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Device and method for introducing liquids into mea


专利名称:Device and method for introducing liquids

into meat

发明人:Roland Voigt,Konrad Erbe申请号:US10539989申请日:20031212



摘要:Disclosed is a device and a method for introducing liquids into meat containingbones and/or cartilage or connective tissue, e.g. in the slaughtered body of poultry aswell as in legs and belly meat, in order to treat, season, and/or preserve said meat. The

aim of the invention is to create a device and a method which make it possible tosimultaneously introduce exactly defined, even very small quantities of water, brine,preservatives, seasoning liquids, and/or other liquids in a manner that is adapted to theanatomy of the body of the slaughtered animal, even into meat containing bones and/orcartilage or connective tissue, within a very short period of time on almost any conveyingunit, even an existing one, and even on a slaughtering conveyor belt, without using anyneedle while being highly effective and highly reliable, having a robust structure, andproviding minimal tolerance of the injected quantity. Said aim is achieved by a device forintroducing liquids into meat, comprising a base frame (). Said device is characterized bythe fact that one or several machine frame/s () is/are arranged in a rigid manner or so asto he movable in a linear direction on the base frame () while one/several injectiondevice/s () which is/are used for needle-free injection and is/are connected to one/severalhigh pressure unit/s () via one/several liquid distribution system/s () is/are disposed onthe machine frame/s (), each injection device () comprising one or several nozzle pipe/s ()on which one or several spray nozzle/s () is/are arranged and which is/are disposed onthe machine frame () so as to be deliverable. The inventive method is characterized by thefact that each of the nozzle pipes () as well as one/several spray lance/s () can heseparately impinged upon by an identical and/or different, precisely defined pressurethat is applied to different liquids for identical and/or different, exactly defined periodsof time.

申请人:Roland Voigt,Konrad Erbe



