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Pivotable feeder for pivoting elongated workpieces


专利名称:Pivotable feeder for pivoting elongated

workpieces transversally, in particular wirepieces

发明人:FILZMOSER, FRANZ申请号:EP99890238.1申请日:19990716公开号:EP0974412A3公开日:20010516

摘要:The conveyor frame (4) thatconveyer has the fan-shaped conveyer cradle (2) ofcurved support item (3) and supported by lateral connection (14). Forwarding item (5) isprotruded between supporting strip (3) and is attached to trunnion (7) on conveyorframe (4), and supporting strip (3) is attached to trunnion (6). conveyer (1) has fan-shaped,a conveyer cradle (2) with the coaxial curved support item (3) in vertical axis. One conveyorframe (4) is located under supporting strip, supports in change-adjustable position forconveyer cradle. There is frame forwarding outstanding to peel off (5) between

supporting strip (3). Supporting strip and forwarding peel off (5) and form the notch-likecutting groove of workpiece that is arranged on disc to vertical axis, in identical angle butbe offset from one another to. Therefore workpiece (D) is lain radial to the vertical axis(H) in slot. Conveyor frame (4) is alternately driven (10) conveying and return path one.Driving (10) is and the crank gearing of the wheel shaft perpendicular to vertical axis (11).Conveyor frame is supported in a lateral connection (14), with wheel shaft (I) toperpendicular to vertical axis and crank axle vertical axis (H) and another axis (II) it iscoaxial. A workpiece for storing a unit one slot of supporting strip (3) is moved to the

step-by-step movement of next slot, therefore a workpiece after another is transportedto fills swivel conveyor (1). <


地址:Ottsdorf 18 NB 4609 Thalheim AT


代理机构:Hübscher, Gerhard, Dipl.-Ing.

