专利名称:Encoder发明人:Nagura, Chihiro申请号:EP12163899.3申请日:20120412公开号:EP2511670A2公开日:20121017
摘要:An encoder includes a scale (20), a detector array (16A) that includes a pluralityof detectors, and a signal processor (30) configured to process and convert intopositional information, an output signal from the detector array. The signal processorincludes a first phase acquirer (32) configured to acquire a first phase of a first
modulation period from an output signal of the detector array. The encoder furtherincludes a weighting unit configured to weight an output signal from each of a plurality ofdetectors using a weight in accordance with a position of the detector array. The weight isset so that in a predetermined range that contains a spatial frequency corresponding tothe second modulation period in a spatial frequency response of the first phase acquirer,a value weighted by the weighting unit is equal to or smaller than a non-weighted value.
申请人:Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
地址:30-2 Shimomaruko 3-chome Ohta-ku Tokyo 146-8501 JP