顺德顺联温德姆酒店标准操作程序 DEPARTMENT Front Office 部门 TASK NO 任务序号 前厅部 JOB TITLE 职位 TASK 任务名称 Duty Manager 值班经理 Room Discrepancy Check 检查房态差异 DM - 02 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Room Discrepancy Report / File / Opera PMS 所需设备: 房态差异报表 / 资料夹 / Opera 系统 WHAT TO DO 做什么 HOW TO DO IT 怎么做 WHY 为什么 Room Discrepancy Report will be printed and delivered to Duty Manager for check by HSKP at 1. Check room discrepancy report. 09:00, 15:00, 21:00. 客房部在每天09:00, 15:00, 21:00打印差异房报表交于值班经理检查。 For check and record purpose. 为了检查和做记录。 Details refer to FO and HSKP Room 检查差异房报表。 A condition where a room is Discrepancy Check 2. Skip Room. reported as vacant by Housekeeping P&P. 登记的房间,但无人but reflected as occupied in Front 细节请参照前厅部和使用。 Office status. This occurs when: 客房部房态差异政策此种情况为客房部的报表上显示房间为和程序。 空房,但前厅系统中显示为入住房。此种情况可能为: - Front Office checks in a new guest without any luggage after Housekeeping has upDated the status to vacant clean. 前厅部员工在客房部将房态更新为干净房后,登记了一位没有行李的新客人。 - Guest may have checked out without settling the bills. 客人未结账而离开酒店。 - Front Office may have forgotten to check out the guest folio after settling the bill from the system. 前台员工在客人结账后,忘记在电脑中 Prepared By 制表人: Signature/Date 签名/日期:
顺德顺联温德姆酒店标准操作程序 DEPARTMENT Front Office 部门 TASK NO 前厅部 DM – 02 JOB TITLE 职位 TASK Duty Manager 值班经理 Room Discrepancy 做结账程序。 Approved By 批准人: Signature/Date 签名/日期: WYNDHAM FOSHAN SHUNDE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE
任务序号 任务名称 Check 检查房态差异 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Room Discrepancy Report / File / Opera PMS 所需设备: 房态差异报表 / 资料夹 / Opera 系统 WHAT TO DO 做什么 HOW TO DO IT 怎么做 WHY 为什么 - Guest name was checked into the wrong room. 将客人登记在错误的房间。 - Room change was not upDated after a guest has physically move to another room. 客人换房后,电脑中未做更新。 Check the room physically. 3. Sleep Room. 有人使用的房间,但是电脑中无记 录。 亲自检查房间。 Make verification with Front Office staff. 与前台员工确认。 A condition where a room is reported as occupied by Housekeeping but reflected as vacant in Front Office status. This occurs when: 此种情况为客房部的报表上显示房间为入住房,但前厅系统中显示为空房。此 种情况可能为: Ensure the accuracy of the room status in the system. 确保系统中房态的准确性。 Prepared By 制表人: Signature/Date 签名/日期:
Approved By 批准人: Signature/Date 签名/日期: WYNDHAM FOSHAN SHUNDE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE 顺德顺联温德姆酒店标准操作程序 DEPARTMENT 部Front Office 门 前厅部 JOB TITLE 职位 Duty Manager 值班经理 Room TASK NO 任务序号 DM - 02 TASK 任务名称 Discrepancy Check 检查房态差异 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Room Discrepancy Report / File / Opera PMS 所需设备: 房态差异报表 / 资料夹 / Opera 系统 WHAT TO DO 做什么 HOW TO DO IT 怎么做 WHY 为什么 - Guest name was not checked into 4. Clearing of room discrepancy before night audit. 夜审前更正所有房态差异。 the OPMS. 电脑中没有登记客人的姓名。 Ensure the night audit - Room change was not upDated after process is a guest has physically moved from another room. 客人换房后,电脑中未做更新。 - This room may have been used by smooth. 确保夜审程序顺利进行。 unauthorized person. 未经授权,私自使用房间。 Check the room physically 亲自检查房间。 Make verification with Front Office staff 与前台员工确认。 Night audit should not be started without having cleared all room discrepancy. Last room discrepancy report will be printed before night and cleared until “0” discrepancy. 系统中房态差异没有清除前,不能开始夜审程序。夜审前最后打印一次房态差异报 Prepared By 制表人: Signature/Date 签名/日期:
顺德顺联温德姆酒店标准操作程序 DEPARTMENT 部门 Front Office 前厅部 JOB TITLE 职位 Duty Manager 值班经理 表,并确保房态差异数据为“0”。 Approved By 批准人: Signature/Date 签名/日期: WYNDHAM FOSHAN SHUNDE STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE
TASK NO 任务序号 DM - 02 TASK 任务名称 Room Discrepancy Check 检查房态差异 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Room Discrepancy Report / File / Opera PMS 所需设备: 房态差异报表 / 资料夹 / Opera 系统 WHAT TO DO 做什么 HOW TO DO IT 怎么做 WHY 为什么 Indicate action taken against each discrepancy on the report with DM signature and one copy to be given 5. Indicate action to Housekeeping for system updating. taken. 标注采取的措施。 在每份房态差异报表上注明所采取的措施并签名。一份给予客房部做系统更新。 For record and reference purpose. 为了做记录和参考。 Internal Audit Requirement. 集团内审要求。 6. Sign on the room Four room discrepancy reports must discrepancy report. be signed by Duty Manager. 在房态差异报表上签值班经理每天签署三份房态差异报表。 字。 7. Approval from Front office Manager. 前厅经理批准。 8. Filing. 备份。 Four room discrepancy reports must be submitted to Front office Manager for review and sign. 所有三份房态差异报表必须递交房前厅经理复核和签字。 Submit to Income Audit for filing and one copy should be kept in Front Office for future reference. 将三份房态差异报表上交财务日审,并复 印一份保存在前厅部,以备参考。 Prepared By 制表人: Signature/Date 签名/日期:
Approved By 批准人: Signature/Date 签名/日期: