专利名称:Optical structure for the compensation of
chromatic dispersion and dispersion slope ina light signal
发明人:Michel Morin,Yves Painchaud,Sylviane
Lelievre,Richard Lachance
摘要:A dispersion compensator for the compensation of chromatic dispersion in a
multi-channel light signal is provided. The compensator includes a pair of opticalstructures each having a waveguide and a Bragg grating provided therein. The Bragggrating has a plurality of grating components, each associated with one or a few of thechannels to be compensated. An optical assembly propagates the light signal
sequentially through both optical structures. The periods of the grating components areselected to allow compensation of chromatic dispersion experienced by this particularchannel or these particular channels, thereby taking into account the dispersion slope ofthe light signal. Tuning means are also provided in order to adjust the dispersion of thegrating components of each optical structures, and proper selection of the tuningparameters allows tuning independently both the dispersion and dispersion slope.
申请人:Michel Morin,Yves Painchaud,Sylviane Lelievre,Richard Lachance
地址:Sillery CA,Sillery CA,Québec CA,Sainte-Foy CA
代理机构:Darby & Darby