专利名称:Image forming apparatus and color
converting method thereof
发明人:Jin-kyung Hong,Jae-min Shin,In-ho
Park,Woo-ri Choi
摘要:An image forming apparatus including a scanning unit to scan an image and tooutput corresponding digital color coordinates; a determining unit to determine a local
color gamut including the digital color coordinates, based on a reference matrixcomputed from a standard color gamut, which includes the local color gamut, and theplurality of digital color coordinates; a matrix selecting unit to select a color conversionmatrix that corresponds to the determined local color gamut; and a computing unit tocompute LAB color coordinates based on the selected color conversion matrix and thedigital color coordinates. A method of color conversion using the image formingapparatus is also provided.
申请人:Jin-kyung Hong,Jae-min Shin,In-ho Park,Woo-ri Choi
地址:Seoul KR,Seoul KR,Suwon-si KR,Suwon-si KR
代理机构:Staas & Halsey LLP