专利名称:Load handling apparatus发明人:Squires, Michael申请号:EP90311346.2申请日:19901017公开号:EP0425167A1公开日:19910502
摘要:A suspension frame (3) for raising or lowering by a crane or hoist carries anassembly (1) of depending limbs or legs (12) which are power operated by a ram (10) forextension apart or retraction and when retracted have a detachable hook engagement(14) with load bearing portions (40) of a split pallet assembly (4). On extension of the
legs (12) the pallet portions (40) are withdrawn apart from under the load (L) in order todeposit it on the ground after which the separated pallet portions are raised clear of theload (L). An assembly (2) of load holding or steadying plates (24) also depend from thesuspension structure (3) and are.power operated by a ram (20) against the load (L) tohold or steady the latter during withdrawal of the pallet portions (40) from under theload (L) and its deposit on the ground or other surface, on or after which the plates (24)are released from the load (L).
申请人:Squires, Michael
地址:Weathertrees, Gretton Road Harringworth, Corby, Northants NN173AD GB
代理机构:Spoor, Brian