第6章 性能因素
6.1 Analysis of Over-all Performance.
The analysis of air heater performance is confined to the following considerations: 6.1.1 Comparison of test thermal performance with design. 6.1.2 Comparison of test air leakage with design.
6.1.3 Comparison of test air and gas side pressure loss with design. 6.2 Operating Conditions.
Conditions which affect the air heater performance and which should be given special consideration are:
6.2.1 Quantity of air passing through the air heater. 6.2.2 Temperature of air entering the air heater.
6.2.3 Recalculating or bypassing of air to control cold-end temperature.
6.2.4 Tempering air and setting infiltration which did not pass through the air heater. 6.2.5 Air heater leakage-condition of s e a l s .
6.2.6 Quantity of gas passing through the air heater. 6.2.7 Temperature of gas entering the air heater. 6.2.8 Fouled or corroded elements or tubes. 6.3 Thermal Performance. 6.1分析过的所有性能。
空气加热器的性能分析,只限于以下考虑: 6.1.1设计比较热性能测试。
6.1.3比较测试空气和气体侧压力损失的设计。 6.2运行条件。
条件影响空气预热器的性能和应给予特殊考虑是: 6.2.1数量通过空气加热器通过空气。 6.2.2温度的空气进入空气预热器。 6.2.3空气循环或绕过管制冷端温度。
6.2.4回火渗透空气和环境的不通过空气预热器。 6.2.5空气加热器泄漏的病情的一个e丰桥。 6.2.6数量通过空气加热器放屁。 6.2.7温度的气体进入空气预热器。 6.2.8犯规或腐蚀元素或管。 6.3热性能。
A very important factor in evaluating the thermal performance of an air heater is X-Ratio. This faetor is nondimensional and is obtained during test by recording gas side in and out temperatures, air side in and out temperatures and Orsat readings at gas inlet and outlet. From the latter two readings the air leakage to the gas side is obtained in pounds per pound of wet gas and permits correction of the test temperature of gas out to temperature of gas out with zero air heater leakage. The use of the X-Ratio accounts partially for differences between test and design values of air heater exit gas temperatures. The X-Ratio is also affected by tempering air flow, sealing air flows, setting infiltration and in some arrangements by gas recirculation.
在评价一个空气预热器热性能的非常重要的因素是X -比率。这个因素是无量纲,并且
在测试获得通过记录温度和输出方在天然气气入口和出口,进出温度和空气侧Orsat读数。从后两个读数的空气泄漏的气体方获得每磅磅湿气体,并允许气体的试验温度校正出来的气体的温度零空气加热器泄漏出来。在X使用比例占部分的测试与空气加热器出口气体温度设计值的差异。在X -比率也受到锻炼空气流动,密封的空气流动,渗透和设置在一些安排,再循环。
6.4 Air Heater Leakage.
From the Orsat readings used to obtain X-Ratio the amount of air leakage is determined and when corrected is compared with design. 6.4空气加热器泄漏。
从用于获得的X比的空气泄漏量的Orsat读数时的决心和纠正与设计比较。 6.5 Exit Gas Temperature.
Test and design exit gas temperature should not be compared until corrections to the test values have been made in accordance with Section 7, Par. 7.07 through Par. 7.11. 6.5出口气体温度。
测试和设计出口气体温度不应该比之前的测试值更正已与第7,标准杆而作出的。 7.07通过标准杆,7.11。 6.6 Pressure Loss.
After corrections for temperature and flow rate, test gas side and air side pressure losses are to be compared with design values. 6.6压力损失。
The following computation procedures are for determining air heater performance. 下面的计算程序来确定空气预热器的性能。 7.01 g——烟气侧效率,%; gtG14tG1NL5(8tG14tA100