发明人:Tommi Auranen,Juha Kajava申请号:US10482254申请日:20020625公开号:US07336730B2公开日:20080226
摘要:The invention relates to a method for correcting an IQ-imbalance (In-phase andQuadrature) of an IQ-based direct conversion receiver (). In the method a group of radiofrequency pilot signals are received in the direct conversion receiver (). They are conveyedto an in-phase branch and a quadrature-phase branch of the receiver () and mixed, in the
analogue domain, to form a baseband in-phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q) signalcomponents. The signal componets are conveyed to a digital demodulator () whichdetects the IQ-phase imbalance of the direct conversion receiver () by analysing at leastone of the baseband in-phase (I) and the quadrature-phase (Q) signal components. In themethod, the detected IQ-imbalance is corrected, in the analogue domain of the directconversion receiver (), to achieve a 90 degrees phase difference between a futurebaseband in-phase (I) signal component and a future baseband quadrature-phase (Q)signal component.
申请人:Tommi Auranen,Juha Kajava
地址:Turku FI,Naantali FI
代理机构:Alston & Bird LLP