专利名称:CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES发明人:POLLOCK, Charles,POLLOCK, Helen申请号:EP08853612.3申请日:20081201公开号:EP2232695B1公开日:20140122
摘要:This invention relates to the control of electrical machines and is concernedmore particularly, though not exclusively, with the control of flux switching brushlesspermanent magnet and switched reluctance electrical machines without a mechanicalshaft position sensor. Brushless Reluctance and permanent magnet motors can be usedin many applications, since they do not require the use of commutators or brushes insupplying electrical power to the rotor of the motor. An electrical machine is providedfor converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and/or mechanical energy intoelectrical energy, the machine comprising a stator and a rotor, the stator having one ormore electrical windings wherein at least one electrical parameter of the windings have acyclic variation related to rotor position; at least one control device for controllingsupply of electrical current to or from the or each said electrical winding, and at least onerotor position sensor means for detecting at least one electrical signal related to thecyclic variation of at least one electrical parameter of the or each said electrical windingwherein at least one said rotor position sensor means comprises the steps of measuringthe said electrical signal at least once during any part of a switching cycle, conversion ofthe at least one measured electrical signal to a ratiometric quantity representative of anestimate of the rotor position corresponding to the at least one measured electrical
signal and using the said ratiometric quantity in a calculation to maintain the currentpassing through the or each said electrical winding in synchronism with rotor rotation.
代理机构:Talbot-Ponsonby, Daniel Frederick