


EP3 907 573A1


(43)Date of publication:


(51)Int Cl.:



(21)Application number: 20173161.9(22)Date of filing: 06.05.2020(84)Designated Contracting States:


Designated Validation States: KH MA MD TN


•JOHANSSON, Daniel737 82 Fagersta (SE)•HÄGGLUND, Sören737 82 Fagersta (SE)•KREMER, Gerrit

737 82 Fagersta (SE)

(74)Representative: Sandvik

Sandvik Intellectual Property AB811 81 Sandviken (SE)

(71)Applicant: Seco Tools AB

737 82 Fagersta (SE)





The disclosure relates to a method, an electronic

device and a computer program product for reducing acarbon dioxide footprint associated with a productionprocess, wherein the carbon dioxide footprint comprisesat least an amount of carbon dioxide emitted during theproduction process, the method comprising the step of(S1) obtaining a parameter indicative of a selected cuttingfeature for production by a cutting tool(20a,20b,20c,20d), the step of (S2) obtaining a parame-ter indicative of a selected work-piece material for pro-duction by a cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d), the step of(S3) determining a set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d)for production based on the obtained parameters and thestep of (S4) determining a cutting tool for production fromthe determined set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d)based on carbon dioxide emission information data as-sociated with each cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) in thedetermined set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d).

EP3 907 573A1Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)


EP3 907 573A1


DescriptionTechnical field

[0001]The present disclosure relates to a method, anelectronic device and a computer program product forreducing a carbon dioxide footprint associated with a pro-duction process by a cutting tool.Background art

[0002]Today a plurality of machine operations in-volves use of tools for processing material during ma-chine operation. Tools for machine operations are oftenselected dependent on what kind of operation that is re-quired for the processing by the tool during the machineoperation. Also, factors such as production cost and pro-duction time are considered when selecting a tool for amachine operation.

[0003]One example of machine operations are oper-ations by machines with cutting tools that are configuredto remove chips from a piece of material during the ma-chine operation by the cutting tool. In the example, themachine for cutting may require different cutting tools toperform different kinds of cutting operations during a pro-duction process. Hence, a cutting tool needs to be se-lected dependent on a desired cutting feature for produc-tion. The cutting tool also needs to be selected dependenton the work-piece material to be processed by the cuttingtool in the production process.

[0004]The selection of a cutting tool is often made withrespect to a combination of the production cost and pro-duction time, that are both desired to be kept at a mini-mum in order to process the material as cost effective asfast as possible.Summary

[0005]The selection of cutting tools can be manuallyor supported by a software application that selects a cut-ting tool dependent on e.g. the desired cutting featureand/or dependent on the work-piece material to be proc-essed by the cutting tool in the production process.[0006]A first drawback of current approaches is thatthe amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the produc-tion process by a cutting tool cannot be understood andhence, the cutting tool cannot be selected based on theamount of carbon dioxide emitted during the productionprocess by the cutting tool.

[0007]A second drawback of current approaches isthat the amount of carbon dioxide emitted before of theproduction process associated with a cutting tool cannotbe understood and hence, the cutting tool cannot be se-lected based on the amount of carbon dioxide emittedbefore and during the production process by the cuttingtool, in order to reduce a carbon dioxide footprint asso-ciated with a production process.

[0008]It is an object of the present disclosure to miti-

gate, alleviate or eliminate one or more of the above-identified deficiencies and disadvantages in the prior artand solve at least the above mentioned problem.

[0009]According to a first aspect there is provided a5

method for reducing a carbon dioxide footprint associat-ed with a production process, wherein the carbon dioxidefootprint comprises at least an amount of carbon dioxideemitted during the production process, the method com-prising obtaining a parameter indicative of a selected cut-10

ting feature for production by a cutting tool, obtaining aparameter indicative of a selected work-piece materialfor production by a cutting tool, determining a set of cut-ting tools for production based on the obtained parame-ters, and determining a cutting tool for production from15

the determined set of cutting tools based on carbon di-oxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool in the determined set of cutting tools.

[0010]Examples of selected cutting features for pro-duction by a cutting tool is a straight shoulder, a T-slot,20

a rectangular pocket, a hole, a cylindrical surface, or aradial groove. Other cutting features are also possible.[0011]One advantage with this aspect is that the cut-ting tool for production is selected by comparing carbondioxide emission information data associated with each25

cutting tool in the determined set of cutting tools, furtherdependent on the selected cutting feature and the se-lected work-piece material.

[0012]According to some embodiments, the methodfurther comprises determining a set of cutting data pa-30

rameters for the production process based on carbondioxide emission information data associated with the setof cutting data parameters.

[0013]One advantage with this embodiment is that amachine can be programmed according to the cutting35

data parameters in order to process the selected work-piece material with the cutting tool for production with areduced carbon dioxide footprint.

[0014]According to some embodiments, the methodfurther comprises obtaining at least one limiting param-40

eter and determining the set of cutting data parameterstaking the at least one limiting parameter into account.[0015]One advantage with this embodiment is that theset of cutting data parameters can be determined in re-spect of at least one limitation in the production process.45

[0016]According to some embodiments, the produc-tion process comprises plural operations by different cut-ting tools and the carbon dioxide footprint comprises atleast a total amount of carbon dioxide emitted during theproduction process by the different cutting tools, and50

wherein determining each cutting tool for production foreach operation in the production process is based on acarbon dioxide contribution by each cutting tool in eachoperation for reducing a total carbon dioxide footprint forthe production process.


[0017]One advantage with this embodiment is that plu-ral cutting tools for production are selected by comparingcarbon dioxide emission information data associatedwith each cutting tool in the determined set of cutting



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tools, dependent on the different cutting features of theplural operations and the selected work-piece material.[0018]According to some embodiments, the carbondioxide emission information data is based on at leastany of a determined time when the cutting tool is required5

to process the work-piece material; a determined powerrequired to process the work-piece material by the cuttingtool; and an energy source composition of one or a plu-rality of energy sources powering the production process.[0019]One advantage with this embodiment is that fac-10

tors that affect the amount of required energy, and/or theamount of carbon dioxide which is produced is comprisedin the carbon dioxide emission information associatedwith the cutting tool.

[0020]According to some embodiments, the carbon15

dioxide footprint further comprises an amount of carbondioxide emitted before the production process, whereinthe carbon dioxide emission information data is basedon at least any of an amount of carbon dioxide emittedduring manufacturing of the cutting tool, an amount of20

carbon dioxide emitted during transport of the cutting tool,and an accumulated amount of carbon dioxide emittedduring previous processing by the cutting tool.

[0021]One advantage with this embodiment is that atotal amount of carbon dioxide emitted before the pro-25

duction process can be taken in consideration when de-termining the cutting tool for production.

[0022]According to some embodiments, the carbondioxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool is stored in a memory and is associated with30

a unique machine readable code of an identificationmarker of each cutting tool.

[0023]One advantage with this embodiment is thateach cutting tool is associated with carbon dioxide emis-sion information data and the unique machine readable35

code enables efficient management of the carbon dioxideemission information data for each tool, and further elim-inates the risk of human errors associated with informa-tion read by a human such as mixing different tools withdifferent carbon dioxide data.


[0024]According to some embodiments, the cuttingtool for production is determined by comparing the car-bon dioxide emission information data for each cuttingtool in the set of tools for production, and selecting thecutting tool with the lowest amount of carbon dioxide emit-45

ted during the production process, or selecting the cuttingtool with the lowest total amount of carbon dioxide emittedduring the production process and during the manufac-turing and/or transport of the cutting tool.

[0025]One advantage with this embodiment is that the50

cutting tool for production can be determined based onthe lowest amount of carbon dioxide emitted during theproduction but also based on the amount of carbon di-oxide emitted during the manufacturing and/or transportof the cutting tool.


[0026]According to some embodiments, the set of cut-ting tools for production is determined based on availablecutting tools from a portfolio of cutting tools, wherein each


cutting tool is associated with respective carbon dioxideemission information data.

[0027]One advantage with this embodiment is thatavailable cutting tools can be limited to a portfolio of cut-ting tools comprising certain cutting tools e.g. dependenton availability of the cutting tools at a certain location, e.g. currently available cutting tools present at a productionlocation, or dependent on the availability of the cuttingtool within a certain time period after ordering of the cut-ting tool from a manufacturer or supplier of cutting tools.[0028]According to some embodiments, the set of cut-ting tools for production is determined from a group ofavailable cutting tools and each available cutting tool isidentified by reading, by a reader device, an identificationmarker at each cutting tool wherein the identificationmarker is a machine readable code associated with thecutting tool.

[0029]One advantage with this embodiment is that e.g. an operator of a machine can use a reader device andidentify the currently available cutting tools at a produc-tion location.

[0030]According to a second aspect there is providedan electronic device for reducing a carbon dioxide foot-print associated with a production process, wherein thecarbon dioxide footprint comprises at least an amount ofcarbon dioxide emitted during the production process,the electronic device comprises a processing circuitryconfigured to cause the electronic device to obtain a pa-rameter indicative of a selected cutting feature for pro-duction by a cutting tool, obtain a parameter indicativeof a selected work-piece material for production by a cut-ting tool, determine a set of cutting tools for productionbased on the obtained parameters, and determine a cut-ting tool for production from the determined set of cuttingtools based on carbon dioxide emission information dataassociated with each cutting tool in the determined setof cutting tools.

[0031]One advantage with this aspect is that the cut-ting tool for production is selected by comparing carbondioxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool in the determined set of cutting tools, depend-ent on the selected cutting feature and the selected work-piece material.

[0032]According to some embodiments, the process-ing circuitry is further configured to determine a set ofcutting data parameters for the production process basedon carbon dioxide emission information data associatedwith the set of cutting data parameters.

[0033]One advantage with this embodiment is that amachine can be programmed according to the cuttingdata parameters in order to process the selected work-piece material with the cutting tool for production with areduced carbon dioxide footprint.

[0034]According to some embodiments, the process-ing circuitry is further configured to cause the electronicdevice to obtain at least one limiting parameter. Theprocessing circuitry is further configured to determine aset of cutting data parameters taking the at least one


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limiting parameter into account.

[0035]One advantage with this embodiment is that theset of cutting data parameters can be determined in re-spect of at least one limitation in the production process.[0036]According to some embodiments, the carbondioxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool is stored in a memory and is associated witha unique machine readable code of an identificationmarker of each cutting tool.

[0037]One advantage with this embodiment is thateach cutting tool is associated with carbon dioxide emis-sion information data and the unique machine readablecode enables efficient management of the carbon dioxideemission information data for each tool, and further elim-inates the risk of human errors associated with informa-tion read by a human such as mixing different tools withdifferent carbon dioxide data.

[0038]According to some embodiments, any of theelectronic device further comprises a reader device con-figured to read a machine readable code, arranged at acutting tool, wherein the reader device is operatively con-nected to the processing circuitry, and the processingcircuitry is further configured to cause the electronic de-vice to determine the set of cutting tools for productionfrom a group of available cutting tools wherein each avail-able cutting tool is identified by, reading, by the readerdevice, an identification marker at each cutting toolwherein the identification marker is a machine readablecode associated with the cutting tool.

[0039]One advantage with this embodiment is that e.g. an operator of a machine can use a reader device andidentify the currently available cutting tools at a produc-tion location.

[0040]According to some embodiments, the process-ing circuitry of the electronic device is further configuredto obtain the carbon dioxide emission information dataassociated with the cutting tool from a memory based onthe machine readable code associated with the cuttingtool.

[0041]One advantage with this embodiment is thatcarbon dioxide emission information data is accessibleby the electronic device and can be used for determiningthe cutting tool for production.

[0042]According to a third aspect there is provided acomputer program product comprising a non-transitorycomputer readable medium, having thereon a computerprogram comprising program instructions, the computerprogram being loadable into a processing circuitry andconfigured to cause execution of the method when thecomputer program is run by the processing circuitry.[0043]Effects and features of the second and third as-pects are to a large extent analogous to those describedabove in connection with the first aspect. Embodimentsmentioned in relation to the first aspect are largely com-patible with the second and third aspects.

[0044]The present disclosure will become apparentfrom the detailed description given below. The detaileddescription and specific examples disclose preferred em-bodiments of the disclosure by way of illustration only.Those skilled in the art understand from guidance in thedetailed description that changes, and modifications maybe made within the scope of the disclosure.5[0045]Hence, it is to be understood that the hereindisclosed disclosure is not limited to the particular com-ponent parts of the device described or steps of the meth-ods described since such device and method may vary.It is also to be understood that the terminology used here-10in is for purpose of describing particular embodimentsonly and is not intended to be limiting. It should be notedthat, as used in the specification and the appended claim,the articles \"a\\"an\\"theomean that there are one or more of the elements unless15the context explicitly dictates otherwise. Thus, for exam-ple, reference to \"a unit\" or \"the unit\" may include severaldevices, and the like. Furthermore, the words \"compris-ing\not exclude other elements or steps.20Brief descriptions of the drawings[0046]The above objects, as well as additional objects,features and advantages of the present disclosure, will25be more fully appreciated by reference to the followingillustrative and non-limiting detailed description of exam-ple embodiments of the present disclosure, when takenin conjunction with the accompanying drawings.30Figures 1a-d illustrates example cutting tools ac-cording to embodiments of the present disclosure.Figure 2 illustrates example electronic devices anda machine connectable via a communication net-35work according to an embodiment of the present dis-closure.Figure 3 illustrates an example electronic device witha reader device configured to read a machine read-40able code, arranged at cutting tools according to em-bodiments of the present disclosure.Figure 4 illustrates example schematic data ofamounts of carbon dioxide emitted that are associ-45ated with a cutting tool according to embodiments ofthe present disclosure.Figure 5 illustrates a flow chart of example methodsteps according to an embodiment of the present50disclosure.Figure 6 illustrates an example computer programproduct according to embodiments of the presentdisclosure.55Detailed description[0047]The present disclosure will now be described4


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with reference to the accompanying drawings, in whichpreferred example embodiments of the disclosure areshown. The disclosure may, however, be embodied inother forms and should not be construed as limited to theherein disclosed embodiments. The disclosed embodi-ments are provided to fully convey the scope of the dis-closure to the skilled person.

[0048]The production cost and production time fac-tors, that are considered when selecting a cutting tool toremove chips from a piece of material, are also associ-ated with a certain amount of energy consumption.

[0049]The energy that is consumed during the pro-duction process by the cutting tool is often associatedwith a certain amount of carbon dioxide emitted duringthe production process. How the cutting tool is process-ing the material during the machine operation often af-fects the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during theproduction process. The energy sources that provide en-ergy to the production process by the cutting tool alsoaffects the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during theproduction process.

[0050]The inventors have realized that it is sometimesdesired to reduce or minimize the amount of carbon di-oxide emitted during the production process by a cuttingtool.

[0051]The inventors have also realized that it is some-times desired to reduce the total amount of carbon diox-ide emitted during the lifetime of a cutting tool, whichincludes reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emittedduring usage of the cutting tool in production, but alsothe amount carbon dioxide emitted during the e.g. man-ufacturing, handling, transporting and maintaining thecutting tool etc.

[0052]Hence, the inventors have realized that there isa desire to reduce the carbon dioxide emitted during theproduction process by a cutting tool. The inventors havealso realized that it is desired to consider the total amountof carbon dioxide that has been, or will be, emitted duringthe whole lifetime of the cutting tool in order to reducethe total amount of carbon dioxide.

[0053]As mentioned above, a first drawback of currentapproaches is that the amount of carbon dioxide emittedduring the production process by a cutting tool cannot beunderstood and hence, the cutting tool for productioncannot be selected based on the amount of carbon diox-ide emitted during the production process by the cuttingtool.

[0054]Also as mentioned above, a second drawbackof current approaches is that the amount of carbon diox-ide emitted before of the production process associatedwith a cutting tool cannot be understood and hence, thecutting tool for production cannot be selected based onthe amount of carbon dioxide emitted before and duringthe production process by the cutting tool, in order toreduce a carbon dioxide footprint associated with a pro-duction process.

[0055]It is an object of the present disclosure to miti-gate, alleviate or eliminate one or more of the above-

identified deficiencies and disadvantages in the prior artand solve at least the above mentioned problem.

[0056]Today a plurality of machine operations in-volves the use of tools that are processing a material5

during the machine operation. In the following descrip-tion, cutting tools are disclosed. Example machine oper-ations are related to machines with cutting tools that areused to remove chips from a work-piece material duringthe machine operation. Work-piece material, as de-10

scribed herein, may typically comprise a work-piece ofmetal to be processed, but the material may be any othermaterial such as a plastic, stone or wood material. Ma-chines, as described herein, may typically comprise amilling machine, a turning machine, a hole making ma-15

chine, a threading machine or any other machine config-ured for processing a piece of material by a cutting tool.[0057]Figures 1a-d illustrates example cutting tools20a,20b,20c,20d according to an embodiment of thepresent disclosure. According to some embodiments the20

cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is any of a cutting insert, acutting edge, a milling cutting tool, a drilling cutting tool,a drill chuck, a milling cutter chuck or a tool holder. Thecutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d comprising an identificationmarker 40a,40b,40c,40d arranged at the cutting tool 20a,25


[0058]According to some embodiments, the identifi-cation marker 40a,40b,40c,40d is at least any of, or acombination of at least any of, a proprietary machinereadable code, an open source machine readable code,30

a two dimensional code, a three dimensional code, animage a Quick Response code, a High Capacity ColoredTwo Dimensional Code, a European Article Numbercode, a DataMatrix code or a MaxiCode.

[0059]According to some embodiments, the identifi-35

cation marker 40a,40b,40c,40d is etched at the cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d. According to some embodimentsthe identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d is a sticker at-tached at the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d. According tosome embodiments the identification marker 40a,40b,40

40c,40d is painted at the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.[0060]Figure 2 illustrates example electronic devices1a,1b,1c and a machine 50 connectable via a communi-cation network 60 according to an embodiment of thepresent disclosure.


[0061]According to some embodiments the electronicdevice 1a,1b,1c further comprises a reader device 10a,10b,10c, as illustrated in Figure 2. According to someembodiments, the reader device 10a,10b,10c is any ofa camera based reader, a video camera reader, a pen-50

type reader with photodiodes, a laser scanner, a charge-coupled device reader or a cell phone camera. Accordingto some embodiments, the reader device 10a,10b,10c isa component integrated in an electronic device or astand-alone component. The reader device 10a,10b,10c55

is configured to read a machine readable code, arrangedat the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d. According to someembodiments the identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d,arranged at the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d, is a ma-



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chine readable code. According to some embodimentsthe identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d is associatedwith the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0062]According to some embodiments, the electronicdevice is a portable electronic device 1a. According tosome embodiments, electronic device is a local electron-ic device 1b. In an example the electronic device 1b is alaptop or a stationary computer. According to some em-bodiments the electronic device is a remote electronicdevice 1c. According to some embodiments, the elec-tronic device 1a,1b,1c is configured to be connected toa communication network 60.

[0063]Figure 2 illustrates an electronic device 1a inform of a smartphone, tablet, cellular phone, featurephone or any portable electronic device. In one example,as illustrated in Figure 2, the reader device 10a is thecamera of a smartphone 1a. In the example, the elec-tronic device 1a is a smartphone that is held by the ma-chine operator when preparing cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for machine operation. The electronic device canalso be a local electronic device 1b at a production loca-tion connectable to a machine 50 via a communicationnetwork 60 as illustrated in Figure 2. In one example,illustrated in Figure 2, the reader device 10b is a stand-alone reader device connected to the electronic device1b. According to some embodiments the electronic de-vice is a remote server 1c connected to a reader device10c via the communication network 60 as illustrated inFigure 2.

[0064]According to some embodiments the commu-nication network 60 is a wireless communication network.According to some embodiments, the wireless commu-nication network is a standardized wireless local areanetwork such as a Wireless Local Area Network, WLAN,Bluetooth™, ZigBee, Ultra-Wideband, UWB, Radio Fre-quency Identification, RFID, or similar network. Accord-ing to some embodiments, the wireless communicationnetwork is a standardized wireless wide area networksuch as a Global System for Mobile Communications,GSM, Extended GSM, General Packet Radio Service,GPRS, Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution, EDGE,Wideband Code Division Multiple Access, WCDMA,Long Term Evolution, LTE, Narrowband-loT, 5G, World-wide Interoperability for Microwave Access, WiMAX orUltra Mobile Broadband, UMB or similar network. Accord-ing to some embodiments, the wireless communicationnetwork can also be a combination of both a wirelesslocal area network and a wireless wide area network.According to some embodiments, communication net-work 60 can be a combination of a wired communicationnetwork and a wireless communication network. Accord-ing to some embodiments, the communication network60 is defined by common Internet Protocols.

[0065]The first aspect of this disclosure shows a meth-od for reducing a carbon dioxide footprint associated witha production process, wherein the carbon dioxide foot-print comprises at least an amount of carbon dioxide emit-ted during the production process. Figure 5 illustrates a

flow chart of example method steps according to embod-iments of the present disclosure. The method comprisingthe step of S1 in which a parameter indicative of a se-lected cutting feature is obtained for production by a cut-5

ting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d, and the step of S2 in which aparameter indicative of a selected work-piece material isobtained for production by a cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d. The method further comprising the step of S3 inwhich a set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for produc-10

tion is determined based on the obtained parameters,and the step of S4 in which a cutting tool for productionis determined from the determined set of cutting tools20a,20b,20c,20d based on carbon dioxide emission in-formation data associated with each cutting tool 20a,20b,15

20c,20d in the determined set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0066]Hence, with this aspect the cutting tool for pro-duction is selected by comparing carbon dioxide emis-sion information data associated with each cutting tool20

in the determined set of cutting tools, dependent on theselected cutting feature and the selected work-piece ma-terial.

[0067]According to some embodiments the parameterindicative of a selected cutting feature and/or the param-25

eter indicative of a selected work-piece material is ob-tained via at least any of a manual input of the parametervia a user interface 400a,400b,400c of an electronic de-vice 1a,1b,1c, or via an automatic input of the parameterby a software application that is run by the electronic30

device 1a,1b,1c. Example user interfaces 400a,400b,400c are illustrated in Figure 2.

[0068]In an example, the input of the parameter indic-ative of a selected cutting feature and/or the parameterindicative of a selected work-piece material is obtained35

by input by a user interacting via a user interface 400a,400b,400c in form of a web browser, a software program,or an application run on e.g. a computer or a smartphone.[0069]According to some embodiments, determiningthe set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production40

comprising determining the recommended cutting tools20a,20b,20c,20d for production based on the obtainedparameters.

[0070]According to some embodiments, determiningthe set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production45

comprising determining the possible cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d that can be used for production based onthe obtained parameters. According to some embodi-ments the parameter indicative of a selected cutting fea-ture and/or the parameter indicative of a selected work-50

piece material limits the possible cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d that can be used for production.

[0071]According to some embodiments, determiningthe cutting tool for production comprising selecting themost suitable cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d for reducing55

the carbon dioxide footprint of the production process.[0072]According to some embodiments the carbon di-oxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is obtained from a memory



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[0073]According to some embodiments carbon diox-ide emission information data is data comprising differentparameters associated with different usage of the cuttingtool. According to some embodiments carbon dioxideemission information data is data associated with differ-ent amounts of energy required for the different usageof the tool. According to some embodiments carbon di-oxide emission information data is data comprising pre-determined amounts of carbon dioxide emitted that isassociated with the cutting tool. According to some em-bodiments carbon dioxide emission information data isdata comprising estimated amounts of carbon dioxide tobe emitted dependent on different usage of the cuttingtool. According to some embodiments the different usageof the cutting tool is further dependent on machine prop-erties of the cutting tool for production.

[0074]According to some embodiments the methodfurther comprises the step of determining a set of cuttingdata parameters for the production process based oncarbon dioxide emission information data associatedwith the set of cutting data parameters.

[0075]Hence, with this embodiment a machine can beprogrammed according to the cutting data parameters inorder to process the selected work-piece material withthe cutting tool for production with a reduced carbon di-oxide footprint.

[0076]According to some embodiments, the methodfurther comprises obtaining at least one limiting param-eter and determining the set of cutting data parameterstaking the at least one limiting parameter into account.[0077]Hence, with this embodiment the set of cuttingdata parameters can be determined in respect of at leastone limitation in the production process.

[0078]According to some embodiments the set of cut-ting data parameters includes at least one of depth of cutAP, working engagement AE, feed/revolution FN,feed/tooth FZ and cutting speed VC.

[0079]According to some embodiments the at leastone limiting parameter includes at least one of machineor other set-up constraints, maximum tolerances, maxi-mum surface roughness, maximum or desired produc-tion time, maximum production rate, maximum produc-tion cost, and desired tool wear rate.

[0080]According to some embodiments the at leastone limiting parameter is obtained via at least any of amanual input of the parameter via a user interface 400a,400b,400c of an electronic device 1a,1b,1c, or via anautomatic input of the parameter by a software applica-tion that is run by the electronic device 1a,1b,1c. Exampleuser interfaces 400a,400b,400c are illustrated in Figure2.

[0081]In an example, the input of the at least one lim-iting parameter is obtained by input by a user interactingvia a user interface 400a,400b,400c in form of a webbrowser, a software program, or an application run on e.g. a computer or a smartphone.

[0082]According to some embodiments the method

further comprises outputting the set of cutting data pa-rameters via the user interface 400a,400b,400c of theelectronic device 1a,1b,1c.

[0083]According to some embodiments the method5

further comprises outputting the set of cutting data pa-rameters as input data to a machine 50 configured toprocess work-piece material 70 by the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d. According to some embodiment the ma-chine 50 is connectable to the electronic device 1a,1b,10

1c. In an example, as illustrated in Figure 2, the machine50 is connected to the electronic device 1a,1b,1c via thecommunication network 60. According to some embod-iments the set of cutting data parameters is configuredto be sent via the communication network 60 to the ma-15

chine 50.

[0084]According to some embodiments the cuttingtool for production is processing the selected work-piecematerial according to the one or more machine propertiesfor reducing the carbon dioxide footprint for the produc-20

tion process. In the example as illustrated in Figure 2,the machine 50 is configured to process work-piece ma-terial 70 by the cutting tool 20d with the set of cutting dataparameters AP, AE, FN, FZ, VC for reducing the carbondioxide footprint of the production process.


[0085]According to some embodiments the produc-tion process comprises plural operations by different cut-ting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d and the carbon dioxide foot-print comprises at least a total amount of carbon dioxideemitted during the production process by the different30

cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d, and wherein determiningeach cutting tool for production for each operation in theproduction process is based on a carbon dioxide contri-bution by each cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d in each op-eration for reducing a total carbon dioxide footprint for35

the production process.

[0086]Hence, with this embodiment plural cutting toolsfor production are selected by comparing carbon dioxideemission information data associated with each cuttingtool in the determined set of cutting tools, dependent on40

the different cutting features of the plural operations andthe selected work-piece material.

[0087]According to some embodiments the produc-tion process comprises plural operations by different cut-ting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d, and obtaining a parameter45

indicative of a selected cutting feature for production bya cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d comprises obtaining atleast one parameter indicative of a selected cutting fea-ture for production by a cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d foreach operation of the plural operations.


[0088]According to some embodiments the produc-tion process comprises plural operations by different cut-ting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d, and determining a set of cut-ting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production comprises de-termining set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d required55

for different operations of the plural operations based onthe obtained parameters for each operation of the pluraloperations.

[0089]In an example a production process comprises



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a first operation by a first cutting tool, a second operationby a second cutting tool and a third operation by a thirdcutting tool. In the example the first operation by the firstcutting tool contributes with x amount of carbon dioxide,the second operation by the second cutting tool contrib-utes with y amount of carbon dioxide and the third oper-ation by the third cutting tool contributes with z amountof carbon dioxide. In the example the carbon dioxide con-tribution by each cutting tool is x, y and z and the totalcarbon dioxide footprint for the production process ishence x+y+z. In the example, each cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d can hence contribute with different carbon diox-ide amounts, and by e.g. determining a first cutting toolwith a very low carbon dioxide amount x, a second cuttingtool with a low carbon dioxide amount y and a third cuttingtool with a high carbon dioxide amount z, the total carbondioxide footprint for the production process can be re-duced, compared to e.g. determining a first, second andthird cutting tool each contributing with a medium carbondioxide amount. This means that even if one of the cuttingtools contributes with a high carbon dioxide amount, inview of the whole production process, the total carbondioxide footprint for the whole production process can bereduced if the other cutting tools contributes with a lowercarbon dioxide amount.

[0090]According to some embodiments the produc-tion process comprises plural operations by different cut-ting tools, and a set of cutting data parameters is deter-mined for each operation. The set of cutting data param-eters for each cutting tool for production for each opera-tion is determined so to reduce the total carbon dioxidefootprint for the production process.

[0091]According to some embodiments the set of cut-ting data parameters includes at least one of depth of cutAP, working engagement AE, feed/revolution FN,feed/tooth FZ and cutting speed VC.

[0092]In an example a production process comprisesa first operation by a determined cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d for production with a first set of cutting data pa-rameters, a second operation by a determined cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d for production with a second set ofcutting data parameters and a third operation by a deter-mined cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d for production with athird set of cutting data parameters. In the example thefirst operation with the first set of cutting data parameterscontributes with u amount of carbon dioxide, the secondoperation with the second set of cutting data parameterscontributes with v amount of carbon dioxide and the thirdoperation with the third set of cutting data parameterscontributes with w amount of carbon dioxide. In the ex-ample the carbon dioxide contribution by each operationis u, v and w and the total carbon footprint for the pro-duction process is hence u+v+w. In the example, eachset of cutting data parameters can hence contribute withdifferent amounts of carbon dioxide, and by e.g. deter-mining a first set of cutting data parameters with a verylow contribution of carbon dioxide u, a second set of cut-ting data parameters with a low contribution of carbon

dioxide v and a third set of cutting data parameters witha high contribution of carbon dioxide w, the total carbondioxide footprint for the production process can be re-duced, compared to e.g. determining a first, second and5

third set of cutting data parameters each contributing witha medium amount of carbon dioxide. This means thateven if one of the set of cutting data parameters contrib-utes with a high amount of carbon dioxide, in view of thewhole production process, the total carbon dioxide foot-10

print for the whole production process can be reduced ifother sets of cutting data parameters contributes with alower amount of carbon dioxide.

[0093]In an example the production process compris-es a plurality of operations by a plurality of determined15

tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production. A limiting param-eter indicating a maximum production time is entered viaa user interface 400a,400b,400c. The processing circuit-ry 102a,102b,102c will determine a set of cutting dataparameters for each operation, taking the maximum pro-20

duction time into account, that minimizes the total carbondioxide footprint for the production process. The sets ofcutting data parameters will be determined so that toolswith a high manufacturing carbon dioxide footprint will beused with a conservative set of cutting data parameters,25

and tools with a low manufacturing carbon dioxide foot-print will be used with a set of higher cutting data param-eters. In this way, the total carbon dioxide footprint willbe minimized during the production process performedwithin the maximum allowed production time.


[0094]According to some embodiments the carbon di-oxide emission information data is based on at least anyof a determined time when the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is required to process the work-piece material, a de-termined power required to process the work-piece ma-35

terial by the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d, and an energysource composition of one or a plurality of energy sourcespowering the production process.

[0095]Hence, with this embodiment factors that affectthe amount of required energy, and/or the amount of car-40

bon dioxide required to produce the energy is comprisedin the carbon dioxide emission information associatedwith the cutting tool.

[0096]In an example different regions and/or countrieshave different energy source compositions, or energy45

mix, that needs to be taken in consideration. In an exam-ple, the energy source composition may be a mix of bothenergy sources that contributes to a higher carbon diox-ide footprint and energy sources that contributes to alower carbon dioxide footprint.


[0097]According to some embodiments wherein thecarbon dioxide footprint further comprises an amount ofcarbon dioxide emitted before the production process,wherein the carbon dioxide emission information data isbased on at least any of an amount of carbon dioxide55

emitted during manufacturing of the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d, an amount of carbon dioxide emitted duringtransport of the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d, and an ac-cumulated amount of carbon dioxide emitted during pre-



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vious processing by the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.[0098]Hence, with this embodiment a total amount ofcarbon dioxide emitted before the production processcan be taken in consideration when determining the cut-ting tool for production.


[0099]In an example, using a cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d associated with a low amount of carbon dioxide emit-ted when the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d was manufac-tured, in a process requiring a high amount of carbondioxide during the production process, can leave a total10

carbon dioxide footprint that is less or equal to using acutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d associated with a highamount of carbon dioxide emitted when the cutting tool20a,20b,20c,20d was manufactured in a process requir-ing a low amount of carbon dioxide during the production15


[0100]In an example, using a cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d associated with a low amount of carbon dioxide emit-ted during transport of the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d,in a process requiring a high amount of carbon dioxide20

during the production process, can leave a total carbondioxide footprint that is less or equal to using a cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d associated with a high amount ofcarbon dioxide emitted during transport of the cutting tool20a,20b,20c,20d in a process requiring a low amount of25

carbon dioxide during the production process.

[0101]Figure 4 illustrates example schematic data ofamounts of carbon dioxide emitted that are associatedwith a cutting tool. In the example as illustrated in Figure4 different amounts of carbon dioxide emitted before the30

production process is disclosed. In the example theamount of carbon dioxide A-CO2=M is the amount ofcarbon dioxide emitted during manufacturing of the cut-ting tool, the amounts of carbon dioxide B-CO2=N, C-CO2=O, D-CO2=P and E=CO2=Q are different accumu-35

lated amounts of carbon dioxide emitted during previousprocessing by the cutting tool. In the example, the totalamount of carbon dioxide emitted before the productionprocess is hence M+N+O+P+Q.

[0102]According to some embodiments the carbon di-40

oxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is stored in a memory 103a,103b,103c and is associated with a unique machine read-able code of an identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d ofeach cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.


[0103]Hence, with this embodiment each cutting toolis associated with carbon dioxide emission informationdata and the unique machine readable code enables ef-ficient management of the carbon dioxide emission in-formation data for each tool, and further eliminates the50

risk of human errors associated with information read bya human such as mixing different tools with different car-bon dioxide data.

[0104]In an example, the carbon dioxide emission in-formation associated with a cutting tool can be managed,55

e.g. updated dependent on the usage of the cutting tool.[0105]According to some embodiments the cuttingtool for production is determined by comparing the car-


bon dioxide emission information data for each cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d in the set of tools for production,and selecting the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d with thelowest amount of carbon dioxide emitted during the pro-duction process or selecting the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d with the lowest total amount of carbon dioxide emit-ted during the production process and during the manu-facturing of the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0106]Hence, with this embodiment the cutting tool forproduction can be determined based on the lowestamount of carbon dioxide emitted during the productionbut also based on the amount of carbon dioxide emittedduring the manufacturing of the cutting tool.

[0107]According to some embodiments the cuttingtool for production is determined by comparing the car-bon dioxide emission information data for each cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d in the set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production to select the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d with the lowest amount of total carbon dioxideemitted during the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d lifetime.[0108]According to some embodiments the set of cut-ting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production is determinedbased on available cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d from aportfolio of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d, wherein eachcutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is associated with respec-tive carbon dioxide emission information data.

[0109]Hence, with this embodiment available cuttingtools can be limited to a portfolio of cutting tools compris-ing certain cutting tools e.g. dependent on availability ofthe cutting tools at a certain location, e.g. currently avail-able cutting tools present at a production location, or de-pendent on the availability of the cutting tool within a cer-tain time period after ordering of the cutting tool from amanufacturer or supplier of cutting tools.

[0110]According to some embodiments the portfolioof cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d comprising availablecutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d by a manufacturer of cut-ting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d wherein the set of cutting tools20a,20b,20c,20d for production is determined based onthe selected cutting feature, the selected work-piece ma-terial, and further based on the availability of the cuttingtools 20a,20b,20c,20d available for ordering.

[0111]According to some embodiments the portfolioof cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d comprising currentlyavailable cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d at a productionlocation wherein the set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20dfor production is determined based on the selected cut-ting feature and the selected work-piece material that areavailable.

[0112]According to some embodiments the set of cut-ting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production is determinedfrom a group of available cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20dand each available cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is iden-tified by reading, by a reader device 10a,10b,10c, anidentification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d at each cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d wherein the identification marker40a,40b,40c,40d is a machine readable code associatedwith the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.


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[0113]Hence, with this embodiment e.g. an operatorof a machine 50 can use a reader device 10a,10b,10cand identify the currently available cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d at a production location.

[0114]In an example, an operator of a machine 50 canuse the reader device 10a,10b,10c to identify currentlyavailable cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d in a stock of cut-ting tools, or identify currently available cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d present in the vicinity of a machine 50, andbased on the set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d iden-tified by the reader device 10a,10b,10c, determine thecutting tool for production.

[0115]According to some embodiments the carbon di-oxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is obtained by, reading, bya reader device 10a,10b,10c, an identification marker40a,40b,40c,40d at the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20dwherein the identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d is amachine readable code associated with the cutting tool20a,20b,20c,20d and obtaining the carbon dioxide emis-sion information data associated with the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d from the memory 103a,103b,103c.

[0116]The second aspect of this disclosure shows anelectronic device 1a,1b,1c for reducing a carbon dioxidefootprint associated with a production process, whereinthe carbon dioxide footprint comprises at least an amountof carbon dioxide emitted during the production process.The electronic device 1a,1b,1c comprises a processingcircuitry 102a,102b,102c configured to cause the elec-tronic device 1a,1b,1c to obtain a parameter indicativeof a selected cutting feature for production by a cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d, obtain a parameter indicative of aselected work-piece material for production by a cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d. The processing circuitry 102a,102b,102c is further configured to cause the electronicdevice 1a,1b,1c to determine a set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production based on the obtained pa-rameters, and determine a cutting tool for production fromthe determined set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20dbased on carbon dioxide emission information data as-sociated with each cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d in thedetermined set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0117]Hence, with this aspect the cutting tool for pro-duction is selected by comparing carbon dioxide emis-sion information data associated with each cutting toolin the determined set of cutting tools, dependent on theselected cutting feature and the selected work-piece ma-terial.

[0118]According to some embodiments, the electronicdevice 1a,1b,1c further comprises a memory 103a,103b,103c.

[0119]According to some embodiments the process-ing circuitry 102a,102b,102c is further configured to de-termine a set of cutting data parameters for the produc-tion process based on carbon dioxide emission informa-tion data associated with the set of cutting data param-eters.

[0120]Hence, with this embodiment a machine 50 can












be programmed according to the cutting data parametersin order to process the selected work-piece material 70with the cutting tool for production with a reduced carbondioxide footprint.

[0121]According to some embodiments, the process-ing circuitry 102a,102b,102c is further configured tocause the electronic device 1a,1b,1c to obtain at leastone limiting parameter. The processing circuitry 102a,102b,102c is further configured to determine a set of cut-ting data parameters taking the at least one limiting pa-rameter into account.

[0122]Hence, with this embodiment the set of cuttingdata parameters can be determined in respect of at leastone limitation in the production process.

[0123]According to some embodiments the carbon di-oxide emission information data associated with eachcutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is stored in a memory 103a,103b,103c and is associated with a unique machine read-able code of an identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d ofeach cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0124]Hence, with this embodiment each cutting toolis associated with carbon dioxide emission informationdata and the unique machine readable code enables ef-ficient management of the carbon dioxide emission in-formation data for each tool, and further eliminates therisk of human errors associated with information read bya human such as mixing different tools with different car-bon dioxide data.

[0125]Figure 4 illustrates a schematic example howdata can be stored and associated in a memory 103a,103b,103c. In Figure 4 an identification marker is illus-trated as being associated with the stored data. In theexample the unique machine readable code #AA0002 ofthe identification marker is associated with the data com-prising different amounts of carbon dioxide A-CO2=M,B-CO2=N, C-CO2=O, D-CO2=P and E=CO2=Q.

[0126]According to some embodiments the identifica-tion marker 40a,40b,40c,40d is a unique machine read-able code associated with carbon dioxide emission infor-mation data, wherein the carbon dioxide emission infor-mation data comprises an individual carbon dioxide emis-sion information data associated with a specific cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d. In other words, each identificationmarker 40a,40b,40c,40d at each tool part 20a,20b,20c,20d is unique so that no other tool part 20a,20b,20c,20dwill have the very same identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d. This enables the identification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d to be associated with individual carbon dioxideemission information data associated with a specific cut-ting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0127]According to some embodiments the electronicdevice 1a,1b,1c further comprises a reader device 10a,10b,10c configured to read a machine readable code,arranged at a cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d, wherein thereader device 10a,10b,10c is operatively connected tothe processing circuitry 102a,102b,102c, and theprocessing circuitry 102a,102b,102c is further configuredto cause the electronic device 1a,1b,1c to determine the



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set of cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production froma group of available cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d where-in each available cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d is identi-fied by, reading, by the reader device 10a,10b,10c, anidentification marker 40a,40b,40c,40d at each cutting5

tool 20a,20b,20c,20d wherein the identification marker40a,40b,40c,40d is a machine readable code associatedwith the cutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0128]Hence, with this embodiment e.g. an operatorof a machine can use a reader device and identify the10

currently available cutting tools at a production location.[0129]Figure 3 illustrates an example electronic de-vice 1a with a reader device 10a configured to read amachine readable code 40a,40b,40c,40d, arranged at acutting tool 20a,20b,20c,20d according to embodiments15

of the present disclosure. In the example as illustrated inFigure 3 the electronic device 1a is a smartphone andthe reader device 10a is the camera of the smartphone.The camera 10a reads the machine readable codes 40a,40b,40c,40d of the cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d, in form20

of cutting inserts, that are in front of the smartphone. Eachmachine readable code 40a,40b,40c,40d is associatedwith the respective the cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d thatare identified and used for determining the set of cuttingtools 20a,20b,20c,20d for production to further determine25

the cutting tool for production out from the set of cuttingtools 20a,20b,20c,20d. In an example, this is particularuseful when there are only a limited number of cuttingtools 20a,20b,20c,20d available and it is desired to re-duce the carbon dioxide footprint of the production proc-30

ess by determining the cutting tool for production basedon the available cutting tools 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0130]According to some embodiments the process-ing circuitry 102a,102b,102c of the electronic device 1a,1b,1c is further configured to obtain the carbon dioxide35

emission information data associated with the cutting tool20a,20b,20c,20d from a memory 103a,103b,103c basedon the machine readable code associated with the cuttingtool 20a,20b,20c,20d.

[0131]Hence, with this embodiment carbon dioxide40

emission information data is accessible by the electronicdevice and can be used for determining the cutting toolfor production.

[0132]According to some embodiments, the carbondioxide emission information data is obtained by decod-45

ing the unique machine readable code of the identifica-tion marker 40a,40b,40c,40d and from the decoded in-formation obtain carbon dioxide emission information da-ta.

[0133]Hence, with this embodiment information about50

the carbon dioxide emission can be coded and stored inthe unique machine readable code itself that is availableon the cutting tool.

[0134]According to some embodiments, the carbondioxide emission information data is obtained by com-55

paring the unique machine readable code with associa-tion data and the carbon dioxide emission informationdata associated with the unique machine readable code


is obtained from a memory 103a,103b,103c.

[0135]Hence, with this embodiment carbon dioxideemission information data can be stored in a memorythat e.g. is a remote memory 103c, and the carbon diox-ide emission information data can be stored and man-aged by a cutting tool manufacturer for a cutting tool cus-tomer.

[0136]The third aspect of this disclosure shows a com-puter program product comprising a non-transitory com-puter readable medium, having thereon a computer pro-gram comprising program instructions, the computer pro-gram being loadable into a processing circuitry 102a,102b,102c and configured to cause execution of themethod when the computer program is run by theprocessing circuitry 102a,102b,102c.

[0137]The person skilled in the art realizes that thepresent disclosure is not limited to the preferred embod-iments described above. The person skilled in the artfurther realizes that modifications and variations are pos-sible within the scope of the appended claims. Addition-ally, variations to the disclosed embodiments can be un-derstood and effected by the skilled person in practicingthe claimed disclosure, from a study of the drawings, thedisclosure, and the appended claims.


A method for reducing a carbon dioxide footprint as-sociated with a production process, wherein the car-bon dioxide footprint comprises at least an amountof carbon dioxide emitted during the production proc-ess, the method comprising:

- (S1) obtaining a parameter indicative of a se-lected cutting feature for production by a cuttingtool (20a,20b,20c,20d);

- (S2) obtaining a parameter indicative of a se-lected work-piece material for production by acutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d);

- (S3) determining a set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) for production based on the ob-tained parameters; and

- (S4) determining a cutting tool for productionfrom the determined set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) based on carbon dioxide emissioninformation data associated with each cuttingtool (20a,20b,20c,20d) in the determined set ofcutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d).


The method according to claim 1, further comprises:determining a set of cutting data parameters for theproduction process based on carbon dioxide emis-sion information data associated with the set of cut-ting data parameters.


The method according to any preceding claim,wherein the production process comprises plural op-


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erations by different cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d)and the carbon dioxide footprint comprises at leasta total amount of carbon dioxide emitted during theproduction process by the different cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d), and wherein determining each cuttingtool for production for each operation in the produc-ting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) from a portfolio of cut-ting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d), wherein each cuttingtool (20a,20b,20c,20d) is associated with respectivecarbon dioxide emission information data.



The method according to any preceding claim,tion process is based on a carbon dioxide contribu-tion by each cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) in eachoperation for reducing a total carbon dioxide footprintfor the production process.10


The method according to any preceding claim,wherein the carbon dioxide emission information da-ta is based on at least any of a determined time whenthe cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) is required to proc-15

ess the work-piece material; a determined power re-quired to process the work-piece material by the cut-ting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d); and an energy sourcecomposition of one or a plurality of energy sourcespowering the production process.



The method according to any preceding claimwherein the carbon dioxide footprint further compris-es an amount of carbon dioxide emitted before theproduction process, wherein the carbon dioxide25

emission information data is based on at least anyof an amount of carbon dioxide emitted during man-ufacturing of the cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d), anamount of carbon dioxide emitted during transportof the cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d), and an accu-30

mulated amount of carbon dioxide emitted duringprevious processing by the cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d).


The method according to any preceding claim,35

wherein the carbon dioxide emission information da-ta associated with each cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) is stored in a memory (103a,103b,103c) and isassociated with a unique machine readable code ofan identification marker (40a,40b,40c,40d) of each40

cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d).


The method according to any preceding claim,wherein the cutting tool for production is determinedby comparing the carbon dioxide emission informa-45

tion data for each cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) inthe set of tools for production, and selecting the cut-ting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) with the lowest amountof carbon dioxide emitted during the production proc-ess, or selecting the cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d)50

with the lowest total amount of carbon dioxide emit-ted during the production process and during themanufacturing and/or transport of the cutting tool(20a,20b,20c,20d).



The method according to any preceding claim,wherein the set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d)for production is determined based on available cut-


wherein the set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d)for production is determined from a group of availa-ble cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) and each avail-able cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) is identified byreading, by a reader device (10a,10b,10c), an iden-tification marker (40a,40b,40c,40d) at each cuttingtool (20a,20b,20c,20d) wherein the identificationmarker (40a,40b,40c,40d) is a machine readablecode associated with the cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d).

10.An electronic device (1a,1b,1c) for reducing a carbon

dioxide footprint associated with a production proc-ess, wherein the carbon dioxide footprint comprisesat least an amount of carbon dioxide emitted duringthe production process, the electronic device (1a,1b,1c) comprises:

a processing circuitry (102a,102b,102c) configuredto cause the electronic device (1a,1b,1c) to:

- obtain a parameter indicative of a selected cut-ting feature for production by a cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d); obtain a parameter indicative ofa selected work-piece material for production bya cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d);

- determine a set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) for production based on the obtained pa-rameters; and

- determine a cutting tool for production from thedetermined set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) based on carbon dioxide emission informa-tion data associated with each cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) in the determined set of cuttingtools (20a,20b,20c,20d).

11.The electronic device (1a,1b,1c) according to claim

10, wherein the processing circuitry (102a,102b,102c) is further configured to:

- determine a set of cutting data parameters forthe production process based on carbon dioxideemission information data associated with theset of cutting data parameters.

12.The electronic device (1a,1b,1c) according to any of

the claims 10-11, wherein the carbon dioxide emis-sion information data associated with each cuttingtool (20a,20b,20c,20d) is stored in a memory (103a,103b,103c) and is associated with a unique machinereadable code of an identification marker (40a,40b,40c,40d) of each cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d).


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13.The electronic device (1a,1b,1c) according to claim

any of the claims 10-12, wherein the electronic de-vice (1a,1b,1c) further comprises:

a reader device (10a,10b,10c) configured to read amachine readable code, arranged at a cutting tool(20a,20b,20c,20d); wherein the reader device (10a,10b,10c) is operatively connected to the processingcircuitry (102a,102b,102c), and the processing cir-cuitry (102a,102b,102c) is further configured tocause the electronic device (1a,1b,1c) to:

- determine the set of cutting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) for production from a group of available cut-ting tools (20a,20b,20c,20d) wherein each avail-able cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) is identifiedby, reading, by the reader device (10a,10b,10c),an identification marker (40a,40b,40c,40d) ateach cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) wherein theidentification marker (40a,40b,40c,40d) is a ma-chine readable code associated with the cuttingtool (20a,20b,20c,20d).

14.The electronic device (1a,1b,1c) according to claim

13, wherein the processing circuitry (102a,102b,102c) of the electronic device (1a,1b,1c) is furtherconfigured to:

- obtain the carbon dioxide emission informationdata associated with the cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d) from a memory (103a,103b,103c)based on the machine readable code associat-ed with the cutting tool (20a,20b,20c,20d).

15.A computer program product (500) comprising a

non-transitory computer readable medium, havingthereon a computer program comprising program in-structions, the computer program being loadable intoa processing circuitry (102a,102b,102c) and config-ured to cause execution of the method according toany of claims 1-9 when the computer program is runby the processing circuitry (102a,102b,102c).













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