专利名称:Apparatus and method for conveying and
vacuuming fibrous insulation material
发明人:Milton L. Gerber申请号:US11225698申请日:20050913公开号:US07144203B2公开日:20061205
摘要:A method and apparatus for conveying and vacuuming fibrous insulationmaterial. A blower provides an air flow stream through an insulation feeder and aconveying hose for application of the insulation. The air flow stream velocity is selectively
controlled responsive to a velocity sensor and/or a pressure sensor between the blowerand insulation feeder. Preferably, an air valve connected between the blower outlet andthe atmosphere is controlled responsive to the velocity sensor for thereby adjusting andcontrolling the air flow stream velocity. The insulation feed rate is controlled in responseto the air flow pressure between the blower and feeder. An air separator and vacuumhose are selectively connected to the blower inlet such that the blower provides both anair vacuum flow stream through the separator and vacuum hose and a conveying air flowstream through the insulation feeder and conveying hose. An air vacuum valve selectivelyallows atmospheric air to enter into the blower inlet thereby controlling the vacuum airflow stream.
申请人:Milton L. Gerber
地址:818 S. Prentiss Bay, P.O. Box 427 Cedarville MI 49719 US
代理人:George Pappas