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Molded article and venting assembly for a rotating


专利名称:Molded article and venting assembly for a

rotating mold

发明人:Steven M Cron申请号:US13220959申请日:20110830公开号:US08991455B2公开日:20150331


摘要:A molded article comprises an outer interface element, an inner interfaceelement, and a plurality of web spokes positioned therebetween. The common surfacesof the inner and outer interface elements and a pair of adjacent web spokes form a void

space. The surface of at least a portion of an interface element common to one of thevoids has an edge radius with a variation from a maximum radius at a circumferentiallocation corresponding to a mid point between a pair of adjacent web spokes to aminimum radius at a circumferential location corresponding to the intersection of theinterface element with the web spoke.

申请人:Steven M Cron

地址:Simpsonville SC US


代理人:John Steckler Schwab

