

2021-03-04 来源:小侦探旅游网
英汉语言差异之四 繁复与简短

从属结构(subordination)是现代英语最重要的特点之一。 从句和短语可以冲淡句子的主要成分和从属成分。

从句层层环扣,短语也不短,因此书面语常常繁长(long-winded)。 现代英语中,包孕式的复合句很常见(complex sentences with embedded clauses )。 专业作者句子平均长度是20单词,受过教育的人句子平均长度25单词。 英语句子要比汉语句子长很多。

汉语常用散句,松句,紧缩句,省略句,流水句或者并列形式的复句(composite sentence),以中短句居多,最佳长度为7-12字。 书面语的字数较多,结构较复杂,但是常用标点把句子切开,与英语比还是短句。 汉语句子多数结构简化,无拖沓盘错之感。

Examples :

1Ennis Del Mar wakes before five, wind rocking the trailer, hissing in around the aluminum door and window frames.

2 The old man sat silent, his hands folded on the plastic tablecloth, staring at Ennis with an angry, knowing expression. ---Backbroke Mountain

3 Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr. Heathcliff's dwelling. 'Wuthering' being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather. --- Wuthering Heights

西洋人做文章把语言化零为整,中国人做文章化整为零。 因此,英译汉的时候要--破句重组,化繁为简。


1 In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes colors.

2 There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.

3 Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?

4 If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No.10 Broad Street. H e is well known.


汉语的分句或流水句, 译成英语的时候,常常要化简为繁,作合成复合句子或者长句。 Eg:

1 老栓正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一套丁字街,明明白白横着。他便退了几步,寻找一家关着门的铺子,蹩进檐下,靠门立住了。

2 因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态,由


1 Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was startled when he saw the cross road lying distinctly ahead of him. He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of shop in front of its closed door.

2 The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media

3 他这是已经是年近六旬的人,一表人才,高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。

4 我们不知不觉地朝公园走去。公园就在人行桥那边,桥下很深的地方,汹涌的河水滚滚流过。

3 He was at this time in his late fifties, a tall, elegant man with good features and thick dark hair only sufficiently greying to add to the distinction of his appearance.

4 Somehow our path took us toward the park, across the footbridge high above the rolling waters of the river.
