


Material Standard Category: H-2 EASL Req: No

No: MS-1612

Date Published: 2003-02-12

Change: G

Contact: Elizabeth Shaw Phone: 248-512-4824/722-4824

Dept: 5820

Doc Owner Group: BME Corrosion Group



NOTE: This standard is being phased out and shall be used on carryover parts/programs only.

DO NOT USE THIS STANDARD ON NEW PARTS/PROGRAMS or add this standard as a change to any model. This standard may be retained on CATIA model revisions, if it was included at the beginning of the program. Contact the originating department identified within this standard for the proper replacement standard.

MS-1612, Change G, 2003-02-12

Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation 1939


CHRYSLERCORPORATIONVehicleEngineering OfficeENGINEERING STANDARDMATERIAL STANDARDRUST PREVENTIVE - HARD FILM TYPENo: MS-1612 ASL Req'd: Y Change: F 1.0 GENERAL1.1 Purpose1.1.1 Purpose of StandardThis standard covers a grade of hard film compound used to prevent rusting ofmechanical parts such as brake drums where an oil or grease type coating cannot betolerated.NOTEThis standard has safety, noise, or emission significance only when the appropriatedrawing depicts the standard with a safety symbol. It is necessary to review thepart drawing to ascertain which parts of the standard have safety significance.1.2 Scope1.2.1 ApplicationThis standard is for use in supplying certain parts under purchase orders ofChrysler Corporation or its subsidiaries. This standard is limited in itsapplication to those drawings or engineering illustrations which call out thisstandard number, or which refer to this standard within some other standard orspecification. Original equipment and replacement parts for some vehicles sold byChrysler Corporation or its dealers are not covered by this standard.1.2.2 Hazardous Material ControlProducts furnished to Chrysler Motors and products and processes used by suppliersto manufacture these products must conform to the employee and consumer health,employee safety, and environmental requirements contained in CharacteristicStandard CS-9003.2.0 REQUIREMENTS2.1 ApplicationThis material shall be applied by brushing or dipping. The normal precautionarymeasures involving flammable material shall be observed.A single asterisk \"*\" after the paragraph header denotes a technical change to the paragraph. A triple asterisk before and afteran item (*** text ***) identifies the specific changed text.Date

Mdl. Yr. Eff. Code & Disp Code



Text Changes and Cancellations

8/16/90 10/16/64Date Issued

3/NC Dept

Editorial F E Updated; New Format Was page J-512 3/15/39 5820 Contact

R.J. Lash IMPORTANT: Chrysler Corporation standards, specifications and drawings are subject to frequent revision. It is the users'responsibility to comply with current versions. Distribution of standards to parties other than Chrysler Corporation suppliers,whether with or without charge, is for information only. A subscription service is available at reasonable cost, which willautomatically provide the subscriber with current standards. Subscription information or copies of current standards are availablefrom the Engineering Standards & Information Services Department, Vehicle Engineering Office, Chrysler Corporation.

200-36-A (6-90)

Volume: H Section: 2 Page No: 344 (1)CHRYSLERCORPORATIONVehicleEngineering OfficeENGINEERING STANDARDMATERIAL STANDARDNo: MS-1612 ASL Req'd: Y Change: F 2.2 Chemical and Physical Properties2.2.1 Flash Point40° to 60°F.2.2.2 ColorThis material shall have a blue color obtained by use of a blue dye. Pigment shallnot be used.2.2.3 RemovabilityThis material shall be removed by wiping with alcohol or lacquer thinner.2.2.4 Corrosion ProtectionA.Humidity Test - Chrysler Laboratory Procedure 461H-15Test panels shall show no rusting after 168 hours.B.Salt Spray Test - Laboratory Procedure ASTM B-117Test panels shall show no rusting after 24 hours.C.Atmospheric Exposure TestTest panels shall show no rusting after 30 days outdoor exposure.2.2.5 A 0.001 in. thick coating of this material shall not interfere with brakingor clutch action when allowed to remain on the friction surfaces.2.3 QualityThe supplier's quality plan shall meet the requirements specified in the quotationpackage and described in Chrysler's SQA manual Guide to Quality SystemsRequirements (available through Chrysler's Purchasing Office). The supplier'scontrol plan shall assure that initial production shipments and those madesubsequently throughout the model year meet Chrysler's requirements. Volumeproduction must conform to Chrysler specifications and meet or exceed quality andperformance levels of the most recent samples approved by Chrysler Motors.3.0 CONTROLThe coating shall match in color, gloss, and texture the master sample retained bythe Chrysler Design Office Color and Fabrics Department and must have performanceapproval from the Coating Systems Laboratory, Body Materials EngineeringDepartment, Engineering Office, Chrysler Motors.The supplier shall not ship material whose composition, characteristics orproperties differ from samples submitted to and approved by Chrysler Motors,Engineering Office, Materials Engineering.Any changes in formulations or process must be approved by Chrysler Motors,Engineering Office, Materials Engineering.Any recommended changes to this standard should be forwarded to the manager of theissuing activity with Chrysler Motors, Engineering Office.200-36-B (6-90)

Volume: H Section: 2 Page No: 344 (2)CHRYSLERCORPORATIONVehicleEngineering OfficeENGINEERING STANDARDMATERIAL STANDARDNo: MS-1612 ASL Req'd: Y Change: F Materials shall only be purchased from those sources appearing on the EngineeringApproved Source List, included as an addendum to this standard.4.0 CONTACTSQuestions concerning this standard should be directed to Chrysler Motors,Engineering Office, Materials Engineering.5.0 REFERENCESThis standard refers to the following standards and test methods:Salt Spray Test ASTM-B117# # # # #200-36-B (6-90)

Volume: H Section: 2 Page No: 344 (3)Vehicle Engineering Office FOR STANDARD: MS-1612 CHRYSLER CORPORATION ENGINEERING APPROVED SOURCE LISTEngineering Standard Title:APPROVED SOURCE:RUST PREVENTIVE - HARD FILM TYPE Vendor Product CodeAutomotive Finishes DivisionPPG Industries, Inc.Troy, MI 48084Lacquer DL-1854The above Chrysler Engineering Approved Source List names those sources and sub-sources currently approved for the product orprocess indicated. By furnishing this list to you, Chrysler in no way assumes responsibility for the performance of any namedsuppliers or sub-sources and specifically reserves all rights to insist upon full and complete performance of all Chrysler purchaseorders. Further, it should be understood that this list is not all-inclusive as to all qualified sources. No supplier shouldbe precluded from fair and appropriate consideration as a source or sub-source solely because it has not been included in the listfurnished herewith. You are therefore urged to furnish us with the names of any additional sources or sub-sources you believeare qualified, for investigation by Chrysler Corporation for possible approval in accordance with this policy.

Date 8/16/90 Changes and Cancellations Added to Standard 10/10/88 Updated 1/23/60 200-21-A (6-90)

Date Issued Volume: H Section: 2 Page No: 344 (4)


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