原文 http://www.dezeen.com/2010/01/11/yjp-administrative-center-by-hhd_fun/www.archgo.com 把世界的优秀建筑送到您的桌面该楼的名字是“YJP管理中心”它的金属表皮有12种不同的形状。
原文 http://www.dezeen.com/2010/01/11/yjp-administrative-center-by-hhd_fun/www.archgo.com 把世界的优秀建筑送到您的桌面建筑的外圈是走廊,在建筑内可以看见外面的CBD地区。
原文 http://www.dezeen.com/2010/01/11/yjp-administrative-center-by-hhd_fun/www.archgo.com 把世界的优秀建筑送到您的桌面充满小孔洞的立面符合建筑的功能需求。图案化的立面与办公楼内部的功能相适应。
原文 http://www.dezeen.com/2010/01/11/yjp-administrative-center-by-hhd_fun/www.archgo.com 把世界的优秀建筑送到您的桌面立面的孔洞是视觉框,孔洞的大小和方向在连续中保持变化。
Beijing architects HHD_FUN have completed a temporary office building in Binhainear Tianjin, China, which features a patterned metal skin enclosing verandas.Called YJP Administrative Center, the building is covered in panels in twelvedifferent shapes.
These are distributed across the surface according to how much light is requiredby each of the rooms behind.
Here’s some more text from HHD_FUN:–
YJP Administrative Center is a temporary building in Tianjin Binhai CBD.
Enclosed verandahs are arranged around the building to afford visual access to theCBD area from within the building.
This allows the occupants to survey the surrounding construction site.The size of openings within the facade relates directly to the lighting
requirements for particular activities within different areas of the building.The porosity of the façade is designed to produce the required conditions forthese activities.
原文 http://www.dezeen.com/2010/01/11/yjp-administrative-center-by-hhd_fun/www.archgo.com 把世界的优秀建筑送到您的桌面The integration of the density of the patterned façade with the various innerfunctions forms a key focus of the project.
The façade apertures serve as view frames. Aperture size and orientation isvaried in a continuous manner introducing topological difference across thefaçade.
The whole façade is constructed from six forms, reflected to give twelve types ofidentical components, making the building process highly efficient. This meantthat the building to be constructed in less than seven months.
原文 http://www.dezeen.com/2010/01/11/yjp-administrative-center-by-hhd_fun/