



- 【76】Here's your veggie plate, Stephenie. - Hey, sorry I'm late. Biology project.

- I ordered you the spinach salad. I hope that's okay.

- You should order one for yourself next time. Cut back on the steak. - Hey, I'm 【77】as healthy as a horse. - Say, Chief, boys want to know, did you find anything down by Queets River today?

- Yeah, we found a bare human footprint, but it looks like whoever that is, is headed east, so Kitsap County sheriff is gonna take over from here. - Okay. - Okay?

- I just hope they catch him fast.

- Looks like 【78】your friends are flagging you. It's okay if you wanna go join them. I'm just gonna 【79】turn in early anyway. - Me, too.

- Bella, it's Friday night. Go out. Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you.

- Yeah, 【80】he's a good buddy.

- What about any of these 【81】other yahoos in town? Anybody interest you?

- Dad, we gonna talk about boys?

- Yeah, I guess not. I just feel like I leave you alone too much. - You should be around people. I don't really mind being alone. I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way.


【76】背景介绍:Here's your veggie plate, Stephenie.

这位坐在吧台点了蔬菜拼盘的Stephenie就是Twilight Saga《暮光之城》系列小说的作者本人。


【77】词组讲解:as healthy as a horse.



【78】俚语解释:your friends are flagging you. flag本意是旗子,在这里是问候打招呼的意思。 估计是从舰船上打旗语发送信号演变而来的吧?

【79】常用口语:turn in early

turn in是个意思很多的词组,这边则是表示上床睡觉。这句话的意思就是“早点上床睡觉”。

以后不要总是说go to sleep或者go to bed咯。

【80】常用口语:he's a good buddy.

buddy是在口语中经常听到的一个称谓,表示兄弟、哥们儿。 从这里就能看出,不只是男生之间能用啦。


yahoo是一个俚语词,表示幼稚不懂事的人。在这里翻译成“臭小子”很恰当。 为啥雅虎当初会选这个词作为他们的网站名咧?不明白啊不明白„„
