Brief Introduction
Of Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School
History:Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School was set up in 1993, which was
public school under the control of _uhui District, Shanghai local government. In August, 2
the school became a private school, Wang Junjin from Junyao Group is the school directoWang _iaoping is the vice-director, Zhang Yueying is the principal and the party branch
secretary, the school is a private non-enterprise unit, it runs the principal responsibility
system under the leadership of the school board. The school is a model unit of Shanghai s
community. In ____, the school undertook Public Kangjian Foreign Language E_perimentaPrimary School which was submitted by Educational Bureau of _uhui District. 办学理念:让孩子走向世界,让世界走进学校。
Philosophy:“Let the students embrace the world; let the world be the part of the school 办学目标:令人尊敬的高生长性的学园 Aims:respectful high-developing campus
培养目标:有教养的有竞争力的国际型后备人才竞争力我们可以用世外梦想(DREAM)来演绎,D具有能负责(Duty),敢冒险(Risk),能领先(Elite), 会实践(Action),能思考(Mind)的涵义,了学校希望通过教育赋予学生受益一生的品质。WFL DREAM是学生与教师共同成长,彼此统一的目不但用来诠释学生的培养,同样指引着教师,以此奠定校园文化的基础。
School Mission: WFL Dream stands for good-mannered, competitive international talent
stands for Duty, R stands for Risk, E stands for Elite, A stands for Action, M stands for M
which symbolizes that the school hopes the students will get all the life-long merits throu
education. WFL Dream is not only for the development of the students but also for the
teachers’ development as well. It guides the teachers and consolidate the foundation of tschool culture.
School Size: The school has two campuses, East Campus and West Campus. East campus
12050 square meters, surface area of school building is 8272 square meters, 10 specialis
room, 2 reading room, which is 156 square meters, indoor and outdoor playgrounds are 42
square meters, West Campus is 10665 square meters, surface area of school building is 6
square meters, 6 specialist room, 1 reading room which is 148 square meters, 1 lab, indoor
outdoor playgrounds are 3498 square meters. The average amount of school library book
46 books/person. All of the facilities cost 5873068.16yuan. The school has 3 departmen
Local Department, International Department, PYP Department (International Baccalaure
Organization), 55 classes, 1647 students, 149 teaching staffs in all, 137 teachers, the rat
teachers/students is 1:12, among the teachers, 9 senior high ranked teachers, which sta
for 7% of all, 129 teachers have bachelor degree, which stands for 94% of all, 2
retiredrehired specialist teachers, which stands for 1.5% of all.
济上有竞争力、在政治上有影响力、在形象上有亲和力、在道义上感召力”的人打下基础。 School curriculum: Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School creates “DREAM
Curriculum System” which has 4 parts, Art and Culture, Science and Technology, Sports
Health, Social and Practice in order to develop the students to be the world citizens that
has Chinese spirits and cater to the social needs and challenges in the future. We combineinternationalism and localization together, take the advantages of different countries’
education, restructure the imported curriculum, engage it with national culture,
and buildour own curriculum system, which benefits our students a lot within the reform of the
curriculum and the international curriculum, it lays the good foundation to help the stude
become “competitive in economy, influential in politics, easygoing in self-image, principledmorality”.
School Awards: National Labor Day Rewards, National Feature School,
National English Teaching Model School, Shanghai Model Unit, Shanghai Quality-Educatio
E_perimental School, Shanghai Family Education Model Unit, Shanghai Moral Education MUnit, Shanghai Behavior Model School etc. which has typical feature of international education.
校风: 求实、求趣、求新、求精。 教风: 勤奋、坚毅、创造、忘我。 学风: 勤学、深思、创新、发展。
在同一片蓝天里, 我们手拉手,
唱起ABC and do re mi, 唱起ABC and do re mi。 我们自尊自爱, 我们自信自强, 我们自尊自爱, 我们自信自强,
我们要做,我们要做中国的小主人。 我们要做出色的中国人。 在同一个地球上, 我们心连心,
唱起ABC and do re mi, 唱起ABC and do re mi。 我们拥有我们,我们走向世界, 我们拥有我们,我们走向世界, 我们要做,我们要做出色的中国人。