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Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第1页

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This procedure describes the responsibility and requirements for the Quality Control Manual, design documents, technology documents, and Quality Control Procedure’s numbering, preparation, approval, distribution, revision and maintaining.


1 总则


2 .QC Manual

2.1 Stipulate for numbering of QC Manual. 2.1.1 Document number of QC Manual:

2 质量控制手册

2.1 质量控制手册编号 2.1.1 质量控制手册的文件编号


Edition number (Revision number) of QC Manual.


Acronym for Quality Control Manual.


Acronym for Jiangsu Santacc Co., Ltd.


2.1.2 The numbering of Copy of QC Manual:

001„00n 2.1.2 质量控制手册拷贝件的编号

sequence number (001, 002…00n) 自然顺序号001、002、„00n

The numbering of Copy of QC Manual is the same as shown in QC Manual Holder’s List; each manual holder has an applicable numbering manual.

2.2 Document numbering of Exhibit form of QC 质量控制手册拷贝件的编号和“受控手册发放清单”(《质量控制手册》样表1-2)上所示的编号相同,即每一个手册持有者有一本相应编号的手册。

2.2 质量控制手册所附样表的编号 《质量控制手册》中的样表用“所在质


exhibit form of QC Manual shall be numbered

Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第2页 控手册的章节号+表格序号”进行编号。

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with” Chapter No. of QC Manual which exhibit form exist in + form sequence number”


Listed as the sequence of the page number of exhibit form (A, B…).


Sequence number (1, 2, 3…). 样表序号

Chapter No. of QC Manual which exhibit form exist in.


2.3 The preparation, approval, distribution and revision of the QC Manual should be implemented as chapter1 of QC Manual. 2.4 Distribution of exhibit form of QC Manual 2.4.1 Exhibit form of QC shall be distributed by File controller; the concerned person shall sign on

2.3 质量控制手册的编制、审批、发放、修订按质量控制手册第一章执行。

2.4 质量控制手册所附样表的发放 2.4.1 文档管理员负责发放质量控制样表,有关人员应在“受控手册发放清单”(《质量控制手册》样表1-2)上签字。

2.4.2 其他人员不得随便拷贝、修订和丢失质量记录样表。

QC Manual Issuance List (Exhibit 1-2 of QC Manual).

2.4.2 The others are not allowed to copy, modify or lose freely these forms.

3 QC Procedure

3.1 Stipulate for numbering of QC Procedure Document number of QC Procedure:

XXXX/QCP/5-1/2010(0) 3 质量控制规程

3.1 质量控制规程编号的规定


Edition number (Revision number). 版本号(修订号)

Sequence number of a QC Procedure related to Chapter No. of QC Manual与质量控制手册中章节号相关的质量控制规程的顺序号


Acronym for QC Procedure.质量控制规程的缩写 Acronym for Jiangsu Santacc Co., Ltd.


Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第3页 3.2 质量控制规程所附样表的编号

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3.2 Document numbering of Form of QC Procedure


Listed as the sequence of the page number of Form (A, B…).


Sequence number (01, 02, 03…) of Form. 表格序号 Sequence number of QC Procedure exists in.


3.3 The preparation,review and approval of the

3.3 质量控制规程的编制、审核和批准

QC Procedure

3.3.1 Each chapter of QC Procedure shall be prepared by the responsible engineer in charge of the works of this aspect:

● Documents Control Procedure shall be prepared by File Controller;

● Material Control Procedure and Material ●材料管理规程和材料标记规程由材料工程师负责编制;

●文件控制规程由文档管理员负责编制; 3.3.1 质量控制规程的各章由负责该方面工作的工程师负责编制:

Identification Procedure shall be prepared by

Material Engineer;

● Process Inspection Procedure, Visual ●检验规程、目视检查人员资格认可程序、

Examiner Qualification and Certification Procedure, 目视检查规程、水压试验规程、不合格项管理Visual Examination Procedure, Hydrostatic Test Procedure, and Nonconformities Control Procedure

shall be prepared by QC Engineer;

●Procedure for Fabrication of Cylindrical Shell ●筒体制作规程由工艺工程师负责编制; 规程由质控工程师负责编制;

Section shall be prepared by Process Engineer;

●Welding Material Control Procedure, Weld ●焊接材料管理规程、焊接工艺评定管理规程、焊缝标记规程、焊接工艺评定规程及焊缝缺陷返修规程由焊接工程师负责编制;

Identification Procedure, Procedure for Welding Procedure Qualification Control and Procedure for Repair of Weld Defects shall be prepared by

Welding Engineer;

●Written Practice for NDE Personnel Training ●无损检测人员资格鉴定和认证规程由质

Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第4页 量经理负责编制。

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Qualification and Certification shall be prepared by

QC Manager

●Procedure for Radiographic Examination,

●射线照相检验规程、焊缝超声检验规程、磁粉检验规程、液体渗透检验规程、NDE设备标定规程由NDE Ⅲ级人员负责编制;

Procedure for Ultrasonic Examination Of Weld, Procedure for Magnetic Particle Examination, Procedure for Liquid Penetrant Examination, and Procedure for Calibration of NDE Equipment shall

be prepared by NDE Level Ⅲ Personnel;

● Procedure for Post Weld Heat Treatment shall be prepared by Heat Treatment Engineer;

● Procedure for Internal Calibration for ●焊后整体热处理规程由热处理工程师负责编制;


Curvature Sample Plate shall be prepared by

Calibration Engineer.

3.3.2 QC Manager reviewing each chapter of the aforesaid quality control procedure

3.4 File controller is responsible for the registration, issuance of QC Procedures of company and mark the unique issuance number, the receiver shall sign off on the “QC Procedure 3.3.2质量经理对上述《质量控制规程》各章进行审核。

3.4 文档管理员负责公司质量控制规程的登记、发放,注明唯一分发号,领用人在“质量控制规程持有者清单”(表1-01)上签收。

Holder’s List “(Form 1-01) after receiving.

3.5 Modification and revision of QC Procedure 3.5.1 The QC procedure shall be revised by each chapter while exhibited forms will be revised by each page. The latest revision number of each Procedure shall be indicated on the table of Contents and each page of the revised Procedure.

3.5.2 The modification of QC Procedure shall be reviewed by QC Engineer and approved by QC Manager.

3.5.3 The modification of QC Procedure shall be the responsibility of each responsible engineer



3.5 质量控制规程的修订和更改 3.5.1《质量控制规程》修订的方式采用整章更换的办法,样表则按页修订。每章的最新修订标记,要目录和修订的规程的每页或样表上同时注明。

who prepared and issued the original document, the 制程序相同。

modification procedure shall be same as the

Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第5页 3.5.4《质量控制规程》的修订/更改采用划改、换页方式时,应标明文件修订/更改的依据;采用换版方式时,应根据换版状态进行编号。

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preparation procedure.

3.5.4 Adopt the ways of alteration or page changing for the modification of QC Procedure and identify the basis of document modification or change; Number according to the status of changing version when adopt the manner of changing version.

3.5.5 The revised page or modified version shall be inserted into document by File controller according to the issuance procedure and range for original document.

3.5.5 修订/更改后的文件按原文件的发放程序和范围,由文档管理员负责插入更改页或换版并收回作废页或作废文件。

4 The Usage and Retention of the QC Manual

4.1 File Controller shall be responsible for the management of QC Manual & QC Procedure and the issuance and retrieving of the same. And implement segregation and destroy for the retrieved

4 质量控制手册及质量控制规程的使用与保管

4.1 文档管理员负责《质量控制手册》、《质量控制规程》的管理,并负责做好《质量控制手册》、《质量控制规程》的发放、回收及收发记录,并对回收的《质量控制手册》、《质量控制规程》作废页以及作废的《质量控制手册》、《质量控制规程》进行隔离和销毁。

4.2 《质量控制手册》及《质量控制规程》有效版本的持有者应妥善保管,防止损坏、丢失,任何人不得擅自涂改和复印,若损坏,应报文档管理员以旧换新。若丢失,应报质控工程师批准后,由文档管理员补发,并追究有关人员责任。补发的《质量控制手册》和《质量控制规程》应重新编号,并在登记台帐上注明原编号作废。

QC Manual & QC Procedure and the obsolete

pages of the same.

4.2 The holders of valid QC Manual & QC Procedure shall take well retention to avoid any

damage and lost, No one is allowed to alter and copy; report to office and use old one to change new one if any damage. If any lost, report to QC Engineer asking for approve and reissue by office after it’s been approved and look into the responsibility of related personnel as well. The reissued QC Manual & QC Procedure shall be renumbered and marked with the original number on the registration master list is obsolete.

4.3 If there are any changes for the holders of

4.3 《质量控制手册》和《质量控制规程》有效版本的持有者如工作变动时,应将《质量

QC Manual & QC Procedure which shall be

Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第6页 控制手册》和《质量控制规程》交还给文档管理员,办理退还手续。

4.4 当把更改的《质量控制手册》、《质量控制规程》发到持有者手中时,旧件将由文档管理员收回和销毁。一本旧件标上作废,由文档管理员保管,作为参考。

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returned to office and transact the formalities of returning.

4.4 When distribute the altered QC Manual & QC Procedure to holders, the old copies shall be

retrieved and destroyed by the File Controller. One old copy marked with obsolete and kept in archives by the File Controller for reference.

5 The Drawings, Design Documents and Technology Documents

5.1The numbering of the Product No. A10XXX

5 图纸及设计文件、工艺文件


Sequence number of Code Item during the same annual 本年度内规范产品之顺序号

Last two number of annual code年代数的后两位数 Tag for Code Item规范产品标识

5.2The numbering of the drawing, design documents

The numbering of the drawing and design document of code item of XXXX could be conducted as per related methods by

subcontractor、customer or agency. When the design document is completed by XXXX, the following numbering method shall be followed:

5.2 图纸、设计文件的编号



Sequence number of components or parts drawing, or technical conditions


General drawing sequence number总图顺序号 Last two number of annual code年代数的后两位数 Tag for Code Item规范产品标识

Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第7页 5.2 工艺文件编号

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5.2 The numbering of technology documents XXX – A1001 – 2

Document sequence No. (1, 2, 3…) 文件顺序号(1、2、3„) Product No.(when necessary ) 产品编号(根据需要使用或不使用) Classification code

(The classification Code of technology documents as Table 1)


5.3 The preparation, review and approval of the drawings, design documents and technology documents

The preparation, review and approval persons of technology documents see Table 1.

5.4 The revision of the drawing and design documents

5.4.1 The control methods of the revision to the


5.3 图纸、设计文件,工艺文件的编制、


5.4 图纸、设计文件的修订

5.4.1 图纸、设计文件的修订与原编制管

drawing and technology documents are as same as 理方法相同。 the originals.

5.4.2 When the drawings and design documents need to be revised, the Designer shall first write a Document Revision Notice (Exhibit 3-1 of QC Manual), approved by the Design Engineer.

5.5 The revision of technology documents 5.5.1 The revision of technology documents shall be controlled in the same manner as the original.

5.5.2 When a change does Not involve hold, witness points, the QC Engineer can be authorized to approve some changes by signing and dating adjacent to the process of document. A change with hold point shall be confirmed by AI and the change shall be informed the Process Engineer.

5.5.3 The revision of technology documents


5.5.3 技术文件的修订应符合下列要求: 5.5 工艺文件的修订


5.4.2 当图纸及设计文件要进行修订时,首先由设计人员填写“设计文件修订通知单”(《质量控制手册》样表3-1),设计工程师批准。

Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第8页

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shall be made so as to meet with the following requirements.

●The changing of the design document. ●The special requirement provided by the customer.

●When the contents of the technology documents are found to be wrong, the technology documents shall be revised.

5.6 Distribution of drawings, design documents and technology documents

5.6.1 The drawing, design documents and technology documents shall be distributed by the Document Keeper according to the “Document 5.6.1图纸、设计文件由设计资料员按“设计文件发放清单”(《质量控制手册》样表3-2)统一发放。各工艺文件由各编制人员按有关要求统一发放。

5.6.2图纸、设计文件的发放应在文件发放5.6 图纸、设计文件、工艺文件的发放 ●当发现技术文件的内容有误时,应对技术文件进行修订。

●由于设计文件的更改; ●由于用户或客户的特殊要求;

Issuance List.” (Exhibit 3-2 of QC Manual).

5.6.2 The drawing, design documents and

technology documents shall be maintained well and 表上予以记录。

shall Not be copied without authorization.

5.6.3 drawing、design document and procedure document shall be kept properly, and shall not be copied without permission.

5.7 Retention

5.7.1 The drawings, design documents and technology documents shall be kept by corresponding document compile person or approver temporarily during the construction period of Code Item, and shall be handed over to the File Controller for placing on file uniformly. The retention period for each type document shall conform to the requirement of Chapter 11 of QC Manual.

5.7.2 All of the technology documents shall be provided at once, when AI needs to consult.

5.7.2当AI需要查阅时应迅速提供。 5.7 保管


5.6.3 接收部门的图纸、设计文件、工艺文件要妥善保存,不得擅自复印。

Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第9页

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Table 1: The classification Code of technology documents


Technology Documents ClassificaNames or Contents tion Code 工艺文件名称或主要内容 分类代号 Code Addend Review Check List CACRL 规范补遗核实清单 Controlled QC Manual Holder's List CQMHL 受控手册持有者清单 Document Issuance List DIL 文件发放清单 Design Document Revision Notice DDRN 设计文件修订通知单 Material Requisition MR 材料请购单 Purchase Order PO 采购单 Receiving Inspection Record RIR 到货检验记录 Material Issuance Card MIC 材料发放卡 Material Receiving And Issuances Log MRIL 材料接收和发放台账 Material Check List MCL 材料标记核对清单 Inquiry About Using Stock Material IUSM 库存材料使用征询单 Inquiry About Substitution of Material ISM 材料代用征询单 Check Off List COL 工艺检验流转卡 Pressure Test Record PTR 耐压试验记录 Log of ASME Stamped Item LASI 打钢印规范产品登记表 Nonconformity Report NCR 不合格项报告 Qualified Welders List QWL 已有资格焊工清单 Prepared By 编制人 QC Engineer 质控工程师 File controller 文档管理员 Designer 设计员 Designer 设计员 Designer 设计员 Purchaser 采购员 Material Inspector 材料检查员 Shop Supervisor 车间工长 Warehouse Keeper 仓库管理员 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 Purchaser 采购员 Shop Supervisor 车间工长 Process Engineer 工艺工程师 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 QC Engineer 质控工程师 QC Engineer 质控工程师 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 Reviewed /Approved by 审批人 QC Manager 质控经理 QC Manager 质控经理 Design Engineer 设计工程师 Design Engineer 设计工程师 Design Engineer 设计工程师 Purchases Engineer 采购工程师 Material Engineer 材料工程师 Process Engineer 工艺工程师 —— QC Engineer 质控工程师 Material Engineer,etc. 材料工程师等 Design Engineer 设计工程师 Technical Manager 技术经理 QC Engineer 质控工程师 —— QC Manager,etc. 质量经理等 Technical Manager 技术经理 Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第10页 Shop Supervisor 车间工长 Shop Supervisor 车间工长 Shop Supervisor 车间工长 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 NDE Level Ⅲ Personnel NDE Ⅲ级人员 NDE Level Ⅲ Personnel NDE Ⅲ级人员 Heat Treatment Engineer 热处理工程师 Heat Treatment Engineer 热处理工程师 Calibration Engineer 计量工程师 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 Quality Inspector 质量检查员 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 —— Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 Technical Manager 技术经理 Technical Manager 技术经理 QC Manager 质控经理 QC Manager 质控经理 Technical Manager 技术经理 QC Engineer 质控工程师 QC Manager,etc. 质量经理等 QC Engineer 质控工程师 QC Engineer 质控工程师 QC Engineer 质控工程师 QC Engineer 质控工程师 QC Engineer 质控工程师 Technical Manager 技术经理 Technical Manager 技术经理 Technical Manager 技术经理 QC Engineer 质控工程师 Page: 10 of 12

WQCR WMIC WR JIC WMR NPCR LCNP HTI Welder Qualification Continuity Record 焊工资格连续记录 Welding Material Issuance Card 焊接材料发放单 Welding Record 焊接记录 Joint Identification Card 焊缝识别卡 Welding Material Requisition 焊接材料请购单 NDE Personnel Certification Record 无损探伤人员认证记录 List Of Certified NDE Personnel 已有资格无损探伤人员清单 Heat Treatment Instruction 热处理工艺卡 Heat Treatment Record 热处理记录 Measuring Equipment Master List 计量设备台账 Head Inspection Report 封头检验记录 Shell Section Inspection Report 筒节检验记录 Head And Shell Setup Inspection Report 封头、筒节装配检验记录 List of Inspections Performed Prior to Heat Treatment 热处理前检查记录表 Final Inspection Record 最终检查记录 Procedure Qualification Record 焊接工艺评定记录 Welding Procedure Specifications 焊接工艺说明书 Welder Performance Qualification Record 焊工资格鉴定记录 Requisition Form of NDE 无损检验申请单 HTR MEML HIR SSIR HSIR LIPP FIR PQR WPS WPQ RNDE Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第11页

NDE Level Ⅱor Ⅲ Personnel NDE Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 NDE Level Ⅱor Ⅲ Personnel NDE Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 Shop Supervisor 车间工长 NDE Level ⅠorⅡPersonnel NDEⅠ级或Ⅱ级人员 NDE Level Ⅲ Personnel NDE Ⅲ级人员 NDE Level Ⅲ Personnel NDE Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 UT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel UT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 UT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel UT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 MT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel MT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 PT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel PT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 —— NDE Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel NDEⅡ级或Ⅲ级人员 Technical Manager 技术经理 Welding Engineer 焊接工程师 NDE Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel NDEⅡ级或Ⅲ级人员 QC Manager 质控经理 —— RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 RT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 UT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel UT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 UT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel UT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 MT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel MT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 PT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel PT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 Page: 11 of 12

NDEA NDE Acceptance Notice 无损检测合格通知单 Weld Repair Notice 焊缝返修通知单 Repair Instruction for Weld Defects 焊缝返修工艺卡 Record of Welds Repairing 焊缝返修记录 Continuity Record for NDE Personnel Qualification 无损检验人员资格连续性记录 Record of NDE Personnel Training for Certification 无损检测人员培训记录 Vision Examination Report 视力检查报告 Radiographic Examination Instruction 射线检验工艺卡 Individual Procedure Card of RT 射线探伤专用工艺卡 Interpretation Record for RT 射线检测评片记录 Radiographic Examination Report 射线检验报告 Map of NDE 无损检测定位图 Individual Procedure Card of UT 超声波探伤专用工艺卡 UT Report 超声波检验报告 MT Report 磁粉检验报告 PT Report 渗透检验报告 WRN RIWD RWR CRNP RNPT VER REI IPCR IRRT RTR MNDE IPCU UTR MTR PTR Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程


Document No.:XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010 Edition, Rev. 0



文件编号: XXXX/QCP/1-2010(0)

2010版,修订号:0 共12页,第12页

RT Level Ⅱor Ⅲ Personnel RT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 UT Level Ⅱor Ⅲ Personnel UT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 UT LevelⅠ,Ⅱor Ⅲ Personnel UT Ⅰ级、 Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 —— Page: 12 of 12

CRD Calibration Record for Densitometer 黑度计校验记录 UT Instrument Calibration Record 超声波探伤仪标定记录 UTIC —— Sweep Range and DAC Correction 扫描范围及DAC曲线的校对 Electromagnetic Yoke Lifting Power Block 磁轭提升力试块检测记录 Records for Lifting Power of Yokes 磁轭提升力记录 The Measurement of Ultrasonic Beam Angle 斜探头超声波束角度测量 Calibration Record for Curvature Segmental Template 曲率样板检定记录 SRDC —— CREY Calibration Engineer 计量工程师 MT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel MT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 UT Level Ⅱor Ⅲ Personnel UT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 Calibration Engineer 计量工程师 MT Level Ⅱ or Ⅲ Personnel MT Ⅱ级或Ⅲ级人员 —— RLPY MUBA —— QC Engineer 质控工程师 CRCS Documents Control Procedure 文件管理规程
