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Process for the preparation of a disinfectant for


专利名称:Process for the preparation of a disinfectant

for water, such as drinking- or swimming-water

发明人:Hermanus J. Jansen申请号:US06/900743申请日:19860827公开号:US04790946A公开日:19881213

摘要:The invention concerns a process and apparatus for the preparation of adisinfectant for water, such as drinking- or swimming- water by electrolysis of an aqueousNaCl-containing solution.

< P>In order to improve these, the process of the invention is characterized in that anNaOCl-containing solution obtained by electrolysis is enriched with electrolyticallyobtained Cl.sub.2 by either electrolytically preparing an aqueous NaCl and NaOCl-containing solution and further electrolyzing said solution to partially convert the Naclstill present therein into Cl.sub.2, or electrolytically preparing a mixture of an aqueousNaCl solution and Cl.sub.2, and further electrolyzing said mixture to partially convert theNaCl still present therein into NaOCl.

The apparatus of the invention is characterized by a combination of a first electrolyticcell (1) and a second electrolytic cell (2), which are electrically series-connected, said firstelectrolytic cell (1) being provided with a brine supply line (8) and a discharge line (10,11)and comprising a plurality of pairs of electrodes (A1, K1. . . A5, K5), no separation beingpresent between the anode and the cathode of each pair of electrodes, and said second

electrolytic cell (2) comprising one or more pairs of electrodes (A6, K6), a diaphragm orion-selective membrane (5) being positioned between the anode (A6) and the cathode(K6) of the or each pair of electrodes, in which second electrolytic cell (2) the anodespace(s) (6) is (are) connected to the discharge line (11) of the first electrolytic cell and toa product discharge line (15) , and the cathode space(s) (7) is (are) provided with a supplyline (12) and a discharge line (13,14).


