




1.Archipelagic sea lane passage群岛海道通过

p.3322.straight baseline直线基线

p.3073.exclusive economic zone专署经济区

p.3194.Martens clause

5.jus cogens强行法


7.neutralized states中立国

p.77/p.7008.the sector principle扇形原则


10.natural prolongation principles自然延长原则

11.pacta sunt servanda约定必须遵守

p.20912.principle of effectiveness有效原则

13.par in parem non habet jurisdictionem平等者之间无管辖权


p.28615.jus sanguinis血统主义

p.11716.rebus sic stantibus


18.extra territorial asylum领事庇护、域外庇护

19.a delict jure genetium


21.international comity国际法院

22.Drago Doctrine

23.trust territories



26.signature ad referendum暂签

p.19827.continental shelf大陆架

p.32128.Westphalia Congress维斯特法利亚国会/立法会

29.Diplomatic Corps外交团

p.24330.the legation premises使馆(外交人员的经营场所)


32.the peaceful co-existence principle和平共处原则


34.Full Power全权证书

35.change's daffaires


37.letter of Credence国书

p.24038.NiZhengyu;LiHaopei;ShiJiuyong;He Qizhi;Zhaolihai

39.Caonnally Reservation

40.Law-making contract造法性条约

41.Super-national Law超国法

42.the right of collective self-defence集体自卫权

43.jus non scriptum44.the nation's penal obligation国家刑事责任

p.60645.International Usage/ International Custom国际习惯/国际惯例

46.Instant International Customary Law

47.persona non grata不受欢迎的人

p.23948.Lateran Treaty拉忒兰条约

49.consular privileges and immunities领事人员特权与豁免p.263/外交特权与豁免

p.24550.effective control有效控制

51. aut dedere aut punire 引渡或仲裁

52. transit passage 过渡条款

53. Sector Principle 扇形原则

54. Asylum 庇护

55. erga omnes obligations 各国对国际社会承担的责任

56. Lauterpacht;Grotius;Austin 劳特派特、格老秀斯、奥斯汀

58. opinio juris法律确信

59. Optional Compulsory Jurisdiction

60. Jus ad Bellum

61. Extradition 引渡

62. Environment Impact Assessment 环境影响评估(?)

63. Double vote 双重否决

64. High Seas公海

65. Right of visit登临权

66. Right of Hot Pursuit

67. Transit Passage 通过权

68. Parrallel Exploitation System平行开发制

69. Prescription 时效

70. Special Mission 特别使团


1. de jure recognition / de facto recognition 法律承认/事实上的承认

2. Good office / mediation / Conciliation斡旋/调停/协商、和解

p.6363. Initialling / siganature ad referendum

p.1984. Revision / Amendent / Modification修订/修正案/更改

p.2135. territorial Asylum / extra-territorial Asylum域内庇护/域外庇护

p.1406. Universal Jurisdiction / protective Jurisdiction普遍管辖权/保护性管辖权

7. Right of self-preservation自保权

p.798. rendition投降

9. retorsion / reprisal报复/报复性掳掠

10. right of innocent passage / right of transit passage无害通过权/通过权

p.31611. exequatur / letter of Credence

12. authentication / signature认证/签署

p.19813. international delinquency14. indemnity / reparation


1.Fraus Omnia Comunpit

2.lex loci re sitae

3.state immunity国家豁免权

4.characteristic performance

5.remission revoi一级反致

6.Bustamante Code布斯塔曼特法典

7.lex loci solutionis合同履行地法

8.lex volutatis当事人合意选择的法律


10.Renvoi au second degre

11.Migratory marriage

12.Bona vacantia

13.Interregional conflicts law区际法律冲突

14.act jure gestionis

15.putative marriage事实婚姻

16.locus regit actum (in arbitration law)场所支配行为

17.the proper law of the arbitration agreement仲裁协议所适用的准据法18.ana-national or denationalized approach开除国籍的手段

19.jurisdiction concerning the jurisdiction (in arbitration law)

20.the collected jurisdiction

21.favor validitatis / ut res magis valeat quam pereat (in arbitration law)

22.severability of arbitration clause可分离的仲裁条款

23.the jurisdiction doctrine under internet circumstance在英特网环境下的管辖权原则24.pro-arbitration专家仲裁

25.theory of Party-autonomic意思自治说

26. law District 法律管辖权

27. Amiable Arbitration

28. Ad Hoc Arbitration

29. rule of double actionability 双重可诉原则

30. Mandatory rules 强制性规定

30. domicile of choice 住所地的选择

31. preliminary question 先决问题

32. Inderect Renovi 间接反致

33. lex causae

34. lex loci delicti

35. formula of attribution 归属的惯例

36.Reese;Fuld;Cavers;Cook;Rabel;Dicey; Mancini:Beale;Savigny;Story;Huber;Bartolus里斯、富德、卡弗斯、库克、拉沛尔、戴赛、孟西尼、?、萨维尼、施托里、胡伯、巴托鲁斯

37. Severability of Arbitration Agreement 可分离的仲裁条款

38. the collected jurisdiction of China middle court

39. local law theory本国法学说

40. Comitas Gentium

41. bilateral conflict rules 双边冲突规范

42. depecage

43. lex arbitri 仲裁法

44. Proper law doctrine 准据法原则


1.passing of Risk


p.1623.review mechanism in WTO

4.Cumulative assessment

5.Government Procurement

6.Safeguard Measures保障措施

p.547.deductive value (in customs valuation)扣减价格

8.the new development of WTOWTO 的新发展

9.the protection measure of Intellectual Property under internet circumstance在因特网情形下的知识产权的保护措施

10.Hard loan(in international financial law)硬贷款

p.43311.Principle of Transparency透明度原则

p.4912.Safeguard Measures保障措施



15.Method of Tax Deduction扣除法

p.60016.Subsidy and Countervailing Measures

17.bill of exchange汇票

p.23618.holding company控股公司

19.general average contribution共同海损分摊费用

p.17620.Risk of Renege

21.occupational work

22.Tax haven避税港

p.61523.confirmed credit保兑信用证

p.17624.passing of risks

25.non-recourse loan

26.parallel importation平行进口

p.56027.Despatch money

28.back to back L/C;revolving L/C;reciprocal L/C对背信用证/循环信用证/对开信用证

p.26029.Anti-circumvention clause

30.Restrictive Business practice

31.grace period (as in intellectual property)

32.Tax sparing


1. venture capital

2. exchange dumping

3. fundamental breach of contract

4. symbolic delivery

5. trust receipt

6. cross sector retaliation (as in WTO)

5. gray-area measures

6. MAI(as in Investment)

7. Umbrella clause

8. grand-father clause

9. Indirect Credit(as in tax)

10. Commitment letter (as in financial)

11. Pari Passu Covenant

12. standby L/C

13. Anti-Dated B/L

14. calvo doctrine

15. Geographical Indications(as in intellectual property)

16. Derivative Work (as in intellectual property)

17. Parallel Importation

18. WTO new Agenda (2003)

19. cumulative assessment

20. neighboring rights (as in intellectual property)

说明:这里有个词是FCA,这个词的意思很简单,货交承运人,但是请大家留意这个术语的发展,即装货和卸载的义务,这才是要考的知识点。Incoterms2000对此做出了新的规定。从这种意义上说,我们列的名词解释也可以演化为简答题或是比较题、论述题。这些需要大家留意。“一个词就是一个知识点,一个考点”。这些词可能都不会考,甚至可能不考名词解释,但是这些知识点对于一个国际法的硕士研究生却是基础的。也有些题可能是超纲的,如locus regit actum(in arbitration law)仲裁协议签订地法,这就要求我们在考试时要有面对陌生词的预期,不要害怕。要坚持把题目做完,不要在个别题目上过于在意,影响自己的发挥。还需要注意的是,每个考试都有重点难点,这个毋庸置疑,但是建议大家把时间多花在基础知识的掌握上,不要过多的押题、猜题。



1.WMO(World Meteorological Organization),世界气象组织

2.WHO( World Health Organization).世界卫生组织

3.ILO(InternationalLabor Organization),国际劳工组织

4.UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织

5.ICAO(International Civil Aeronautics Organization.)国际民航组织6.IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency),国际原子能组织

7.ITU(International Telecommunications Union),国际电信同盟

8.UPU (Universal Postal Union),万国邮政联盟


10.IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织

11.IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development).国际复兴与开发银行

12.IFC(International Finance Corporation),国际金融组织

13.IDA(International Development association), 国际开发协会

14.WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization),世界知识产权组织15.IFAD(International Fund for Agricultural Development), 国际农业发展基金
