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System of increasing communication quality of PHS


专利名称:System of increasing communication quality

of PHS handset by employing bluetooth

发明人:Cheng-Shing Lai,Jun Zhu,Yong-Cai Bian申请号:US10873198申请日:20040623



摘要:The present invention is to provide a system of increasing communicationquality of a PHS handset in a PHS-based communication network including a plurality ofPHS handsets each including a first bluetooth module, an indoor Internet phone including

a second bluetooth module and a gateway coupled to the second bluetooth module andtwo different protocols. When the first bluetooth module is connecting to the secondbluetooth module, signals received from the network by the Internet phone aretransmitted to the gateway and then converted into signals complying with a bluetoothprotocol, enabling the second bluetooth module to transmit the same to the PHShandset. The PHS handset is also able to transmit signals complying with the bluetoothprotocol to the Internet phone, enabling the gateway to convert the same into the PHSsignals and transmit them over the network.

申请人:Cheng-Shing Lai,Jun Zhu,Yong-Cai Bian

地址:Taipei Hsien TW,Nanking CN,Nanking CN


