Corporate1910s●Two of Japan’s leading optical manufacturers merge toform a comprehensive, fully integrated optical companyknown as Nippon Kogaku K.K. (1917)●Acquisition of Fujii Lens Seisakusho (1917)●Completion of Ohi Plant (1918)●Research on manufacture of optical glass initiated (1918)1920s●Eight German technicians invited to provide technicalguidance (1921)1930s●Completion of new Ohi Plant (1933)1940s●Following end of W.W.II, production shifted to civilianoptical products (1945)●Stock exchange listings gained on both Tokyo andOsaka exchanges (1949)●Decided the name of camera lenses asNikkor (1932)●Decided the name of small-sized camerasas Nikon (1946)●Nikon I (1948)SteppersFilm CamerasDigital Imaging Equipment and Others1950s ●Nikkor Club formed to promote popular photographyculture (1952)●First service center opened (1953); development ofnationwide network begins●First U.S. subsidiary, Nikon Optical Co., established(1953)1960s●Nikon AG established in Switzerland (1961)●Management buy-in with Sakura Electronic Industries,Ltd. (now Tochigi Nikon Corporation) (1963)●Factory operations commence at Yokohama site(nowYokohama Plant) (1967)●Photo gallery Ginza Nikon Salon opened (1968)●K.K.Tachibana Seisakusho (now Mito NikonCorporation) established (1968)●Nikon Europe N.V. (now Nikon Europe B.V.)established in the Netherlands (1968)●The New York Times announced thesuperior quality of Nikon cameras andNikkor lenses to the world (1950)●Nikon M (1950) ●Nikon S (1951)●Nikon S2 (1954) ●Nikon SP (1957)●Nikon S3 (1958) ●Nikon S4 (1959)●Nikon F (Nikon’s first SLR camera) (1959)●Nikkorex 35 (1960) ●Nikon S3M (1960)●Nikkorex 35-II (1962)●Nikon F Photomic (1962)●Nikkorex F (1962)●Nikkorex Zoom 35 (1963)●NIKONOS (1963) ●Nikon Auto 35 (1964)●Nikomat FT [Nikkormat FT]*1(1965)●Nikomat FS [Nikkormat FS]*1(1965)●Nikon F Photomic T (1965)●Nikon F Photomic TN(1967)●Nikomat FTN[Nikkormat FTN]*1(1967)●NIKONOS II (1968)●Nikon Photomic FTN(1968)●Began development of SR-1 Step-and-Repeat System(Entrusted by VLSItechnology research group) (1976)●Completion of SR-1 (1978)●Nikomat FTNwith Type A screen (1971)●Nikon F2 (1971)●Nikon F2 Photomic (1971)●Nikon Photomic FTNloaded on APOLLO 15 (1971)●Nikomat EL [Nikkormat EL]*1(1972) ●Nikon F2 Photomic S (1973)●Nikomat FTN (1973)●Nikomat FT2 [Nikkormat FT2]*1(1975)●NIKONOS III (1975)●Nikomat ELW [Nikkormat ELW]*1(1976)●Nikon F2 Photomic S B (1976)●Shift of SLR lens type to Ai (1977)●Nikon F2 Photomic A (1977)●Nikomat FT3 [Nikkormat FT3]*1(1977)●Nikon FM (1977) ●Nikon EL2 (1977)●Nikon F2 Photomic AS (1977)●Nikon FE (1978)●Nikon F2/Titanium model (Limited edition) (1979)●Nikon EM ●Nikon F3 ●NIKONOS IV-A●Nikkorex 8 (8mm cinecamera) (1961)●Nikon Zoom 8 (8mm cinecamera) (1962)●Nikkorex 8F (8mm cinecamera) (1963)●Nikon Super Zoom 8 (8mm cinecamera)(1966)●Nikon 8x Super Zoom (8mm cinecamera)(1969)1970s●Nikon House opened in New York (1970)●Factory operations commence at Sagamihara site (now Sagamihara Plant) (1971)●Shinjuku Nikon Salon opened (1971)●Sendai Nikon Corporation established (1971)●Nikon Vertriebs GmbH (now Nikon GmbH) establishedin West Germany (now Germany) (1971)●Nikon Optical Shop Co., Ltd. established (1973)●Osaka Nikon Salon opened (1974)●Aiko Lens K.K. (now Aichi Nikon Co., Ltd.) established (1974)●Nikon Live Galerie opened in Zurich, Switzerland (1976)●Nikko Engineering K.K. (now Nikon Engineering Co.,Ltd.) established (1978)●Nikon Canada Inc. established in Canada (1978)●Nikon U.K. Ltd. established in U.K. (1979)●Nasu Optical K.K. (now Nasu Nikon Co., Ltd.) established(1979)1980●Acquired Kurobane Kogaku K.K. (now Kurobane NikonCo., Ltd.)●Nikon R10 Super Zoom (8mm cinecamera)(1973)●Nikon R8 Super Zoom (8mm cinecamera)(1973)●NSR-1010G (Resolution: 1.0µm) : First steppermade in Japan1981●Nikon Inc. established in the United States●Zao Nikon Co., Ltd. established1982●Nikon Precision Inc. established in the United States●NSR-1505G (Resolution: 1.2µm)●NSR-2005G (Resolution: 1.5µm)●Nikon F3 High-eyepoint●Production facilities for steppers●Nikon FM2 ●Nikon FG ●Nikon F3Tcompleted in Yokohama Plant●The first stepper shipped to the United States●Production space for steppers inYokohama Plant expanded●Nikon FE2●Nikon L35AF●Nikon F3AF ●Nikon L35AD ●Nikon FA●Nikon Video S-100 (Video camera)●SV-100 (VTR)●Nikon Video SV-200 (VTR)19831984●Completion of Kumagaya Plant(Operations initiated in 1985)●NSR-1505G2A (Resolution: 1.0µm)●NSR-1505G3A (Resolution: 1.0µm)●NSR-1010i3 (Resolution: 0.8µm)●NSR-HT3025G (Resolution: 2.0µm)●Nikon New FM2 ●Nikon FG-20●Nikon L135AF ●NIKONOS V ●Nikon FA Gold (Limited edition)●Nikon F-301 [N2000]*2●Nikon L35AF2 [One-Touch]*2●Nikon L35AD2 [One-Touch]*2●Nikon 35mm Film Direct TelephotoTransmitter NT-1000●Developed 7x Zoom Lens for HighDefinition TV Camera1985●Cascading CI activities, terminated in March 1989●First representative office in China opened in Beijing1986●Nikon Hong Kong Ltd. established in Hong Kong●Nikon Systems Inc. established●Nikon France S.A. established in France●NSR-L7501G (for LCD)●Nikon F-501 [N2020]*2●Nikon L35TWAF [Tele-Touch]*2●Nikon L35TWAD [Tele-Touch]*2●Nikon L35AWAF [Action-Touch]*2●Nikon L35AWAD [Action-Touch]*2●TV Nikkor Lens S15x9●Nikon Monitor Printer NW-100●Nikon Action 8 Video (only for export)Years during which products launched in Japan. Some of the products mentioned above are marketed solely in Japan.
[ ]*1: Product names mainly used in Germany.[ ]*2: Product names mainly used in the United States.Microscopes and OthersOptical Measuring and Inspection InstrumentsSport Optics●Start of production ofbinoculars under the name ofNippon Kogaku (1917)Surveying InstrumentsEyewear1910s●Microscope Model JOICO (1925)●Microscope Model NIKKO (1935)●Microscope Model O (1948)●Microscope Model K (1949)●Profile Projector Model l (1948)●MIKRON 4x, 6x (1921)1920s1930s●Tilting Level Type E (1947)●Transit Type G (1947)●Eyeglass Lens Pointal (1946)1940s●Polarizing Microscope ModelPOH (1952)●Stereoscopic Microscope ModelSM(1954)●Microscope Model J (1955)●Microscope Model S (1956)●Stereoscopic Zoom Microscope●Rotary Encoder RIE (1968)Model SMZ (1961)●Inverted Microscope Model MD(1964)●Differential InterferenceContrast Microscopes ModelT/Model R (1966)●Microscope Model L (1966)●Photo Slit Lamp Microscope (1966)●Universal Research MicroscopeAPOPHOT (1967)●Projection Lensmeter P (1968)●Wide angle Fundus CameraRetinapan 45 (1971)●MicroscopesBIOPHOT/METAPHOT (1976)●Biological MicroscopesOPTIPHOT/LABOPHOT (1978)●IC Inspection MicroscopeOPTIPHOT-55 (1979)●Auto Refractometer NR-1000(1979)●Photoelectric Linear Encoder(1971)●High-Temperature MicrohardnessTester QM (1976)●Coordinate measuring machineCORDIMET (1977)●High-Precision Digital PositionReadout Systems Position Scale(1977)●Digital Micrometer SystemDigimicro (1977)●Change of the brand namefrom MIKRON to Nikon (1959)1950s ●LOOK (1964)●Automatic Level Type N (1961)●Theodolites NT-2 Series (1967)●Eyeglass Lens UC (1960)●Eyeglass Lens Pointal Coated (1965)●Bi-focal Lens Bi-focal B (1968)●Nikon Subnormal Vision Aids Lens (1969)●Photochromic Lens Photogray (1969)1960s●Extra Long Distance MeterMND-2 (1971)1970s●Nikon Organic Aspheric Cataract Lens (1972)●Nikon Sunglasses (1972)●Super High-Index Mineral Lens Pointal HighPower (1975)●Nikon Ophthalmic Frame FB Line (1975)●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Orma 70 (1976)●Progressive Addition Lens Nikon Ultravue (1979)●Sunglasses Hanae Mori (1979)●Sunglasses Giugiaro (1979)●Photomicrographic EquipmentMicroflex/CCTV System●Inverted Research MicroscopeDIAPHOT TMD●Profile Projector V-12●Refracting Telescope ED1001980●Fieldscope●Electronic Distance Meters ND-250/160●Titanium Ophthalmic Frame TITEX●Ophthalmic Frame Nikon FJ Line●Ophthalmic Frame Nikon SPORTS FRAMES●Sunglasses Nikon Sports Sunglasses1981●IC Wafer Inspection SystemOPTISTATION●Profile Projector V-10●Computer Edger CB-10●Fundus Camera NFC-60●Photoelectric Rotary Encoders RMHSeries●Measurescope 20●IC Wafer Inspection System OPTISTATION 2●Profile Projector V-16E●Measurescope UM-3●Edge Sensor ES-1●Screen Sensor SS-1●Rotary Encoders RXB Series●Digital Micrometer SystemDigimicro ME-50H/501●8x23CF/10x25CF1982●Refracting Telescope S65●Electronic Distance Meters ND-31/30●Middle-Index Mineral Eyeglass Lens Pointal II1983Clear Coat●Sunglasses FIORE●Sunglasses Giugiaro Carbomax●Ophthalmic Frame for children Nikon FC Line1984●Portable Ophthalmic Frame Nikon FS Line●Sunglasses Giugiaro Wintersports●Nikon Organic Cataract KL●High-Index Organic Lens Nikon Lite II Hard ClearCoat●Ophthalmic Frame FIORE●Sunglasses WAY WAY1985●Automated Image AnalyzingSystem MAGISCAN 2●Manual Total Stations NTD Series●Electronic Distance Meters ND-21/20●6x15●Total Station DTM-1●Electronic Level AL-1●Electronic Theodolites NE-10Series●3D Image Construction SystemCOSMOZONE98●Universal Research MicroscopeMICROPHOT-FX●Scanning Acoustic Microscope AMS-3200●CCTV System DK-3001●Automatic Edger SB-1●Auto Refractometer NR-5000●Automated Image AnalyzingSystem LUZEX2/2D●Universal Metallurgical Micro-scopes MICROPHOT FX-M/S-M●Fundus Camera NFC-50AF●IC Wafer Macroscopic SystemMACROSTATION●IC Wafer Inspection SystemOPTISTATION 1A●CMM TRISTATION 600 Series/800M●8x20F DCF RA/10x25F DCF RA●7x20 CF ll/9x25 CF ll●Total Stations DTM-10 Series●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Lite 70 Hard A Coat●Ophthalmic Frame SLIDEVIEW●Sunglasses Z’s, WAY WAY198621
Corporate1986SteppersFilm CamerasDigital Imaging Equipment and Others1987●Nikon Tec Corporation established●Nikon Sales-Promotion Co., Ltd. established(dissolvedin2003)●NSR-1505G4B (Resolution: 0.9µm)●NSR-1505G4C (Resolution: 0.8µm)●SX-5 (Resolution: 0.5µm)●NSR-1505G4D (Resolution: 0.75µm)●Cumulative sales of steppers reached 1,000units●NSR-1505EX (Resolution: 0.5µm)●NSR-1505G5C (Resolution: 0.8µm)●NSR-1505G5D (Resolution: 0.75µm)●NSR-1505G6E (Resolution: 0.65µm)●Nikon High Resolution Monochrome●Nikon AF3/AD3 [One-Touch]*2●Nikon RF/RD [Fun-Touch]*2CCTV Camera HR-900W●Nikon L35AWAD (Orange) (Limited edition)●Developed Nikon Color Printer●Nikon F-401/F-401 QD [N4004/N4004 QD]*2●Nikon TW2/TW2D [Tele-Touch Deluxe]*2●Nikon F-801 [N8008]*2●Nikon TWZOOM [Zoom-Touch 500]*2●Nikon RF2/RD2 [One-Touch 100]*2●Nikon F4/F4s●Nikon 35mm Color Film Scanner/DirectTelephoto Transmitter NT-2000●Nikon 35mm Film Scanner LS-3500●TV Nikkor Lens S13x9/S15x8.5●Nikon Still Video Camera QV-1000C●Nikon Still Video Transmitter QV-1010T1988●Nikon Photo Products Inc. established●Changed company name to Nikon Corporation●Nikon Precision Europe GmbH established in WestGermany (now Germany)●Nikon Optical Canada Inc. established in Canada1989●VISUCOMLAND (electronic imaging equipmentshowroom) opened●Nikon F-401s/F-401s QD [N4004s/N4004s QD]*2●NSR-L1001G (for LCD)●Nikon TW20 QD [Tele-Touch 300]*2●NSR-1505i6A (Resolution: 0.65µm)●Cumulative sales of steppers reached 2,000 units●NSR-1755G7A (Resolution: 0.65µm)●Completion of the second phase ofconstruction work for Kumagaya Plant●NSR-1755i7A (Resolution: 0.5µm)●FX-201B (for LCD)●NSR-2005G8C (Resolution: 0.55µm)●Completion of the new building of NikonPrecision Inc. in Belmont, California, U.S.A.●Completion of the third phase ofconstruction work for Kumagaya Plant●NSR-1755EX8A (Resolution: 0.45µm)●NSR-2005i8A (Resolution: 0.5µm)●FX-301D (for LCD)●Completion of the new building of TochigiNikon for the production of lenses for steppers●FX-401E/402E (for LCD)●NSR-2005EX8A (Resolution: 0.4µm)●Cumulative sales of steppers reached 3,000 units●Completion of the fourth phase ofconstruction work for No.6 Building ofKumagaya Plant●NSR-2005i9C (Resolution: 0.45µm)●FX-501D (for LCD) ●NSR-TFH1 (for thinfilm magnetic heads)●NSR-2005i10C (Resolution: 0.45µm)●Completion of new building of NikonPrecision Europe GmbH (NPE) in Langen,Germany ●Nikon F-601 [N6006]*2/F-601 QD [N6006QD]*2/F-601M [N6000]*2●Nikon TW ZOOM 35-70 QD [Zoom-Touch 400]*2●Nikon Full Color Printer CP-3000●High Definition Cameras HQ-1500CI/1500CF●HD Frame Store Memory FS-1500/FS-1500V●TV Nikkor Lens S19x81990●Nikon Precision Korea Ltd. established in Korea●Sagami Optical Co., Ltd. established (dissolvedin2002)●Nikon (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. established in Thailand1991●Completion of Mito Plant●Nikon Kft. established in Hungary●TV Nikkor Lens S9x5.5●Nikon F-801s [N8008s]*2●Nikon TW ZOOM 35-80 QD [Zoom-Touch●35mm Film Direct Color Telephoto500S]*2Transmitter NT-3000●Nikon F4E●Nikon F-401x/F-401xQD [N5005]*2●Nikon 35mm Film Scanner LS-3510AF●Nikon W35/W35 QD [One-Touch 200]*2●Nikon TW Zoom105 WORLD TIME [Zoom-Touch 800/Zoom-Touch 800 WORLD TIME]*2●NIKONOS RS●Nikon AW35/AW35 QD [Sport-Touch]*2●Nikon F90s/F90D[N90]*2●Nikon TW Zoom85/TW Zoom85 QD[Zoom-Touch 600]*2●Nikon F90 [N90]*2●Nikon AF600/AF600 QD [Lite-Touch/Lite-Touch QD]*2●Nikon Zoom100/100 QD [Zoom-Touch470/470 QD]*2●Nikon AF200 [Fun-Touch 2]*2●NikonEF100 [Nice-Touch 2]*2●Nikon AF600 QD Colored Version●Nikon 35Ti QD ●Nikon New FM2/T●Nikon F3 Limited model●Nikon Zoom300/300 QD [Lite-TouchZoom/Zoom QD]*2●Nikon F50 [N50]*2●Nikon Zoom700VR/700VR QD [Zoom-Touch 105VR QD]*2●Nikon 28Ti QD●Nikon F90X/F90XD/F90Xs [N90s]*2●Nikon F70 [N70]*2●Nikon 35mm Film Scanner COOLSCAN●High Definition Still Color Camera HQ-1600●Nikon Full Color Printer CP-5000A●LCD 8mm video camera Nikon LCD Trim1992●Nikon Instech Co., Ltd. established●Nikon Geotecs Co., Ltd. (dissolved in 2003, transferringits business to Nikon-Trimble Co., Ltd.) started operations●Nikon Optical Co., Ltd. (dissolved in 1999, transferringits business to Nikon Eyewear Co., Ltd. and Nikon-Essilor Co., Ltd.) started operations●Service center opened in Kuangchou, China●Nikon Technologies, Inc. established●Nikon Life Co., Ltd. established●Nikon Logistics Corporation established●Nikon Instruments S.p.A. established in Italy19931994●Nikon s.r.o. established in Czech●NSR-4425i (Resolution: 0.8–0.7µm)●NSR-2005EX10B (Resolution: 0.32µm)●NSR-2005i11D (Resolution: 0.35µm)●Nikon Full Color Printer COOLPRINT●LCD 8mm video camera Nikon LCD Trim VS-GH2●High Definition Still Color Camera HQ-1600SF/SE for Macintosh●Flatbed Scanner SCANTOUCH●Nikon Image Layout Software PhotoLeaf●TV-Nikkor S15x8.5III/TV-Nikkor S9x5.5II1995●Nikon Singapore Pte Ltd established in Singapore●Nikon Precision Taiwan Ltd. established in Taiwan●Nikon Svenska AB esatablished in Sweden●Nikon Zoom500/500 QD●Cumulative sales of steppers reached 4,000[Lite-Touch Zoom 105/Lite-Touch Zoom 105 QD]*2units●NSR-S201A (Resolution: 0.25µm)●Nikon Zoom310/310 QD [Lite-Touch Zoom 70]*2●Expansion of the cleanroom floor at No. 6●Nikon FM10Building of Kumagaya Plant●Nikon Digital Still Cameras E2/E2s●TV-Nikkor S20x8●LCD 8mm Video Camera Nikon LCD Trim VS-GH3●Hi-Definition Video Camera System HQ-130C●Nikon Multi-format Film Scanner LS-4500AF●Nikon 35mm Desktop Film Scanner SUPERCOOLSCAN●Nikon 35mm Film Scanner COOLSCAN II●Nikon Full Color Printer COOLPRINT II●LCD 8mm Video Camera Nikon LCD Trim VS-GH4●Nikon Flatbed Scanners SCANTOUCH 110/210●Nikon Digital Still Cameras E2N/E2Ns1996●Nikon Research Corporation of America established inthe U.S.●Beijing Nikon Ophthalmic Products Co., Ltd.established in China●MN Optical Corporation, a joint venture with HitachiMaxell, Ltd., established (dissolved in 1999)●NSR-2205EX12B (Resolution: 0.28µm)●NSR-2205i12D (Resolution: 0.35µm)●FX-601F (for LCD)●Cumulative sales of steppers reached 5,000units●Nikon Nuvis mini i/mini/Nuvis 75i/75/Nuvis125i/125●Nikon F5 ●Nikon Pronea 600i [Pronea 6i]*21997●Guang Dong Nikon Camera Co., Ltd. established inChina●NSR-TFHi12 (for Magnetic heads)●NSR-S202A (Resolution: 0.25µm)●NSR-2205EX14C (Resolution: 0.25µm)●NSR-2205i14E (Resolution: 0.35µm)●NPE established Training Center inScotland●Nikon FE10●Nikon F50DPanoramic and MetallicModel●Nikon Nuvis 110i/Nuvis 160i●Nikon PC Card-Type Digital CameraCOOLPIX100●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX300Years during which products launched in Japan. Some of the products mentioned above are marketed solely in Japan.
[ ]*1: Product names mainly used in Germany.[ ]*2: Product names mainly used in the United States. Microscopes and Others●Hand Edger HB-1/1VOptical Measuring and Inspection Instruments●Sub-Micron Scales●Data Processor DP-300●CMM TRISTATION 400F●Microscopic Inspection System L-MIC●Dual-Axis Photoelectric Autocollimator●Digital Micrometer Digimicro MH-15M●Non-Contact Automatic Coordi-nate Measuring Projector MZ-1Sport OpticsSurveying InstrumentsEyewear1986●Inverted Tissue CultureMicroscope TMS-F●Ocular Lensmeters OL-7/8●8cmED Refracting Telescope●Total Stations DTM-20 Series●3D Measuring System PHOCAS●Portable Data Collector KS1600K●Total Stations DTM-20 Series●Sunglasses Southern Wind Marine Sports●Ophthalmic Frame for Progressive AdditionLens SLIDEVIEW●Sunglasses Nikon WINTER SPORTS●Sunglasses PLAYBOY●Sunglasses PALOMA PICASSO●Progressive Addition Lens SV Excela●Progressive Addition Lens SV Custom●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Lite III Hard ClearCoat●Suglasses Nikon MULTISPORT SUNGLASSES1987●Biological Microscopes ALPHAPHOT●Measurescopes MM-11/11B/11U/2 Series22/22U●Micromanipulator System NT-88 Series●Rotary Encoders HSR Series●Automated Image Analyzing●Teaching CAD SystemSystem LUZEX3●Universal Research MicroscopeMICROPHOT-FXA●Zoom Slit Lamp NS-1●Automatic Edger CB-20●Automatic Pattern Maker FP-30●Auto Refractometer NR-5100●Frame Selector NF-3000●IC Wafer Inspection SystemOPTISTATION 3●Rotary Encoder ZHR32400●Surveying Post Processing●Loupes POP-10D/16DSystem PSS-11T/S●3.5x Sports Glass●7x35E CF/8x30E CF/10x35E CF/12x40●10x25CF WP/RA●6-12x24DCF RA Zoom1988●6x15D Monocular II●Fieldscopes II/ED II●TV Electronic Theodolite TV NE-10C●Electronic Theodolites NE-20SSeries●Electronic Positioning Staff EPS-05A●Total Stations DTM-A Series●Progressive Addition Lens SV Custom-R●Ophthalmic Frames THECREWS/SOLFEGE/Safilo Line/EX Line1989●Stereoscopic Zoom MicroscopeSMZ- U●Biological MicroscopesOPTIPHOT-2/LABOPHOT-2●Measuring Microscope MM-100●Non-Contact Probe NP-1●Profile Projector V-12A●6x15D Monucular II with golfscale ●8x23CF WP/RA●V LINE II Series●10x70IF SP WP●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Lite DXII Hard1990Clear Coat ●Aspheric High-Index Organic Lens Nikon Lite III-AS●Progressive Addition Lens SV Excela-R●Sunglasses and Ophthalmic Frames KarlLagerfeld/Lolita Lempicka●Sunglasses TAKEZO●Total Station D-50●Ophthalmic Frame Carbomax II1991●Automatic Lensmeter NL-30●Fundus Camera NF-505AF●Zoom-Photo Slit Lamp FS-3●Microscopic Inspection System L-MIC2●High-Temperature MicrohardnessTester QM-2●Automated Image AnalyzingSystem COSMOZONE R500●Polarizing MicroscopeALPHAPHOT-2 POL●Auto Refract-Keratometer NRK-8000●High-Definition Color TVCamera HD-3000C●Inverted Research MicroscopeDIAPHOT 300●Auto Refractometer NR-5500●Automatic Lensmeter NL-30P●Microscope for LCD SubstrateInspection XD-10●Microscope for LCD SubstrateInspection XD-20●Data Processor DP-302●Position Scales VF1/VFZ1 Series●Macro/Microscopic InspectionSystem L-MAC●Video Measuring System VM-1●CMM TRISTATION SH830●8x32DCF HP RA/10x40DCF HP RA●Electronic Positioning Staff EPS-02A●8x30DIF WP/RAII●Digital Level Sensor DS-30●Fieldscopes II A/EDII A●Go-Coo Series●Hearing Aids ism●Ophthalmic Frame Pockecarry●Ophthalmic Frame Jewel Pretia1992●SPORTSTAR Series●Reading loupes 4D III/8D IIIAS/10D III AS, 14D AS/20D AS●4x25 Opera Glass●8x23CF AS/10x25CF AS●Total Stations DTM-700 Series●TV Electronic Theodolite TV NE-10CII●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Lite DXIII●Progressive Addition Lenses Presio FX/DX●EC Sunglasses Selpeed●Ophthalmic Frame Fiore Fresco●Ophthalmic Frame and Sunglasses S.T. Dupont●Ophthalmic Frame LOLITABIS1993●IC Inspection MicroscopesOPTIPHOT200/150/100●Real-Time Laser ConfocalMicroscope RCM8000●Stereoscopic Zoom MicroscopeSMZ-10A●Absolute Encoder MAR-H12●Profile Projectors V-12B/V-10A●Fieldscopes ED78/ED78 A●GPS Surveying System NJ-4000Series●Total Stations DTM-300 Series●Hearing Aids ism NLC-50/NLB-20●Ophthalmic Frame and Sunglasses Adidas●Sunglasses SunShades1994●Inverted MetallurgicalMicroscope EPIPHOT 300/200●Hand-Held Ref Retinomax●Microscopic Inspection System L-MIC500●CNC Video Measuring SystemVERITAS●High-Temperature MaterialSurface Evaluation System TS-1●CNC Video Measuring SystemNEXIV VM-500N●LCD Substrate Fine PatternMetrology System L-NRM●IC Wafer Inspection SystemOPTISTATION V●Measuring Microscopes MM-40/60Series●Sporting II Series●10x42SE CF●Hearing Aids ism NLC-09●Ophthalmic Frame Adidas (Junior Version)●Ophthalmic Frame Titex Lite●Ophthalmic Frame Pretia●Ophthalmic Frame GX Gold Frame1995●IC Inspection ConfocalMicroscope OPTIPHOT 200C●Biological Research MicroscopeECLIPSE E800●Photomicrographic EquipmentFX-IIISeries U-III●Hand Held Auto Refract-Keratometer Retinomax K-plus●Inverted Research MicroscopesECLIPSE TE300/200●Biological Microscopes ECLIPSEE600/400●Scanning Probe Microscope BioProbe●Automated Biological Microscope E1000●Ophthalmic Console System Os-Wing/Auto Optester Remote Vision●Fieldmicroscope●DX Series●5x15DCF Titanium/5x15DCFViolet limited model●Total Stations DTM-400 Series●Organic Eyeglass Lenses Nikon Lite PasselQuale AS/Passel AS●Progressive Addition Lenses Nikon Soltes CP-I/CP-II●Ophthalmic Frame and Sunglasses Calvin Klein1996●Wafer Loaders NWL-860TMB/TM/T●Data Processing Software DP-100C●Data Processor DP-303●Profile Projector V-20B●8-20x25CF Zoom●8x25CF WP RAII/10x25CF WP RAII●18x70IF WP WF●Racket-type loupes 4D/8D/10D●Pocket-type loupes 12D/16D/20D●6x15M CF●8x42HG DCF WP/10x42HG DCF WP●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Lite PC Hard Clear1997Coat●Progressive Addition Lenses Nikon SoltesFP-I/FP-II/Abios FR-14●Hearing Aids ism NLD-01●Sunglasses cK Calvin Klein●Ophthalmic Frame ELSIA ●Goggles Adidas●Ophthalmic Frame CLASIO23
Corporate1998●Nikon Optical U.K. Ltd. established in U.K.Steppers●NSR-S102B (Resolution: 0.35µm)●FX-701M (for LCD)●Success at the demonstrated feasibility ofan electron optical system for EB steppers●NSR-S203B (Resolution: 0.18µm)●Completion of the fifth phase ofconstruction work for No.7 Building ofKumagaya PlantFilm Cameras●Nikon F5 Model of the 50th AnniversaryModel of Nikon cameras (Limited edition)●Nikon F60 [N60]*2●Nikon Zoom400/400 QD[Lite-Touch Zoom 80/Lite-Touch Zoom 80 QD]*2●Nikon Zoom600/600 QD[Lite-Touch Zoom 110/Lite-Touch Zoom 110 QD]*2●Nikon Pronea S ●Nikon Nuvis S●Nikon F100Digital Imaging Equipment and Others●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX900●Nikon 35mm/IX240 Film Scanner SUPERCOOLSCAN 2000●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX600●Nikon Professional Digital Cameras E3/E3s●Nikon Full Color Printer NP-100●Nikon 35mm/IX240 Film Scanner COOLSCAN III●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX9101999●Nanjing Nikon Jiangnan Optical Instrument Co., Ltd.established in China●In-house company system introduced●Surveying instruments operations became anindependent company●Hang Zhou Nikon Camera Co., Ltd. established in China●NSR-S302A (Resolution: 0.18µm)●NSR-S204B (Resolution: 0.18µm)●FX-21S (for LCD)●NSR-2205i14E2 (Resolution: 0.35µm)●NSR-S305B (Resolution:0.13µm)●Cumulative sales of steppers reached6,000 units●Nikon Nuvis 200/Nuvis 300●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX950●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX700●Nikon Full Color Printer NP-200●Nikon Professional Digital SLR Camera D1●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX8002000●Nikon-Essilor Co., Ltd., a joint venture with EssilorInternational S.A. of France, started operations●Nikon Eyewear Co., Ltd. started operations●Vision Nikon 21, a new vision statement, enacted●Nikon Precision Singapore Pte Ltd established inSingapore●Nikon Tsubasa Inc. established●Nikon Instruments Inc. and Nikon Eyewear Inc.established in the U.S. (dissolved in 2002)●Nikon Holdings Europe B.V. established in theNetherlands●FX-702J (for LCD)●NSR-SF100 (Resolution: 0.4µm)●NSR-S205C (Resolution: 0.15µm)●Cleanroom at Tochigi Nikon expanded●Cleanroom at No. 7 Building ofKumagaya Plant expanded●Nikon Nuvis S 2000●Nikon F80/F80D/F80S [N80/N80QD]*2●Nikon S3 Year 2000 Limited Edition●Nikon Nuvis V●Nikon Lite-Touch Zoom120ED/120ED QD●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX990●Image Transmission Software TransImage IT-500 Ver. 2●Image Filing Software PC-Archive 1.2●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX880 2001●Nikon (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. established in Malaysia●Binoculars and Telescopes business became anindependent company and established Nikon VisionCo., Ltd.●Introduction of the Executive Officer System●Introduction of a Stock Option Program●Nikon U [F65]*3[N65]*2●Construction of crystal growing furnacefor calcium fluoride crystal in Sagamihara●Nikon FM3APlant(Operations initiated in April, 2001) ●Nikon Lite-Touch Zoom 140ED/140ED QD ●Nikon 35mm/IX240 Film Scanner SUPERCOOLSCAN 4000 ED/COOLSCAN IV ED●Nikon Digital Camera D1x●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX995 ●Nikon Film Scanner SUPER COOLSCAN 8000 ED●Nikon Digital Camera D1H●Digital Photo Network Software TransImageIT-500 Ver.3●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX775/885●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX5000●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX2500●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX5700●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX4500●Nikon Digital Camera D100●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX2000●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX4300●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX3500●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX4300 Black(Limited edition)●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX3100●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX2100●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX SQ●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX5400●Nikon Digital Camera D2H●Nikon 35mm/IX240 Film ScannerSUPER COOLSCAN 5000 ED/9000 ED/COOLSCAN V ED●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX3700●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX2200●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX3200●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX8700●Nikon Digital Camera Nikon D70●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX4200●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX5200●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX4100●Digital Photo Storage ViewerCOOLWALKER MSV-01●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX8400●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX8800●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX4800●Nikon Digital CameraD2x●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX4600●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX5600●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX5900●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX7900●Nikon Digital Camera D2Hs●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX7600●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX S1●Nikon Digital Camera D70s●Nikon Digital Camera D50●Nikon Digital Camera COOLPIX S22002●Nikon Instruments Europe B.V. established in theNetherlands●Nikon Imaging (China) Co., Ltd. established in China●Dong Guan Nikon Surveying Instruments Co., Ltdestablished in China●Nikon Precision Shanghai Co., Ltd. established in China●Cumulative sales of steppers reached7,000 units●NSR-S306C (Resolution: 0.12µm)●NSR-S206D (Resolution: 0.11µm)●NSR-SF120 (Resolution: 0.28µm)●FX-801M (for LCD)●Nikon Us[F55]*3[N55]*2●Nikon S3 Black body (Limited edition)●Nikon Lite-Touch Zoom 70Ws/70Ws QD●Nikon Lite-Touch Zoom 130ED/130ED QD●Nikon Lite-Touch Zoom 110s QD●b. Nikon !!2003●All Nikon Plants achieved Zero Emission●Completion of Ohi West Building●A New Brand Symbol for the Nikon Group●Nikon-Trimble Co., Ltd. a joint venture with TrimbleNavigation Ltd. of the U.S., established●Nikon Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. establishedinChina●Nikon Polska Sp.z.o.o. established in Poland●NSR-S306D (Resolution: 80nm)●FX-51S/61S (for LCD)●NSR-S307E (Resolution: 80nm)●NSR-S207D (Resolution: 0.11µm)●NSR-SF200 (Resolution: 0.15µm)●Nikon Lite-Touch Zoom 150ED QD●Nikon U2 [F75] [N75]●Nikon Lite-Touch Zoom 100W QD2004●NSR-SF130 (Resolution: 0.28µm)●FX-53S/63S (for LCD)●NSR-S308F (Resolution: 65nm)●Nikon F62005●Nikon Instruments Korea Co., Ltd. established in Korea●Nikon Imaging(China) Sales Co., Ltd. establishedinChina●NSR-S208D (Resolution: 0.11µm)●FX-71S/FX-81S (for LCD)●NSR-SF140 (Resolution: 0.28µm)●NSR-S609B (Resolution: 55nm)●Nikon SP (Limited Edition)Years during which products launched in Japan. Some of the products mentioned above are marketed solely in Japan.
[ ]*1: Product names mainly used in Germany.[ ]*2: Product names mainly used in the United States. [ ]*3: Product name used overseas except the United Staes.Microscopes and Others●Metallurgical/Industrial Micro-scopes ECLIPSE ME600P/ME600D●Polarizing Microscopes ECLIPSEE600POL/E400POL●Auto Refractometer Speedy-1Optical Measuring and Inspection Instruments●Inspection System LU2000-DUV●IC Wafer Inspection SystemOPTISTATION 7●Digimicro MF-501/1001●MFC-101/TC-101 CountersSport Optics●Action Series●8x40DCF HP WP/10x40DCF HP WP●8x32SE CF●Pocket-type loupes Yellowmodel/Red model●SPORTSTAR II Series●12x50SE CF●Monocular II Metallic ●5x15HG Monocular●7x15M CF Black●Fiedscopes III/III A/EDIII/EDIII A●Laser Rangefinder LASER 800●Fieldmicroscope Mini●TRAVELITE V Series●Action Zoom Series●SPRINT III Series●Field Image System MX●8x30EII/10x35EII●7x15DCF Titanium●7x15HG Monocular●DXII Series●7x15M CF Millennium model●8-24x25CF TRAVELITE VSurveying Instruments●Total Stations DTM-800 Series●Electronic Level NL-300●GPS Surveying System LogPakSeriesEyewear●Organic Bi-focal Lens Nikon Lite AS Bi-focal CB-281998●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Lite 1.50-AS Hard Clear Coat●Organic Eyeglass Lens Nikon Lite 1.66-AS Hard Clear Coat●Progressive Addition Lens Nikon Soltes FP-III●Progressive Addition Lens Nikon Presio Transitions III Gray●Progressive Addition Lens Nikon Privilege Transitions III Gray●Hearing Aids ism NLC-510/NLC-520/NHC-12●Ophthalmic Frame Hanae Mori Paris●Ophthalmic Frames IT Line/Hanae Mori CLASIO●Sunglasses Earthic ●Portable Loupe●Hearing Aids ism NLC-08/11/51●Ophthalmic Frame and Sunglasses TRUSSARDIEYES●Ophthalmic Frame Progue●Ophthalmic Frame Chopard●Sunglasses Hanae Mori Paris●Ophthalmic Frame and Sunglasses ChristianLacroix1999●Stereoscopic Zoom MicroscopesSMZ800, SMZ-645/660●Digital Camera for Photomicro-graphy COOLPIX Micro System III●Auto Refract-Keratometer Speedy-K●Hand-Held Auto Ref Retinomax 2●Hand-Held Auto Refract-Keratometer Retinomax K-plus2●Inverted Routine MicroscopesECLIPSE TS100/100-F●Stereoscopic Zoom MicroscopeSMZ-1000●IC Inspection MicroscopesECLIPSE L200/L200D●Biological Microscope ECLIPSE E200●Stereroscopic Zoom MicroscopeSMZ1500●Digital Camera for Photomicro-graphy DXM1200●Digital Camera for Photomicro-graphy COOLPIX Micro System IV●Automated IC InspectionMicroscope ECLIPSE L200A●Industrial Microscopes ECLIPSEL150/L150A●Industrial Microscope ECLIPSEME600L●Digital Network CameraDN100●Inverted Research MicroscopeECLIPSE TE2000●CNC Video Measuring SystemNEXIV VM-1000N●Absolute Encoder MAR-M30●CNC Video Measuring SystemNEXIV VMH-300N●Overlay Measurement System NRM-1000●Total Stations DTM-500 Series●Pulse Laser Station NPL-820●Field Stations DTM-801 Series●Total Stations DTM-350/330●Aspheric Single Vision Lens NL5-AS (1.74)●Progressive Addition Lenses Varilux Panamic(1.67)/Nikon Presio-i (1.50, 1.67, 1.74)●Hearing Aids ism NLC-ECO/NHB-70/NHB-80●Hearing Aids ism ND-C3NR/ND-C4NR●Sunglasses Givenchy●Ophthalmic Frame Nudia2000●Overlay Measurement System NRM-1000A●Automatic Macro InspectionSystem AMI-2000●CNC Video Measuring SystemsNEXIV VMR Series●Overlay Measurement System NRM-3000●IC Wafer Inspection SystemOPTISTATION-3100●Automatic Macro InspectionSystem AMI-3000●Overlay Measurement System NRM-3100●SPORTSTAR III Series●Action Series●Night Vision Scope Nikon NightSearch●SPORTER I Series●Laser Rangefinder LASER 400●7x15M CF NV-2001●Pulse Laser Station NPL-350●Pulse Laser Station NPL-821●Single Vision Lens Nikon Transitions Color●Progressive Addition Lens Nikon Presio-i (1.60)●Aspheric Single Vision Lens VIDA 4UV●Ophthalmic Frame First Class●Ophthalmic Frame Junior Frame2001●Modular Confocal MicroscopeSystem DIGITAL ECLIPSE C1●Vibration Reduction BinocularsStabilEyes 14x40●MONARCH Series●HG Series●New Racket-Type Loupes4D/6D/8D/10D, Pocket-TypeLoupes T12D/T16D/T20D/S12D/S16D/S20D, Precision Loupe 10x●Fieldscopes ED III Black (Limitededition)●SPRINT IV Series●Fieldscopes ED82/ED82-A●Nikon Spotter–XLII●Laser RangefindersLASER 500G/600 ●Nikon StabilEyes VR 12x32Binoculars●Fine Laser NFL-3VH●Total Stations DTM-302 Series●Single Vision Lens Nikon TransitionsSunshade●Single Vision Lens Nikon VIDA 3SP●Progressive Addition Lens Varilux PanamicTransitions Sunshade●Ophthalmic Lens Nikon Seemax 4-ASTOP●Ophthalmic Frame PROGUE NEXIA●Ophthalmic Frame Givenchy2002●Digital Camera for Microscopes●CNC Video Measuring SystemDS-5M-L1NEXIV VMR Series/NEXIV VMR TZ●Digital Microscope COOLSCOPESeries●Pulse Laser Stations NPL-302Series●Digital Hearing Aids ism ND-C8N/ND-C9N/ND-C7P●Varilux Ipseo Ophthalmic Lens●Ophthalmic Lens Varilux Ipseo●Ophthalmic Frame Air CLASIO●Ophthalmic Frame cK Calvin Klein 2003●Advanced Research MicroscopeECLIPSE 80i●Clinical & LaboratoryMicroscope ECLIPSE 50i/55i●Digital Sight Digital CameraDS-5Mc●Motorized Advanced ResearchMicroscope ECLIPSE 90i●FPD/300mm Wafer InspectionMicroscope ECLIPSE L300/L300D●Action Series●SPORTSTAR IV Series●Action EX Series●Nikon Light 3-AS Ophthalmic Lens●Precio Double Ophthalmic Lens●Photocatalyst Ophthalmic Frame PROGUE NEXIA●Sunglasses CAR GRAPHIC ●Ophthalmic Lens Varilux Ellipse2004●True Spectral Imaging Confocal●CNC Video Measuring SystemLazer Scanning MicroscopeNEXIV VMR-1515/12072System DIGITAL ECLIPSE C1si●CNC Video Measuring System●Digital Camera for MicroscopesConfocal NEXIV VMR-K3040ZCDS-2M●Industrial Microscopes ECLIPSELV150A/150●Industrial Microscopes ECLIPSELV100D●Nikon StabilEyes VR 16x32●Binoculars EAGLEVIEW Zoom 8-24x25CF●Laser Rangefinders LASER 800S●HGL Series●Field Stations GF-400 Series●Ophthalmic Frame and Sunglasses marie claire●Ophthalmic Lens Nikon Relaxsee200525