专利名称:Correlation of noise signals发明人:Thompson, William Lee申请号:EP83303370.7申请日:19830610公开号:EP0097041A2公开日:19831228
摘要:A dedicated correlator (10) receives two noise signals (A, B) from spacedsensors sensing noise in a fluid flow. One of the noise signals is delayed (26) by a variableknown amount with respect to the other. The amount of correlation between thedelayed and undelayed signals is determined by means (32). A sweep voltage generator
(40) variably increases or decreases the delay at set rates. A peak lock control means (38)is connected to the sweep generator (40) and to the means (32) for establishing
correlation for changing the direction of the sweep generator (40) when it is determinedthat the amount of correlation is decreasing from a maximum. The particular delayamount corresponding to maximum correlation corresponds, in turn, to the amount oftime required of the fluid to travel between the two sensors and, thus, the velocity of thefluid. The particular delay amount varies with variations in fluid velocity since the peaklock control means (38) follows these variations and controls the sweep voltagegenerator accordingly.
地址:1010 Common Street, P.O. Box 60035 New Orleans, Louisiana 70160 US
代理机构:Cotter, Ivan John