专利名称:Method and apparatus for enhancing heat
pump and refrigeration equipment
发明人:Samuel Sami,Peter A. Kulish,Ronald J
Kita,Garrett J Shivo
摘要:A vapor compression apparatus and a method for operating a vaporcompression system are provided. A working fluid is conveyed through a vapor
compression system having a fluid line. A charging element is connected to the fluid lineto direct an electric charge into working fluid. The electric charge is operable to disruptintermolecular forces and weaken intermolecular attraction to enhance expansion of theworking fluid to the vapor phase, increasing the capacity, performance and efficiency ofthe system components, and reducing system cycling mechanical wear and energyconsumption.
申请人:Samuel Sami,Peter A. Kulish,Ronald J Kita,Garrett J Shivo
地址:Ottsville PA US,New Hope PA US,Doylestown PA US,Warren VT US