other and conduct business on their terms and in ways that best serve their unique needs. We help merchants to grow, creat jobs and open new markets, in ways that were nervier before possible.


  (生态系统ecosystem,商家和客户merchants andcustomers)

  Today, 15 years passed. We’ve grown so significantly and have become a household name inChina. And soon, we are ready for the world to know us.


  You will hear details fromour business later. But first let me take you on a journey around China,to see some of the real people,real stories that Alibaba has impact on them.


  I am proud to share with you  these stories that show the heart and sprit of Alibaba.


  I’m proud that we ignite innovation,creat jobs benefit customers and help entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams.


  With Alibaba’s platforms,people are improving their lives today, and have hope for a better tomorrow.From our humble beginnings and throughout the past 15 years. Alibaba has changed commerce inChina.Our business has grown, but we never lost sight of our customers, focusing on solving their problems,leads to the best outcome for our business.

  通过阿里巴巴这个平台,人们能够改善他们现有的生活,并且能够憧憬一个更好的未来。从我们最初很单纯的一个小期望开始,如今2019年过去了。阿里巴巴已经改变了中国电子商务的模式。我们的业务不断发展壮大,但是我们从未丢失对于客户第一的理念。我们始终专注于帮助客户解决问题,基于这点,也成就了我们最好的业务结果。(客户第一Customer first,本段为整齐用never lost sightof our customers.)

  Alibaba has come a long way,but we want to be a company that can last 102 years. We still have 87 years to go,and we believe one thing, “Today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult,but the day after tomorrow is beautiful ” . So web have to work very hard in order to survive the long journey.

  阿里巴巴已经走过了一段不短的旅程,要让阿里巴巴成为一家持续发展102的企业,还有87年的时间需要我们努力。我们深知,今天很不易,明天更加困难,但是未来是无限美好的。因此,我们必须更加努力,才能够在未来的漫漫征程中赢得胜利。(今天很不易,明天更加困难,但是未来是无限美好的。Today isdifficult, tomorrow is more difficult ,but the day after tomorrow isbeautiful.)
