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Method and apparatus for enhancement of heat pump


专利名称:Method and apparatus for enhancement of

heat pump defrost

发明人:Derrick A. Marris,Ross K. Burnside申请号:US07/681309申请日:19910408公开号:US05095711A公开日:19920317

摘要:A heat pump is provided with a reversible fan motor in its outdoor coil and,after a delay period following initiation of the defrost cycle, the fan is caused to operatein a reverse direction to thereby cause the surrounding air to flow through the outdoorcoil in a direction opposite to that in which it flows during the heating mode operation.During this time, the fan is operated at a relative slow speed to thereby prevent theconvective flow of heat upwardly, while at the same time causing little, if any, flow ofambient air downwardly into the coil.


