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Method and system for using natural language in co


专利名称:Method and system for using natural

language in computer resource utilizationanalysis via a communication network

发明人:Tony Schmitz,Ashish Pant,Michael

Pisula,Giorgio Scherl,RomanShenkerman,Alexandros Tsepetis




摘要:A client system issues a request for a resource over the Internet from aresource server. In constructing the response, the resource server includes: the datarequested by the client, additional instructions for the client system to perform uponarrival of the response, and a natural language identifier which describes the resourcerequested by the client called the taxonomy string. Upon arrival of the response, theadditional instructions inserted by the server system cause the client system to send asubsequent request over the Internet to an analytics system. The analytics request maycontain a natural language description of the requested resource and a unique identifierto uniquely identify the client system. The analytics system performs analysis on thenatural language identifier and stores it in a taxonomy database. The analytics systemalso performs calculations using the data provided in the analytics request to determineresource utilization patterns.

申请人:Tony Schmitz,Ashish Pant,Michael Pisula,Giorgio Scherl,RomanShenkerman,Alexandros Tsepetis

地址:Gaysville VT US,New York NY US,New York NY US,Buochs CH,Menalaspen NJUS,New York NY US


