专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷126 (题后含答案及解析)
PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.
正确答案:Bell In ancient times all over the world, / it was believed that evil spirits could put up with / just about anything except the clanging of the bell. / Over time, the bell itself, even when not ringing, / came to be regarded as a powerful lucky symbol. / Because it is suspended in a hanging position, / it takes on the representation of all life suspended between heaven and earth. / Its vault-like shape has become a symbol of heaven. / Bells are used in Christian churches as well as Hindu / and Buddhist temples as a means of keeping evils away. / The bell tolled at funerals is now explained as a signal to the living / that a soul is passing to the other side / and should be accompanied by prayers. / But originally the tolling was intended
to prevent / evil forces from interfering with the soul’s heavenward journey. / 涉及知识点:听力
SECTION B CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of [A], [B], [C] and [D], and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have thirty seconds to preview the questions.
听力原文:(Carolyn=W, Bob=M)W: Bob, you weren’t at home last Saturday, were you? I tried to call you.M: Oh, that’s right, Carolyn. I suppose you phoned me in the morning, didn’t you?W: Yes, it was late in the morning when I phoned.M: Oh, I was out shopping. Why did you phone me?W: I wanted to ask if you’d like to come to dinner on Sunday.M: Oh, what a pity! I wish I had come but—actually, I went on a river trip practically the whole day Sunday. W: How was the trip?M: Very worthwhile. By the way, how did the dinner party go? W: Well, we had a wonderful time... er... I thought you might have enjoyed it too if you had come. Tom Welsh and his wife were
with us. You’ve met them before, haven’t you? M: Tom Welsh, yes, I rather liked him.W: And we had a lovely dinner with green cabbage, cucumber soup and fresh salad. M: Very nice.W: And they asked about you. M: And how’re they getting on? W: Oh, very well. They enjoyed the party very much. M: Ah, good.
2. When did Carolyn call Bob? A.Last Saturday morning. B.Last Saturday evening C.Last Sunday morning D.Last Sunday evening.
解析:细节题。对话中提到Carolyn问Bob上周六是不是不在家,因为她打电话过去没人接。Bob说他是不在家,并猜测Carolyn是那天早上打的电话,得到了Carolyn的确认。因此,Carolyn是在上周六的早上给Bob打的电话。A项为正确答案。 知识模块:听力
3. Why was Bob not able to go to the dinner party? A.He went on a trip.
B.He went out shopping and missed the phone. C.He went to visit Tom and his wife. D.Both A and B
正确答案:B 解析:细节判断题。对话开始讨论的是Bob上周六不在家,没有接到Carolyn的电话,而Carolyn打电话的原因是想邀请Bob周日来一起吃饭。由此可知,Bob没能去赴这次晚宴的直接原因就是因外出购物而没能接到邀请电话,尽管客观上他接到邀请也未必能前去,但是这是我们的猜测,根据对话本身。我们只能选择B项而不能选D。 知识模块:听力
4. What can we infer from the conversation? A.He was happy that he had come to the dinner. B.He had to come to the dinner.
C.He would try to come to the dinner.
D.He felt sorry that he didn’t come to the dinner.
解析:推断题。Bob说的I wish I had come but...是虚拟语气,表示一种与现实相反的假设和愿望。如果了解这点,再加上听到后面对话中出现了but一词,我们便可判定答案应该是D项,而后半段的对话则可以帮我们进一步地证实选择。 知识模块:听力
听力原文:(Martin=W, Johnson=M)W: Elizabeth Martin speaking.M: Dr. Martin, my name is Mark Johnson. My roommate, Benjamin Jones, is in your art history class. Uh-m, Art History 502?W: Yes.M: Well, he is sick and won’t be in your class today.
He asked me to bring his term paper to your office.W: Ok. The paper is due by 3 o’clock.M: I have a class from 1 to 2. I’ll bring it to your office after my class.W: Well, I have a meeting this afternoon. So you can drop it off with the secretary of the art history department. She’ll see that I get it.M: Ok. Oh I almost forgot. I’m biology major. But my advisor told me that I need one more humanities course to graduate. I’ve noticed that you are teaching a course on landscape painters next semester. Could you tell me a little bit about it?W: Sure. Well, it’s a course for non-art majors. We’ll be looking at several different painters and examining their works. We’ll also look at the history and politics of the era in which they lived.M: That sounds interesting. What else is required?W: There is no final exam. And there is only one required book. But each student has to give a major presentation about the individual painter at the end of the course.M: Hmm. It sounds good. Thanks. I’ll do that.
5. Why did the man call the woman? A.He was unable to attend her class.
B.He wanted to deliver something to her office. C.He wanted to hand in a late assignment. D.He wanted to drop her course.
解析:细节归纳题。Johnson在对话一开始做了自我介绍,并讲明了打电话的原因。因为室友生病不能亲自前去交Martin教授布置的论文,因此他要替室友递交这份论文。B项中用deliver替代了对话中的bring,用不定代词something替换了term paper,尽管这样的替换使得意思不如原来具体,但却与原意不违背,和其他选项比较起来,无疑是最佳的答案。其余3个选项表面看起来与对话相关,但实际都不是Johnson打电话的目的,只是利用原文中的个别单词进行干扰。 知识模块:听力
6. What did the man almost forget to do? A.Find out about a course. B.See an adviser. C.Drop off a paper. D.Go to a meeting.
解析:细节题。Johnson在与教授商量好同学委托的事之后,话题转到自己所关心的点上。对话中出现了与题干类似的话I almost forgot,有利于我们确定答案的大致范围。他说:“导师告诉我在毕业前还要选修一门人文科学的课程……您能告诉我一些情况吗?”于是,我们对比选项就应该很快确定A项是正确答案了。 知识模块:听力
7. What will the students be required to do in the course the woman described? A.Paint a landscape. B.Give an oral report. C.Take a final exam.
D.Buy several books.
解析:细节题。Martin教授告诉Johnson:“该课程没有期末考试,而且只有一本必备的书,但是每个同学在课程结束时要就某个画家给予总体的介绍。”B项中依旧使用了同义替换的方式来进行设置,即用oral report替换presentation,意思不发生变化,所以B是正确选项。其余选项是利用原词进行干扰,实际意思和对话不符,故不能选。 知识模块:听力
听力原文:(Laura=W, John=M)W: Hi, John.M: Oh! Laura, what are you doing here?W: Uh. I’m usually here on weekends. It’s my dad’s shop. So you are looking for a bike?M: Yeah. Now that the weather is warming up, I thought I should get some exercise instead of taking the bus all the time.W: Well, you come to the right place. Do you know what you would like?M: Well, I don’t want a racer or a touring bike or anything. Mostly I’ll just be using it to get me back and forth from work.W: How far is that?M: About four miles.W: Are there a lot of hills on the way?M: Some I guess. But maybe I should tell you that I only got 150 dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?W: Well, you are not going to get anything top of the line. But we do have a few trade-ins in the back that are in good condition.M: That sounds good.W: And you are right. For the kind of ride you are going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. You want to make sure it’s the right height for you. Follow me and I’ll show you what we’ve got.
8. Why is Laura at the bicycle shop? A.She’s waiting for her father.
B.She’s having her bicycle repaired. C.She wants to surprise John. D.She works there.
解析:细节判断题。对话在开始相互打招呼的时候就透露出了相关的信息,例如,Laura回答John的问题时说:“我通常周末都在这儿,这是我父亲的店铺。”根据这句回答,我们就可以毫不犹豫地选择D项。其他选项干扰的成分相对较小。 知识模块:听力
9. Why does John want to buy a bicycle? A.To replace his stolen bicycle. B.To begin bicycling to work. C.To join a bicycle club. D.To train for a bicycle race.
莫属。 知识模块:听力
10. What does Laura suggest John do? A.Buy a racing bicycle. B.Buy a used bicycle.
C.Replace the tires on his bicycle. D.Sell his old bicycle to the shop.
解析:细节判断题。当John解释说自己钱不多,仅有的150美元能否卖到像样的车的时候,Laura说道:“在后面我们有一些折价旧车,他们的车况还不错。”选项中的后两项内容根本没有出现过,所以很容易排除。A项明显与John初衷相反(I don’t want a racer),因此Laura不可能会建议他买racing bicycle。正确选项应该是B项。 知识模块:听力
11. What does Laura say is most important about a bike? A.It must be the right height. B.It must have several gears. C.It must have good tires. D.It must be the right weight.
解析:态度判断题。Laura在对话的结尾表述了自己认为买车时应该关注的地方,首先她说一定要注意车的舒适性,要John来试一下是否合适他自己的高度。这就说明,她认为适合的高度是至关重要的,因此A项便是我们应该选择的。尽管其他选项所列的内容也是我们日常买车时关注的点,但是对话中并没提及,所以不选。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: Although European countries have been spending more money on wind generating electrical facilities than we have been here in the U.S., there are combinations of factors which make the outlook quite promising for domestic wind farms. Many of the projects which have been attempted in Europe have not been commercially successful because they have been centered around massive projects—some as tall as twenty-story buildings with propellers a hundred meters across—that they have developed structural and other technical problems. Here in America, by contrast, we typically rely on smaller propeller units distributed across large land area, such as the five thousand acre installation near Palm Springs. Although these small installations are technically less efficient, in practical terms they have turned out to be much more reliable. The other factor which has helped to make the domestic wind power projects more successful has been the introduction of computers to regulate the interactions between the propellers and the electrical generators. Because of the reduced cost of computerized controllers and the greater efficiency they bring, the cost of wind generated power has dropped from 30 cents per kilowatt hour to 7-9 cents—less than the cost of conventional coal or oil burning power plants.
12. What is talked about in the beginning of the passage? A.The utilization of alternative energy in America. B.The costs of wind generated power.
C.The comparison between wind power in the US and Europe. D.The benefits of wind power.
正确答案:C 解析:细节判断题。通过听前读题,就会发现应该对文章开头信息格外注意。文章开头说欧洲国家比美国在风力发电的设施上花费了更多钱,也就是进行了比较,故C项内容符合题意。 知识模块:听力
13. Many of the projects in Europe are not successful because A.they occupy too much space. B.their windmills are too small. C.they involve too many computers. D.they are of large scales.
解析:细节题。文中指出欧洲国家的许多风力发电项目在商业上并不成功,主要因为其设施极其庞大,由此引发了很多结构和技术问题。故应该选答案D,large scale是原文中massive的同义替换。 知识模块:听力
14. What can lower the price of wind-generated electricity? A.Greater winds.
B.Slightly larger windmills.
C.Computerized controllers of less cost. D.Stronger competition.
正确答案:C 解析:细节题。预读题目时可推测跟题目相关的部分应该会谈到具体数字的下降,而文章最后提到了某些具体数值,谈及通过降低计算机控制部分的成本来减少最终价格,故选C。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: I’m sure you realize that we only have a month left before the research papers are due. I’ve checked over your topic statements and I’ve tried to add some helpful comments. In general, I’d like to remind you that choosing a project which you can back up with solid reference materials is of the utmost importance. As I return your topic statements, I’d like to remind you about the schedule I laid out for the paper. Today is Friday; by Wednesday, I want an annotated bibliography. By next Friday I’ll expect a detailed outline which should correspond to the topic you have already chosen. In case you need to discuss your paper on an individual basis, you can stop by my office—there’s a sign-up sheet on the door if you wish to schedule an appointment. Please consult your style manual carefully when writing your bibliography. The assignment is graded almost strictly on mechanics rather than
content which means you need to take your time and plan a-head. The more information you include within your annotations, the better preparation you will have for the outline. So, please do not forget that the annotated bibliography is due next Wednesday, and the outline is due the following Friday. Good luck.
15. What is the speaker mainly talking about? A.Requirements for the homework. B.Preparations for a paper. C.Proper research skills. D.Writing of bibliography.
解析:主旨题。这道题是关于文章整体内容的询问,故在听文章时应关注开头结尾句,并对各项提到的内容有所概括。文章谈的都是为写好一篇论文做准备,故选B。 知识模块:听力
16. When should the students finish the bibliographies? A.By next Wednesday. B.Three weeks later. C.By next Friday. D.The whole month.
解析:细节题。预读题目时应抓住关键单词bibliographies.文中不只一次强调应在下周三时上交bibliographies,故选A项。 知识模块:听力
17. What is the most important thing for writing the research papers? A.Selecting a good topic. B.Using required forms.
C.Referring to the style manual. D.Handing in time.
解析:细节题。题目问的是写论文时什么是最重要的,短文开头作者就强调应该选一个自己能找到很多材料证明的课题去写论文,故选A项。 知识模块:听力
18. What will the professor value most when grading the assignment? A.Focusing on the topic.
B.Proper writing of annotations. C.Use of required format.
D.Quality of research material.
时最看重什么。文中提到给分时主要看结构而非内容,故选C项,format就是原文mechanics的同义替换。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: For years, it’s been assumed that the indoor environment limits the variety of plants that people are exposed to. Lately, however, plants that are usually only grown outdoors have found their way into indoor spaces. The modern indoor environment can be an ideal setting for a wide variety of outdoor plants. Plants that ordinarily cannot grow in colder outdoor climates can find protection from the cold indoors, where temperatures are easily controlled. Orchids, which were once only found in tropical environments, have begun to thrive in indoor settings. One aspect of the modern home that has made exotic outdoor plants more practical is the modern use of windows. In the past windows were used less frequently in buildings. It is partly because of the ability of 1arge windows to admit large amounts of sunlight and keep the heat in at the same time, that many outdoor plants have been able to make their move inside. It is true that most of the plants that have been successful in moving indoors have been small. Some of the best-adapted varieties are the vines. Although some trees can be grown indoors, it is unlikely that larger varieties can be used. Unfortunately, most homes just don’t have the space to grow a redwood tree.
19. What is the speaker mainly talking about? A.The problem of global warming.
B.The difficulty of controlling the temperature at home. C.Growing plants indoor. D.Dying plants.
解析:主旨题。处理类似题型应密切关注文章的首尾段信息。本篇文章开篇便说“近来一些经常只能种植于户外的植物也开始被挪到室内的环境中”,结尾用葡萄藤的例子说明原本种在室外的植物现在成为居室内的很棒的装饰。故选项C正确。 知识模块:听力
20. What is the function of the modern windows? A.Allow fresh air to blow in. B.Keep out the worms.
C.Admit sunlight and maintain heat. D.Control the indoor temperature.
解析:细节题。文中说到“现代居室的大玻璃窗可以透进大量阳光并同时保温”,故C项内容正确。 知识模块:听力
21. Why can’t the large trees be popularly found indoors? A.The temperature is not suitable. B.They cannot be transplanted. C.They cannot be handled.
D.There is not enough room.
解析:细节题。文章结尾处提到由于室内空间有限,所以一些更大型的植物就没法被放到室内种植。故选D。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: In an unannounced meeting with the Israeli prime minister, Jordan’s King Abdullah put new pressure on Israel to stop building settlements in the West Bank. The Jordanian king met with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmet in this Red Sea port of Aqaba, a day after the monarch met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. A statement from the royal palace said the king urged Israel to avoid “unilateral actions” that could block progress towards peace. King Abdullah warned Mr. Olmert that a stalled peace process “threatens the region’s future, and its security and stability.” A spokesman for Mr. Olmert said the Israeli leader renewed Israel’s commitment not to build new settlements or appropriate new lands in the parts of the West Bank outside East Jerusalem.
22. When did the Jordanian king meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in the Red Sea port of Aqaba?
A.A day after the king met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
B.A week after the king met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
C.A month after the king met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
D.A year after the king met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
解析:时间细节判断题。新闻中提到:约旦国王在红海港口亚喀巴会见了以色列总理埃胡德·奥尔默特。前一天,这位国王刚刚约见过巴勒斯坦权力机构主席马哈茂德·阿巴斯。故选项A正确。对交待了事件之后出现的独立结构要加以留意,因其常补充说明时间、地点等细节,如本句原文…,a day after...。 知识模块:听力
23. Who urged Israel to avoid “unilateral actions” that could block progress toward peace?
A.Israeli prime minister. B.Jordan’s King. C.Ehud Olmert. D.A spokesman.
王敦促以色列避免可能阻碍和平进程的“单边行动”。故选项B正确。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have gained a third emblem, opening the way for Israel to join the global relief network. Representatives of countries which signed the Geneva Convention voted by a two-thirds majority to adopt a diamond-shaped red crystal on a white background as the new symbol. The move also allows Israel’s official ambulance service to operate alongside the Palestinian Red Crescent in the occupied Palestinian territories. Israel will use the symbol outside its internationally recognized borders instead of the red Star of David, which Arab states have always refused to accept. A U.S. governor advisor at the talks, John Ballinger, says he was pleased with the outcome.
24. Which of the following details is INCORRECT?
A.The international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have gained a third emblem.
B.The new emblem opened the way for Israel to join the global relief network. C.A two-thirds majority adopted a diamond-shaped white crystal on a red background as the new symbol.
D.A U.S. governor advisor at the talks says he was pleased with the outcome.
解析:细节判断题。文中提到2/3的多数代表同意采用白色背景的一个菱形红水晶作为新标志,故选项C(红色背景白色水晶)与原文不符,因此符合题意。预读时应注意题干中的INCORRECT。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: A forty-year-old father of two, Steve Vaught took the final steps of his epic journey as he crossed the George Washington Bridge into Manhattan. It took him a year and a month to walk the nearly four thousand eight hundred kilometers from his home in California. His original aim had been to lose weight after falling into a depression and developing an eating disorder. He did arrive a hundred pounds or forty-five kilograms lighter but said he learned that weight loss was more about the state of mind than body. He now realized the secret to becoming thinner was being happier. His voyage of self-discovery was viewed by millions around the world on his website “A Fat Man Walking” and he now plans to publish a book about his experiences. But before disappearing into a hotel, he told reporters his first plan was to put on some new socks.
25. What was Steve Vaught’s purpose of his epic journey at first? A.Touring. B.Weight loss. C.Book writing.
D.Developing an eating disorder.
紊乱之后减肥”,所以答案应该选B项。但是题干使用的词和新闻中不同,是相同意思的不同表述,这常是出题者干扰的策略之一。 知识模块:听力
26. How long was his journey? A.4,800 kilometers. B.45 kilometers. C.40 kilometers. D.5,800 kilometers.
解析:数字辨析题。新闻中出现了多组数字,表示的意思不同。选项B和C中的数字都出现过,但是前者指的是减掉的重量,单位是公斤;后者是年龄,都不合题意。最后一个选项主要考大家的辨音能力,只要听清是four还是five即可。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: Singapore executed an Australian drug trafficker this morning, spurning repeated appeals from Australia for clemency. Nguyen Tuong Van was hanged at dawn. Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, says the execution may breed resentment towards the city-state, but ruled out any diplomatic action. Friends and supporters of Nguyen Tuong Van held vigils outside the maximum-security prison where the 25-year-old was executed. Nguyen was found with about 400 grams of heroin at Singapore’s Changi Airport in 2002 on route from Cambodia to Australia. He said he planned to sell the drugs to help pay off the debts of his twin brother. Appeals for clemency by the Australian government and his lawyers failed and he was hanged at six o’clock this morning.
27. Where was the drug trafficker most likely to be arrested? A.In Australia. B.In Singapore. C.In Cambodia. D.In Austria.
解析:地点细节题。新闻提到了几个相关的地名,它们和事件之间存在不同的联系,阮祥文是在新加坡的Changi机场被查获的,而且这是在从柬埔寨飞往澳大利亚的中转站。如果没有听到这一句,只要听到第1句也可准确作答。第1句说新加坡处死了该毒贩,所以抓捕毒犯最可能的地方应该是新加坡(如果是在别的国家被抓则新加坡无权处决犯人),答案选B项。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: Indonesia overtook Thailand recently as the second worst affected country in the world, after Vietnam, in terms of the number of people killed by H5N1 bird flu. Thirty people are now confirmed as having died in Indonesia. The virus has been found in poultry in the majority of Indonesia’s thirty-three provinces. Worryingly, the latest cluster of deaths was on the island of Sumatra, not Java where all previous confirmed fatalities had been recorded. All the Sumatran victims were
reported to have been in close proximity to sick poultry. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization this week warned Indonesia that they were failing to combat the spread of the disease, both in terms of controlling animal infections and failing to increase public awareness. The Indonesian authorities say they are watching the Sumatra cluster carefully but there’s no evidence that the virus was passed from human to human.
28. Which country was most seriously affected by the virus of H5N1 bird flu in the world?
A.Indonesia. B.Thailand. C.Vietnam. D.Sumatra.
解析:细节判断题。新闻中先后提到了3个国家,即印度尼西亚、泰国和越南,按因H5N1禽流感而死亡的人数的多少来排序,分别是第2、第3和第1。此题解题关键是听到after。 知识模块:听力
29. What was the reason for the latest cluster of deaths in Indonesia? A.Because they looked after other sick people. B.Because they combated the disease. C.Because they didn’t take medicine.
D.Because they once touched sick poultry.
解析:事实判断题。选项中的4个原因看起来都符合一般情理,但根据新闻内容来判断有3项是不对的。新闻结尾提到病毒不会在人与人之间相互传染,所以A项不对。B项过于笼统,C项合理但文中没有提及,所以正确选项应该是D项。 知识模块:听力
听力原文: Britney Spears has filed a $20 million libel lawsuit against celebrity magazine Us Weekly, charging it published a false story reporting she and her husband, Kevin Federline, made a sex tape and were worried about its release. According to the lawsuit, Us Weekly refused Spears’ request for a retraction saying it stood by the story. Spears is seeking $10 million in libel damages and $10 million for misappropriating her name and image to promote sales. The article was published on October 17th in the magazine’s Hot Stuff column and claimed that Spears and her husband had viewed the tape with their estate planning lawyers on September 30th. The lawsuit denies the existence of any such tape or that they viewed it with their lawyers.
30. How much was Britney Spears claiming for misappropriating her name and image?
A.$20 million. B.$20 billion.
C.$10 million. D.$10 billion.
解析:数字判断题。新闻在开始和中间出现了两个数字,分别是10和20,它们后面都接的是million,所以B和D两项可以排除。此外,即使没听清,这两项也应该能排除,因为金额高得有些离谱而不符合常理。$20million是索赔总额,不符合题意,所以正确答案只能是C项。 知识模块:听力
31. When did celebrity magazine Us Weekly publish the article about Britney Spears?
A.On September 30th. B.On September 17th. C.On October 30th. D.On October 17th.
解析:时间判断题。本题的选项设置方法和上题如出一辙,用不同的月份和日期来组合。我们首先确定哪些是新闻中确实提到的,然后再判断哪个与题目相符。这样一来,焦点首先落在A和D两项,而与题目相符的只能是D项。所以答案选最后一项。 知识模块:听力