专利名称:Photographic material with a layer dyeable
by organic dyestuffs
发明人:Bergthaller, Peter, Dr.,Strauss, Jürgen, Dr.申请号:EP82107020.8申请日:19820804公开号:EP0072489A1公开日:19830223
摘要:a bildempfangselement for farbdiffusions\übertragungsverfahren suitablephotographic material contains in a layer of a schichttr\äger arrangedanf\ärbbaren nickelchelate2,2 '- to - skin one of the general formula ii as
metallisierungsmittel for the formation of a colored complex with organic colorless orcolored sequestrants.the development bildm\ä\ßig in the anf\ärbbarelayer chelatisierbaren bildfarbstoffen assigned to the corresponding nickelkomplexewith improved lichtstabilit\ät formed. x r1, if on 0 angekn\üpften
kohlenwasserstoffrest, halogen or r4; r2 is hydrogen, halogen, alkyl, or alkoxy, alkenyl, aankondensierten benzene ring; or r4.if not, a group of r4 is r1, r2 or r3 r4 - nh - co - or -nh -, so2 - r8 r9 alkyl; r5, r6, r7 aralkyl or cycloalkyl; hydrogen, alkyl, aryl,
aralkyl,cycloalkyl or a rest together to complete a cyclic amino group; r8 is alkyl, aryl, oraralkyl, or5 r9 alkyl, aryl, or
申请人:Agfa-Gevaert AG
地址:Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee D-51373 Leverkusen DE