专利名称:Federated back up of availability groups发明人:Nikhil Ambastha,Elango
Chockalingam,Vedavathi Ht,ManjeshVenkatanarayana Chikkanayakanahally,SunilYadav
摘要:Federated back up of availability groups is described. A system identifies
multiple availability groups scheduled for backup. The system logs in to a structuredquery language instance on an active node, identifies a primary replica for the firstavailability group, identifies a backup preference for the first availability group based onthe primary replica for the first availability group, and identifies the backup preferencefor the first availability group as a preferred node for backing up the first availabilitygroup if the backup preference for the first availability group is on-line. The systemconfigures backup storage based on a name of a cluster of nodes associated with theavailability groups. The system backs up the first availability group based on thepreferred node for the first availability group in parallel with backing up the secondavailability group based on a preferred node identified for the second availability group.
申请人:EMC Corporation
地址:Hopkinton MA US
代理机构:Dergosits & Noah LLP
代理人:Todd A. Noah