专利名称:Capacitor array structure for semiconductor
发明人:Er-Xuan Ping申请号:US09698887申请日:20001027公开号:US06518611B1公开日:20030211
摘要:Exemplary embodiments of the present invention teach a structure and processfor forming an array of storage capacitors by forming a first set of individual storagenode plates, forming alternating storage node pillars, forming a second set of individual
storage node plates, forming a cell dielectric material on individual storage node plates,and forming a second capacitor plate over the first and second sets of individual storagenode plates. The resulting structure comprises generally parallel running conductiveword lines, a first set of individual storage node plates, storage node pillars alternatingwith individual storage node plates of the first set of individual storage node plates, asecond set of individual storage node plates, a cell dielectric material on the first andsecond sets of individual storage node plates, and a second capacitor plate overlying thefirst and second sets of individual storage node plates.