





Main Ideas

1.The task of universal pragmatics is to identify and reconstruct universal conditions of possible mutual understanding

2.The validity basis of speech a. uttering something intelligibly,

b. giving (the hearer) something to understand, c. making herself thereby understandable, and d. coming to an understanding with another person Or

a. choose an intelligible expression b. communicate a true proposition c. express her intentions truthfully

d. correct with respect to prevailing norms and values


a. Comprehensibility b. Truth

c. Truthfulness d. Rightness

3. The aim of reaching understanding is to bring about an agreement that terminates in the inter-subjective mutuality of reciprocal comprehension, shared knowledge, mutual trust, and accord with one another. Agreement is based on recognition of the four corresponding validity claims.

4. Understanding

a. in its narrow sense: two subjects understand an expression in the same way;

b. in its broad sense: an accord exists between two subjects concerning the rightness of an utterance in relation to a mutually recognized normative background. In addition, the participants in communication can reach understanding about something in the world, and they can make their intentions understandable to one another.

c. Reaching understanding is the process of bringing about an agreement on the presupposed basis of validity claims that are mutually recognized.

5. The task of mutual interpretation, then, is to achieve a new definition of the situation that all participants can share.

6. 哈贝马斯:交往行为模式



Types of action in descending order of rationality Purposive-rational Value-rational Affectual Traditional Subjective meaning covers these elements Means Ends Values Consequences + + + + + + + - + + - - + - - - (2)哈贝马斯的语言交际模式


(b)言语行为的分类(哈贝马斯,1976,What is universal pragmatics?)

Social action

Communicative action Strategic action

Action oriented toward Consensual action Openly strategic action Latently strategic action Reaching understanding

Action Discourse Manipulation Systematically

distorted communication

在哈贝马斯看来,奥斯丁的言外行为属于交往行为(communicative acts),是其普遍语用学理论的核心;奥斯丁的以言取效行为属于策略行为,不是他要研究的重点,也不是普遍语用学的组成部分。

形式语用学特征 行为类型 策略行为 Teleological action 会话行为 Constative speech acts 规范行为 Normative regulated action 戏剧行为 典型的言语行为 以言表意行为命令式 记述式 调节式 表现式 论辩形式 体现的语言知识 功能 技术性影响和策略对方 上有用 的知识 经验-理论知识 道德-实用知识 审美-实用知识 呈现事态 行为取向 以目的为取向 基本立场 客观立场 有效性要求 现实性 世界关联 客观世界 理论话语 理论话语 实用话语 治疗和审美话语 以沟通为取向 以沟通为取向 以沟通为取向 客观立场 真实性 客观世界 建立人际关系 自我表现 规范立场 正确性 社会世界 表现立场 真诚性 主观世界 (c)专门研究交往行为:以沟通,共识,理解为交际目的。 (d)语言交际模式

Modes of

Domains of reality communication: Validity claims General

Basic attitudes functions of speech

“The” world of Cognitive: Truth Representation of facts external nature Objectivating attitude

“Our” world of Interactive: Rightness Establishment of

society Conformative legitimate interpersonal relations attitude

“My” world of Expressive: Truthfulness Disclosure of speakerinternal nature Expressive attitude

Language - Comprehensibility -

’s subjectivity (e)哈贝马斯论目的

Habermas maintains that every communication act bears an intrinsic telos, which is oriented toward reaching mutual understanding. Communication is goal-oriented in the sense that every communicative engagement involves questioning, arguing and transcending presuppositions in order to transform opinions or situations judged true or untrue. Habermas’s theory develops this aspect of communication while promoting the claim that communicative action is oriented toward understanding based on consensus among speaker.

I shall speak of communicative action whenever the actions of the agents involved are coordinated not through egocentric calculations of success but through acts of reaching understanding. In communicative action participants are not primarily oriented to their own individual success; they pursue their individual goals under the condition that they can harmonize their plans of action on the basis of common situation definitions. (Habermas 1984, 285086)
