






  Mother! Mother! My dear mother! You in this world is how great, howselfless, in this decade, you to make me happy in this beautiful world of peaceand enjoy life, don't know how much hard work and sweat. You are like abeautiful angel, in my life, for me to add to my glory, to my charm.

  Mother! Oh! My dear mother! Before I come to this world, you don't know howmuch time you have to suffer in the hospital room, and I was born in your belly.I have heard you say that I am an underbelly, and I can imagine that I must beas naughty as a boy in your stomach, which has given you a lot of pain.

  Mother, you are like a blue sky, I am that bird flying freely in the sky,soaring in your broad arms. It is you who gave me so many tenderness that I amhappy and healthy.

  Mother! I want to say to you: "I love you! Thank you for making me happyand healthy and make me learn to be a human being.
