Part 1 B
1. Woman: This is my family. I'm married. My husband's name is Bill. We have two children — a boy and a girl. Our little girl is six years old, and our little boy is four. Jennie goes to kindergarten, and Aaron goes to nursery school. My father lives with us. Grandpa's great with the kids. He loves playing with them and taking them to the park or the zoo.
2. Man: This is a picture of me and my three sons. We're at a soccer game. Orlando is twelve, Louis is ten, and Carlos is nine. All three of them really like sports. Orlando and Louis play baseball. Carlos is into skating. 3. Man: This is my wife June, and these are my three children. Terri on the right is the oldest. She's in high school. She's very involved in music. She's in the orchestra. Rachel— she's the one in the middle — is twelve now. And this is my son Peter. He's one year older than Rachel. Rachel and Peter are both in junior high school. Time really flies. June and I have been married for twenty years now.
4. Woman: This is a picture of me with my three kids. The girls, Jill and Anne, are both in high school. This is Jill on the right. She'll graduate next year. Anne is two years younger. My son Dan is in college. It seems like the kids are never home. I see them for dinner and sometimes on Saturday
mornin gs, but that's about it. They're really busy and have a lot of frie nds.
Woman: Well, my brother was six years younger than I, and er, I think that when he was little I was quite jealous of him. I remember he had beautiful red curls (mm) ... my mother used to coo over him. One day a friend and I played, erm, barber shop, and, erm, my mother must have bee n away, she must have bee n in the kitche n or somethi ng (mm) and we got these scissors and sat my brother down and kept him quiet and (strapped him dow n)…That's right, and cut off all his curls, you see. And my mother just was so upset, and in fact it's the first ... I think it the few times r ve ever see n my father really an gry. Man: What happe ned to you?
Woman: Oh ... I was sent to my room for a whole week you know, it was terrible.
Man But was that the sort of pattern, were n't you close to your brother at all?
Woma n: Well as I grew older I thi nk that er I just ignored him ...
Man: What about ... you've got an older brother too, did ... were they close, the two brothers?
Woman: No, no my brother's just a couple of years older than I ... so the two of us were closer and we thought we were both very grow n up and he
was just a ... a kid ... so we deliberately, I thi nk, kind of ignored him. And then I left, I left home when he was only still a schoolboy, he was only fifteen (mm) and I went to live in England and he eventually went to live in Brazil and I really did lose con tact with him for a long time. Man: What was he doing dow n there?
Woma n: Well, he was a travel age nt, so he went dow n there to work ... And, erm, I did n't, I can't eve n remember, erm sending a card, eve n, whe n he got married. But I re ... I do remember that later on my mother was show ing me pictures of his wedd ing, 'cause my mother and father went down there (uh huh) to the wedding, and er, there was this guy on the photos with a beard and glasses, and I said,\"Oh, who's this then?\" 'cause I thought it was the bride's brother or something like this (mm) ... and my mother said frostily, \"That ... is your brother!\" (laughter) Questi ons for memory test:
1. Accord ing to the passage, how many brothers does the lady have? 2. Whe n the sister saw her mother coo over her youn ger brother, how did she feel?
3. What's her father's reacti on whe n he got to know that the sister had cut off her youn ger brother's hair?
4. How old was her youn ger brother whe n she left home? 5. Where did her brother eve ntually live?
6. Who was the guy on the photos with a beard and glasses?
PART 2 A and B
Radio prese nter: Good after noon. And welcome to our midweek Phon e-I n. In today's program we' re going to concen trate on pers onal problems. And here with me in the studio I've got Tessa Colbeck,who writes Flash magazine, and Doctor Maurice Rex, Student Medical Adviser at the Un iversity of Norfolk.
The number to ring with your problem is oh one, if you are outside London, two two two, two one two two. And we have our first caller on the line, and it s Rosemary, I think, er calling from Manchester. Hello, Rosemary. Rosemary: Hello.
Radio presenter: How can we help you, Rosemary?
Rosemary: Well it ' s my dadwIH® 't let me stay out after ten o'clock at ni ght and all my friends can stay out much Ion ger tha n that. I always have to go home first. It's really embarrass in g...
Tessa:Hello, Rosemary, love. Rosemary, how old are you, dear? Rosemary: I'm fifteen in two month's time.
Tessa:A nd where do you go at n ight?--Whe n you go out?
Rosemary: Just to my frien d's house, usually. But every one else can stay there much later tha n me. I have to leave at about a quarter to ten. Tessa:A nd does this friend of yours-does she live n ear you?
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Rosemary: It takes about ten minutes to walk from her house to ours. Tessa:I see. You live in Bright on, was n'tit? Well ,Bright on '… Rosemary: No, Man Chester - - live in Man Chester.
Tessa:oh. I ' sorry, love. I ' gett ing mixed up. Y es, well Man Chester's quite a rough city, is n't it ? I mean, your dad...
Rosemary: No, not really. Not where we live, it isn' I don't live in the City Cen ter or any thi ng like that. And Christ in e's house is in a very quiet part. Tessa:Christine. That's your friend, is it?
Rosemary: Yeah. That's right. I mean, I know my dad gets worried but it s perfectly safe.
Maurice: Rosemary. Have you talked about this with your dad?
Rosemary: No. He just shouts and the n he says he won't let me go out at all if I can't come home on time.
Maurice: Why don't you just try to sit down quietly with your dad- sometime whe n he's relaxed--a nd just have a quiet chat about it? He'll probably explain why he worries about you. It isn't always safe for young girls to go out at ni ght.
Tessa:Y es. And maybe you could persuade him to come and pick you up from Christ in e's house once or twice.
Rosemary: Yes」don't think he'll agree to that, but r II talk to him about it . Than ks. Part 3
Josephine: We did feel far more stability in our lives, becauseyou see ... in these days I think there's always a concern that families will separate or somethi ng, but in those days no body expected the families to separate. Gertrude:
Of course there may have been smoking, drinking and
drug-taking years ago, but it was all kept very quiet, nobody knew anything about it. But these days there really isn't the family life that we used to have. The children seem to do more as they like whether they know it's right or wrong. Oh, thi ngs are very differe nt I think. Questi on: What was your pare nts' role in family life?
Joseph ine: Well, my mother actually did n't do a treme ndous amount in the house, but she did do a great deal of work outside and she was very interested, for example, in the Nursing Association collecting money for it. We had somebody who looked after us and the n we also had some one who did the clea ning. Gertrude:
Well, we lived in a flat, we only had three rooms and a
bathroom. Father worked on the railway at Victoria Station and my mother did n't work, obviously. My father's wage I thi nk was about two pounds a week and I suppose our rent was about twelve shilli ngs a week, you know as rent was - I'm going back a good many years. We did n't have an easy life, you know and I think that's why my mother went out so much with her friends. It was a relief for her, you know really.
Questi on: Did you have a close relati on ship with your pare nts? Joseph ine: In a sense I would say not very close but we, at that time, did n't feel that way, we did n't thi nk about it very much I don't thi nk. I think today people are much closer to their parents and talk about everythi ng, which we did n't. Then, of course, we used to play a lot of games, because we did n't have a televisi on or eve n a radio and we would play games in the eve nings rather tha n have conv ersatio n, I think.
Questi on: Was there more discipli ne in families in those days? Joseph ine: Oh yes, I do thi nk so, yes. We were much more discipli ned and we went about as a family and it was n't un til I was probably about 18 before I would actually go out with any friends of my own.
Stateme nts:
1. Seve nty years ago young people ofte n smoked and drank in front of others.
2. Apart from a great deal of work outside, Josephine's mother also looked after her childre n and did the clea ning in the house. 3. Gertrude's father earned two pounds a week.
4. Gertrude's family had to pay ten shillings a week for their flat. 5. Young people seve nty years ago deeply felt that they did not have a very close relatio nship with their pare nts.
6. Nowadays people are much closer to their parents and talk about
everythi ng to them. Part 4
Q: Pare nt Li nk is an orga ni zati on that looks at the problems that pare nts and children face. Its director, Tim Kahn, told us about the changing roles of pare nts and childre n.
T: The authoritarian model was one in which the child had no rights and I guess in the 60s and perhaps the 70s many people rejected that and we had the sort of the permissive era---the age where many pare nts felt they had to allow their childre n to do whatever they wan ted to do and so in a sense the roles were reversed and it was the childre n who were the bosses and the pare nts who ran around behi nd them. The ideas that we offer to parents are kind of a third position in which we' rdooking at equals, where pare nts and childre n are differe nt but equal. Q: What about cha nges in the male-female roles?
T: Society has cha nged a lot. As well as tech no logy leadi ng to great changes, people ' rsles have changed very much, in particular the women s movement has very much questioned the role of women and led many wome n to dema nd a freer choice about who they are and how they
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can be. There ' s a lot of frustration with how men haven seems to me that t changed, the more the frustration is expressed the more stuck in and being the same men are and we need to find ways of appreciating men for the amount of work that they have to do in being bread-w inn ers and providers for
families and appreciating the efforts men are making to be more invo Ived with their childre n.
Q: Are there any changes you would like to see in the attitude to family life in Britai n?
T: In the past there were arranged marriages and I wonder if part of having an arranged marriage is knowing that you have to work at it to create the love and that now people are getting married out of love and there ' s a kind of feeling that yolove is there and it will stay there for ever and we don' have to work at it and when it gets tricky we don' t know how to work at it and so we opt out. I thi nk help ing people lear n to work at their relati on ships to make their relatio nship work would be a significant thing that I ' d like to see happening. Part 5 B
Louisa: She does n't let me watch that much TV after school, which is really annoying because most of my friends watch Home and Away and Neighbors but I on ly get to watch one of them. I sometimes don't — I mea n I thi nk that's really un fair so sometimes I just watch both any way. Mother: First and foremost, Louisa watches a fair amount of television whether she thinks she's deprived or not, she must watch at least 45 minu tes per day. And whe n rm not around you know I know the child sn eaks in
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a fair amount more tha n that. So she gets in a fair amount of televisio n, certa in ly on the weeke nds. But I am of the opin io n that television, very very very few programs will teach them anything. And I think when a child is under your care for 18 years it's the parents' resp on sibility to make sure that the in put is of value, and I don't think televisi on, much televisi on is of any value at all, I think readi ng a book and doing her pia no less ons are far more valuable tha n watchi ng crummy America n soap operas.
Questi ons for memory test:
1. How many TV plays are men ti on ed?
2. For how long a time does Louisa watch TV per day? 3. Does Louisa try to get more time to watch TV?
4. Which activities does Louisa's mother thi nk are far more valuable?
My parents gave me a lot of free time. After dinner, during the week whe n I was say eve n 15 years old they would let me go out un til ten o'clock and they would n ever ask where I wen t. I would smoke cigarettes and drink beer, at 15 years old I would hang out in the ... in the local pubs and these were type of thi ngs that I don't thi nk were too good for me at that time. I think my parents should have, you know, maybe at least
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showed an in terest as to where I was going. They n ever eve n asked where I was going and they, they gave me a lot of free time, and I thi nk that they, they felt that this was a thi ng that was being a good pare nt. But I thi nk that tee nagers are very n aive, and I was as a tee nager very n aive, and I thi nk I could have used a little more directi on from them. These days a lot of parents think they should be lenient with their children, they should let them grow and experienee on their own. And I think that's what my pare nts were doin g, I think there's a Biblical say ing \"Spare the rod, spoil the child\" and I think that really applies. And I think you need to direct especially young people. They can be throw n into such a harsh world, especially if you live in a city. I lived in a very small village and it was still a rough crowd that I found in that village. And my parents never asked questi ons, and if they only knew they would be shocked.
Stateme nts:
1. Whe n the boy was 15 years old, he could stay out un til ten o'clock. 2. At the age of 15, the boy was not allowed to smoke cigarettes or drink beer.
3. The boy thought his pare nts were very good because they gave him a lot of free time.
4. The boy lived in a very crowded city.
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