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金融专业 英文参考文献

[1]Microfinance Consensus Guide lines. Robert Peck Christen,Richard Rosenberg. . 2003

[2]Micro success story:Transformation of NGOs into Regulated Financial Institution. Nimal A.Fernando. . 2004

[3]Micro success story:Transformation of NGOs into Regulated Financial Institution. Nimal A Fernando. . 2004

[4]\"Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems\". CGAP. . 2006

[5]\"Building Inclusive Financial Systems: Donor Guidelines on GoodPractice in Microfinance\". CGAP. . 2004

[6]Microfinance ConsensusGuidelines: Guiding Principles on Regulation and Supervision ofMicrofinance. Christen R P,Lyman T R,Rosenberg R. . 2003

[7]Regulations,market structure,institutions, and the cost of financial intermediation. Demirguc-Kunt A,Laeven L,Levine R. . 2003

[8]Financial structure and economic growth: A cross-country comparisonof banks, markets, and development. . 2004

[9]Access for all: building inclusive financial systems. Helms B. . 2006

[10]Where is credit due? Companies, banks, andlocally differentiated investment growth in Vietnam. Malesky E J,Taussig M. . 2005

[11]Commercialization of microfinance: A framework forLatin America. Poyo J,Young R. . 1999

[12]Access for all: building inclusive financial systems. Helms B. . 2006

[13]Commercialization of microfinance: A framework for Latin America. Poyo J,Young R. . 1999

[14]\"Building Inclusive Financial Systems: Donor Guidelines on Good Practice inMicrofinance\". CGAP. . 2004

[15]\"Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems\". CGAP. . 2006

[16]Occupational choice and the process of development. Banerjee A V,Newman A F. .

[17]Financial Stability As a Policy Goal. Chant J. Bank of Canada Technical Report . 2003

[18]TheRushto Regulate:Legal Frameworks for Microfinance. Robert Peck Christen,Richard Rosenberg. CGAP Occa-sional Paper No.4 . 2000

[19]\"The Rush to Regulate:Legal Frame-works for Microfinance,\". CGAP. CGAP Occasional Papers, No. 4 . 2000

[20]Building Inclusive Financial Sectors for Development. UNCDF . 2006

[10]Financial and LegalConstraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter. Thorsten beck,Asli Demirguee–kunt,Vojislav Maksimovic. The Journal of Finance . 2005

[22]Occupational choice and the process ofdevelopment. Banerjee A V,Newman A F. Journal of Politics . 1993

[23]Credit Bureaus: A Necessity forMicrofinance?. Campion A,Valenzuela L. Microenterprise Best Practices . 2001

[24]Credit Bureaus:A Necessity for Microfinance?. Campion A,Valenzuela L. MicroenterpriseBest Practices . 2001

[25]\"Financial Institutions witha ’’Double Bottom Line’’\".

Christen,Rosenberg,Jayadeva. Occasional Paper,No.8, CGAP . 2004

[26]\"Financial Institutions with a ’’Double Bottom Line’’\".

Christen,Rosenberg,Jayadeva. Occasional Paper,No.8, CGAP . 2004

[27]Microfinance as a Grass-Roots Policy for International Development. Gary M. Woller,,Warner Woodworth. Policy Studies Journal . 2001

[28]Income distribution and macroeconomics. Galor O,Zeira J. Review of Economics Studies . 1993

[29]Maximizing the outreach of microenterprisefinance. Christen R P,Rhyne E,Vogel R C, et al. USA ID Program and Operations Assessment Report . 1995

[30]Maximizing the outreachof microenterprise finance. Christen R P,Rhyne E,Vogel R C, et al. USA ID Program and Operations AssessmentReport . 1995
