

%26%%3% 2006 6 Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection w%iu!k%~~%~~ Vo1.26 No.3 Jun. 2006 #i2: H%E%E!B&FB%%,X %%J;jlt$FKiQ4S!E X %%4fi%4W!&f. Ni- P &&BESEIH%@,tN&B %@J,H tB&E$i$~@%t&@f%,.,T Ni- P &&BEG NazS%%~m&@~'i%,%8~~&@~~7 Ni- P $?&BE ?!E6flilQb ,TFlR?B!&B Na2S %%!=l'm@%@!il%$.%%%Vl :Ni-P &&SB[E%IF&E@E,%EI8&@8%@; G Na2S R?B%%-ab!l%#T,Ni- P $?&BER@HPB@8E@tBbHfl&,RkE%%%$$. XSi?: 4kWB a%&& 4F&Z I@!&$ qm%%4: TG146 ftW%iP\\a: A ftS14: 1005-4537(2006)03-0157-03 H AXISULTRA X &%jk$?$lki%W@li2@ E@*f. H JSM - 6700F %E&a%$?5!@@? T(%S?Em%%, XRD - 7000s ?d X H%?fi&WeVi @E46&, Gf$.?%H Cu R. %%!&@HX#%-@~-%~@, @X#Sfi E3~ 1 cm2 f'F%@f%E, #&35+H%%HJl2%%f. 6%R&e%aT&EE&&4k%R&, %RE $3141 P&&%35EB s2- ?JI&[~,~]. $3C&%@f%b938 RE&I+T, A*BBEEXtk% NI - P &&@ ER&'Em%nfi, slk%%%%& N~~S.~H$fi%)%%@7KR%!lfib!z. 3&I?B%$Rkm%@JZ%H=$$R@%, !-2 t%$$R%%@J$$R, @NjFn%$$R%& tL&$R. 3$ !Elt;t;%Z?& GX - 1 2fiZ!g%E&%,mv - 7c @&!$IX.LM~OA - 200~ - Y iE3!W%&. 8js $ $$&$!$@JBrf1'87% 15 min-20 rnin, 2 mV/s. EL%EB%l %H DK - 98 - I &TJE%7k% 4%. *P$tR$IGNilHjr.lT@iFnjFnZ&tfi$IG. ~O(~&k43E$@dZ%HZEB%, &@B&KGS# !%B~~$kit%~&&~~. 3 %%SiM 3.1 Ni - P e&@E?!?m%%!.t).;ffi 1 11.98mass% P m&&@EtYJSm% @.Rr@, SrnB47iF5%/J\\+-mmtk%!l7 3EEB T2&@t8$$1mI~@,zA,%?L,%~@%u%%* @,% Ni - P $?&@I'fij%P~b, %!-2%!%P~b3!&@L j%,%GB%&t-EeEE%, m?2@EmLkErn@ s, B%Ehfi;TFLGmhtkm&b%, FPS@%&iF$ J!k?im€l :Rm~aBm~&~H\"sRm~%M3%&B&~% ~tk@[']. ZqN, q-N!i $L%- !&P #@E&e~\"(02jclS) ++*~fi:~m. 1957 +r, $:. B*, aa. raFR;:7Fir;ilaa:netlR WF@HSm, 2EEB2&#BuIE%&ER@. El231 8s 8 118: 2005-10-25 W%%P /. 11.98mass%~@%ffb~!1~&%?%&~. q9, Ni P - Fig. 1 SEM morphology uf electroles Ui - P coating at 82 C - 90 \"C' for 3 h Fig. 2 S - ray tliffract~on pattern of elecrroleu: Ni - P coating ~&@E~jfi~~Yj~~& E264&I7 B%IE& S*&S *+U4$%, ,!!Rgl&~ b?26t&I, RFrdS!%t3&J$2$ +&I, +%tt:&%(@tfi,&%+n% :-+H, &$i+~@& MII-~~Qa-1 ~ER~-~G~~~F!~,I ~~EJ~J,E 1' q.~-I~~-g-p~~jpj,+'$. 3.2 Ni - P Na2S %i6qKlilii;f@$k 3.2.1 Na2S +g3t Ni- P f,&$&4L6%~6tl;$;'ob 171 3 $2 22 0\"(: Na2S (mass%) %XI+ ,YJ l.O?,h, 1.5% .2.0(!~0,2.5%mfiE? tfi- P %Em&&@ %.EJXD, l%Z Na2S ~E@@$LI, +Bfk@l%6%, h% tk%i%%A~l, GPEl+R4RIklX&$X%4kB&. 3 &E@ fiuTll- 0.2 v Fi?ZK$, i@&&i%jTA~?&/l\\, &E@fi~ ZU o v &6, ZiL%%@Au;@i3i&$T?2&, &a% MjIkE, ~fl~&~&$fiR5jl]-~~!J;f, @ Ni- P @ E&EiiJff&bI~k. Na2S $@KJ@fiRbRBTJ@~E Emk!&idf?, + qu$% Ni - P Na2S fiE IYJR~~!%J I# tRtEIkE%4 tYJlt%&i3ti?. 3.2.2 B&fx$ ~iP -%!&$a4L%T%b6tl;Bi/ob 4 ?J 2.5rnass0! Na2S, gE% 20 \"C.40 \"C.60 C. 80 YB$Ni - ~@E&&4km%..B, i%S$EZ& Fig.3 Polarization curves of NI - P coatings in Na2S solu different percent at 20 C 0 4, I Fig. 4 Polarization curves of Ni - P coatings in 2.5mass% Na2S solution at different temperatures *i%, Ri&$fiti&2k. @rn+R+R.kEER: 3EE% 20 \"C .40 \"C !J$, rn&$R&E&%%&, %&ebEi% iEEft-&fi9%.3&ZSEBTEEft-S, B&, B@!BEZ ~um$+R~~@!P!kIYJ&E~F&i ~ s2-26*, @&E &E!k&%&@. %%E?fi%%d 60 \"C .80 \"C El$, +R~BI~@I%~#ZG+~, R@!P,~K@AII, I$@!$aB. Fa $R$R&@f%-f?%R, $E 60 \"C ,80 \"C B$$k&%%TflA li&,3BQ%$EESi%#~T, fifitt!~&Fe%?+i%, O2 $U s2- &F%~JUB, $E~%&ESEIYJ%#%~E$U ,W, an;&TRt!k. 3.2.3 ~iP -f$hZi&+k&98llE $i],qg@&i!I] ZTI~%!CE, TlqEB%% Na2S %$&+ Ni - P @ Eb?JBf&;IE%XB 5. .R, 20 \"C %i'FT Ni - P &BEm@f&B%G@+%%;T$2+9&Tk, 5i jE#m Na2S %@!@J$f:if. & 60 \"C ,80 \"C%#F, i%Na2S E@%&~@AU, Ni - P %&@Em@&B ~&%%EfEIGft-G~?E~fk&%, 2&Z?ZEhT@ N~~s< 1 .5mass% b?Jx !3l Na2S E5i?i%&m@aR fin;gT Ni- P %&@Ea&@b?Jflf&, 3 Na2S i& FI1 1.5rnass% G48@%fi~, 'ifi%@E5%, i%i-%'EE w [ 11 Bu Q M. Wen L, Jiang H, et al. On high sulfur crude oil induced cor- rosion of processing equipment and countermeasures[J] . Corr. Sci. Prot.Techno1. ,2002,14(6):362364 ( I,!!?E, ah, %a%.~%MZABGi(ifi2&m@~%%!!?i(f% 2002,14(6) :362 - 364) 0 8 12 16 20 24 [Jl .@a%%%pjs@@$, Na-S content 1 % Fig. 5 Corrosion rates of Ni - P coatings in Na2S solution at dif- ferent temperatures and mass percent for 240 h( corrosion time is 1512 h at 20 C) [21 Jiang X X, Shen W. 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JCS: HE%I& &kk$k, 1999.10 - 16) CORROSION RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLESS PLATING Ni - P ALLOY COATING IN SULFUR - BEARING SOLUTION FENG Lajun, MA Xiaoju, LEI Ali (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi ' an University of Technology, Xi 'an 710048) Abstract: Surface morphologies, ingredients and structure of electroless ~lating Ni - P alloy coatings were inves- tigated using field emission scanning electron microscope, X - ray photoelectron spectrometer and X - ray diffrac- tion instrument, the corrosion behavior of Ni - P alloy coatings in Na2S solution was studied by potentiostatic po- larization method and the corrosion rate of Ni - P alloy coatings was measured in different concentration of Na2S solutions at different temperatures by gravimetric method. Experiment results indicate that the amorphous Ni - P plating is deposited with cellular structure on the surface. 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