专利名称:Data protection using virtual-machine-specific stable system values
发明人:Ajay Venkateshan
Narasimhan,Robert Polansky,MagnusNyström
摘要:A virtual machine on a physical host computer provides controlled access toprotected data by creating and storing a “stored system fingerprint” from stablesystem values (SSVs) as existing when creating the stored system fingerprint. The SSVsinclude virtual-machine-specific values that change upon cloning the virtual machine (VM)but do not change upon migration of the VM. Upon a request for access to the protecteddata, a current system fingerprint is calculated from the SSVs as existing when processingthe request, the current system fingerprint is compared to the stored system fingerprintto determine whether there is a predetermined degree of matching, and the requestedaccess to the protected data is permitted only if there is the predetermined degree ofmatching.
申请人:Ajay Venkateshan Krishnaprasad,Parasuraman Narasimhan,RobertPolansky,Magnus Nyström
地址:Stony Brook NY US,Hyderabad IN,Westwood MA US,Sammamish WA US