


Unit 1

1. survey [sə:'vei, 'sə:vei, sə-] n. 调查;测量;审视 n.

1. a detailed critical inspection

2. short descriptive summary (of events) 3. the act of looking or seeing or observing his survey of the battlefield was limited v.

1. make a survey of; for statistical purposes

Students complete the survey before starting the program and after graduating. 学员在课程开始前和毕业后两次完成问卷调查。

A new survey reveals that 87% of professionals have good relationships with their bosses, and 95% get along well with their coworkers.


2. add up v. 合计

v. 1. determine the sum of

A study found that those snacks add up to almost one-third of all the daily calories eaten by children.

add --- addition --- additional

add [æd] vi. 加;增加;加起来;做加法vt. 增加,添加;补充说;计算…总和n. 加法,加法运算

in addition 除…之外;此外;也;而且

addition [ə'diʃən] n. 添加;[数] 加法;增加物

additional [ə'diʃənəl] adj. 附加的,额外的

additional tax[税收] 补加税罚款;[税收] 附加税;[税收] 追加税;[税收] 补加税款

3. ignore --- ignorance

ignore [iɡ'nɔ:] vt. 驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬

My driving was suspended (暂停) for ignoring a red light. ignorance ['iɡnərəns] n. 无知,愚昧;不知,不懂

I attempted to mask my ignorance by keeping my head down and not speaking unless spoken to.


4. calm [kɑ:m, kɑ:lm]adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的vt. 使平静;使镇定vi. 平静下来;镇定下来n. 风平浪静

a calm mind 冷静的头脑

He remained calm in an emergency situation. 踏在情况紧急时始终保持镇定。 keep calm 保持镇静


calm down 平静下来 镇定下来

5. walk the dog 遛狗

walk vt. 牵着(马、狗等)走,遛;训练……走 He is walking the dog.

Horses should be walked for a while after a race. walk a puppy

6. go through

Allowing ourselves to go through the grief process helps us to adapt and get on with life. 让自己度过这个悲伤的过程能够帮助我们去适应和享受生活。

7. along --- lonely--- loneliness

像副词的形容词:lovely friendly early(是形容词也是副词)

形容词+ ness变成名词:happy --- happiness busy --- business sad --- sadness Nobody likes being lonely. As it turns out, loneliness can be unhealthy as well. 没人喜欢寂寞,正如大家所见,孤独的生活也对健康也没有益处。

8. high way 公路,大路,高速路

9. pack [pæk] n. 包装;一群;背包;包裹;一副vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎;挑选;塞满vi. 挤;包装货物;被包装;群集

Please find a taxi, and in the meantime I'll pack some food.请你找一辆出租汽车,在此期间我就包好一些食物。

packing :packing materials包材;包装物;包装材料;包装材料信息 PACKING METHOD[包装] 包装方法;包装方式;[包装] 包装法 package :package design 包装设计

10. cover

Cover them with clean paper or large leaves. 用干净的纸或者大叶子遮盖它们。

Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing. 当打喷嚏或咳嗽时,遮着鼻子和嘴巴。

the cover of the book

dis – discover 发现discovery(like --- dislike,able --- disable 使失去能力,使失去资格)

agree --- disagree --- agreement un – uncover 揭开 (do --- undo 取消,able --- unable 不会,不能) recover v. 回复,重新获得 recovery n.

recovery of good vision 良好实力的恢复 economic recovery 经济复苏

She made a remarkable recovery from the illness.她令人惊异地从那场疾病中康复了。

11. fall in love (with)grateful ['ɡreitful] adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的


12. grateful

All happy people are grateful 所有快乐的人是感恩的。 grateful for 为…而感谢

be grateful to one’s neighbors for help in time of trouble 对邻居在自己困难时给予的帮助表示感谢 gratitude ['ɡrætitju:d] n. 感谢的心情 n.

a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation

For this the political community deserves our sincere gratitude. 因此,我们应该对政界报以诚挚的感谢。

thankful ['θæŋkful] adj. 感谢的;欣慰的

participate in take part in a discussion/demonstration/fight/celebration How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games? She listens, but she never joins in.

I wish he would join in with the other children. participate in

(1.) 分享;分担:

All of us will participate in the profits. 我们大家都将分享到利润。

(2.) 参加,参与:

All the teachers participated in the children's games. 所有的教师都参加孩子们的游戏。

14. swap (swap sth with sb) / swap sth for sth. : to give sth to sb and receive sth in exchange.

I’ve finished this magazine. Can I swap with you? I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.

Can we swap places? I cannot see the screen.

We spent the evening in the pub (酒馆,客栈) swapping stories about our travels. (telling each other stories)

15. tip


1. 使倾斜,使倾侧:

She tipped the desk and the books fell off. 她把书桌弄歪了,书都掉到了地上。

2. 使翻转,使倒翻;打倒(常与 over 连用): The high wind tipped over the car. 大风掀翻了汽车。 He was tipped into a ditch. 他被摔进沟里。 vt.


1. 给…小费:

I tipped the taxi driver 50 pence. 我给了出租汽车司机50便士小费。

Tips: tip on / for sthe / tip on / for doing sth : a small piece of advice about sth practical Useful tips on how to save money

Handy tips for buying a computer

Tip: the thin pointed end of sth : the tip of your fingers, the tip of your nose, the northern tip of the island

16. item ['aitəm] item by item 逐项;逐条 project item 工程项目

1. subway operate an elevator; 开电梯


Unit 2

go up [down] in an elevator;


3. petrol

The overall labour market is tight, wages are up and petrol prices have fallen. 总体的劳动力市场依然是紧缺的,工资在上升,油价在下跌。

4. office --- officer --- official

5. . conquer ['kɔŋkə] --- conqueror

They conquered the southern part of the country in a few months. 他们在几个月的时间里攻占了该国的南部。

6. base --- basement --- basic

base n. 基础;底部;垒adj. 卑鄙的;低劣的vt. 以…作基础 basement 地下室,地窖

basic adj. 基本的;基础的n. 基础;要素

7. come up pack up meet up look up

8. apartment house flat

9. at present now recently

10. gradual ['ɡrædʒuəl]--- gradually --- grade

11. enrich --- enable --- enlarge …

en-前缀 pref.

1.表示\"使\使成为\使处于...状态\" 2.表示\"置于...中\置于...上\" 3.表示\"使进入\登上\" 4.表示\"以...覆盖\"

-en后缀 suf.

1.(置于形容词或名词之后)表示\"变为...\" 2.(置于物质名词后)表示\"由...制\" 3.置于不规则动词后成为过去分词



类 似形容词常见的还 有:mad,broad,deep,thick,weak,dead,fat,flat,red,straight,moist,sharp,white,loose,short,dark,bright,coarse,fast,rough,fresh 等。在这些形容词后添加词缀-en时,red,flat,fat等词应先双写末尾辅音字母,再添加-en;white,wide等以字母-e结尾的单词, 添加后缀时,只需加字母-n;fast一词加后缀-en构成的动词fasten,其含义为\"使固定\",而不是\"加快\"。 2.作为后缀加在极少数形容词比较级后,构成动词。例如:



3.作为后缀加在某些名词后,构成动词。例如: haste→hasten(催促,促进,加速),fright→frighten(使惊吓),strength→strengthen(加强,巩固),length→lengthen(延长,使……变长),height→heighten(提高,升高)


silk→silken(丝制的),earth→earthen(泥土做的),wood→wooden(木制的),wheat→wheaten(小麦的,小麦制的),lead→leaden(铅的) 5.作为前缀,加在某些形容词前构成动词。表示\"使(成)……\"。例如:


值得注意的是,如果该形容词的首字母为m,p,b时,前缀en-应改写为em-。例如: bitter→embitter(加苦味于,使受苦;使怨恨),brown→embrown(使成淡黑) 6.作为前缀,加在某些名词前,构成动词,表示\"放进\"、\"放在……上面\"、\"使成……\"。例如:

root→enroot(使…… 植根于),rage→enrage(激怒),slave→enslave(征服,使……做奴隶),camp→encamp(扎 营),danger→endanger(危及),compass→encompass(包围),crust→encrust(把……包上外 壳),code→encode(译成电码),courage→encourage(鼓励)

如果该名词的首字母为m,p,b时,前缀en-应改为em-。例如: power→empower(授权),body→embody(使具体化)

7.作为前缀,加在少数动词前,表示\"在里面\"、\"包围…\"。例如: fold→enfold(拥抱,包进),wrap→en- wrap(包围,围绕)

8.作为后缀,加在极少数名词后构成复数。这是古英语的痕迹。例如: ox→oxen(牛),child→children(小孩)

9.有时作为前后缀,同时加在一个词上面。例如: light→enlighten(启蒙),live→enliven(使生动)

10. make (good / full) use of


12. the former --- the latter

13. identify --- identification --- identified

14. expression --- express

15. midwestern --- midnight ---mid-autumn --- midpoint --- midsummer --- midterm

---midweek --- midtown

16. straight ---straightly ?

straight [streit] adj. 直的;连续的;笔直的;正直的;整齐的

adv. 直接地;不断地;立即;坦率地


n. 直;直线

Go straight and turn right at the first crossing. 直走在第一个十字路口向右转。

She has a round face, big eyes, a straight nose and long hair. 她有一张圆脸,大大的眼睛,笔直的鼻子和长长的头发。

17. frequent --- frequently --- frequency

18. play a (adj.) part in (sth.)

