专利名称:Image sensor with pixels having multiple
capacitive storage elements
发明人:Alexander I. Krymski申请号:US11401459申请日:20060411
摘要:An apparatus has a pixel that includes (i) a buffer transistor having an input, (ii)first and second capacitive storage elements each of which selectively can be coupled tothe input of the buffer transistor, and (iii) a photosensitive element having an output
which selectively can be coupled to the input of the buffer transistor. A readout circuitselectively can be coupled to an output of the buffer transistor. A first signal level,sensed by the photosensitive element, can be stored by the first capacitive storageelement, and a second signal level, sensed by the photosensitive element, can be storedby the second capacitive storage element. The first and second signal levels can be readout from the pixel.
申请人:Alexander I. Krymski
地址:Montrose CA US