专利名称:Method of cleaning a printing form and
cleaning fluid therefor
发明人:Dieter Schmitt,Reiner Schmitt申请号:US09104306申请日:19980624公开号:US06432211B1公开日:20020813
摘要:A method of cleaning an imaged printing form having a silicone-based non-printing layer, which includes exerting a defined contact pressure by a cleaningarrangement on a printing-form surface to be cleaned, and moving at least one of the
printing form and the cleaning arrangement relative to the other, further includesapplying cleaning fluid to the printing-form surface to be cleaned, the cleaning fluid,besides water, containing a cleaning concentrate as a component, the cleaning
concentrate having 1 to 30 percent by weight of an anionic surfactant and 1 to 30 percentby weight of a nonionic surfactant; and a cleaning fluid for cleaning a printing form.
代理人:Laurence A. Greenberg,Werner H. Stemer,Gregory L. Mayback