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Temperature measuring device, thermal treatment de


专利名称:Temperature measuring device, thermal

treatment device using the same,temperature measuring method

发明人:Seiichiro Higashi申请号:US11917969申请日:20060704公开号:US08419272B2公开日:20130416


摘要:A temperature measuring apparatus and a temperature measuring method,comprising a light intensity measuring unit, a calculation unit, and a temperature output

unit; wherein an object to be heated having a uniquely defined correlation betweentemperature and refractive index is irradiated with a probe laser beam in the lightintensity measuring unit, and a light intensity property is determined which represents arelationship between time and light intensity of a reflected light or a transmitted lightoccurring as a result of interference of the multiply-reflected probe laser beam withinthe object to be heated. In the calculation unit, a virtual object to be heated havingequivalent dimensional, thermal, and optical characteristics to those of the object to beheated is subjected to a thermal incidence equivalent to the heating conditions of theobject to be heated. A light intensity property of the virtual object to be heated isirradiated with a probe laser beam having an equivalent property to said probe laserbeam is acquired, and a virtual object to be heated having a light intensity property isobtained as a replicated object to be heated. The temperature output unit acquirestemperature of the object to be heated at a predetermined position thereon at apredetermined time on the basis of the replicated object to be heated.

申请人:Seiichiro Higashi

地址:Higashihiroshima JP


代理机构:Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.

