


课程编码: G0501202

适用专业:商务英语、旅游英语、英语教育 课程类别:专业基础课 课程性质:必修 学 学

分: 4 时: 64



实验学时: 32


先修课程:无 一、课程地位与作用

听力课是英语专业一门重要的基础课程。 本课程主要针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的特点及障碍, 遵循听力课程的教学原则, 结合学生上课实际情况, 因材施教。通过本课程的学习, 使学生掌握必要的听力技巧, 培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、归纳总结、信息记录等能力。 它的主要目的是帮助学生进行专门的听力技能训练,有计划地提高学生的听力理解水平,



1、施行素质教育。听力课教学是实施全面素质教育的重要途径之一。听力教学不仅要提高学生的业务素质, 而且要在教学中积极主动地培养学生的思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。 使业务素质教学和其他素质教学有机地和谐地融为一体。


3、鼓励思维创新。听力是英语专业技能之一,是通过听的渠道接收外来的信息。但仅仅是能听懂还不行,应当在听懂的基础上能对信息进行分析、辨别、批判。这就要求在听的训练中坚持思维分析能力的培养。训练学生分析与综合、 抽象与概括、多角度分析问题的每种思维能力与发现问题, 三、课程教学重点、难点




教学难点:判断重要信息与次要信息, 识别口语当中的连读与缩略表达和有关时间、日期、数字和价格的表达,掌握新闻英语听力技巧。

每单元的教学重点和难点包括第二、 三部分,紧扣单元主题, 形式为综合性听力训练,材料为对话或短文不等,题型涉及填表、回答问题、判断正误、选择题等。第四部分,是对单元主题的进一步补充,一般为听并将短文补充完整。




Unit 1 Can I Take a Message? (I)

1、教学目的:To be able to write down various telephone numbers correctly while

listening; to write down the key words while listening; to learn to use

abbreviations and initials while taking notes

2、重点难点: The focus of Unit 1 and Unit 2 is telephone numbers, addresses,

times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.


Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. Some short conversations on the phone (telephone numbers and addresses) C. Listen to the telephone number and choose the answer.

Part II Giving and receiving phone calls

A. Some recordings from the telephone company (note-taking: phone numbers

and the reasons why the calls could not go through)

B. Some recorded phone calls (note-taking and message-taking) C. Some more authentic versions of the calls

Part III I'd like to speak to ... (How to avoid misunderstandings on the phone.)

A. Some sentences taken from the phone call (missing words) B. The telephone call (note-taking and answering the questions) C. A more authentic versions of the phone call

Part IV More about the topic: A Birthday Present

A. A dialogue between John and his wife Mary B. Complete the following chart

Part V Memory test: Two Girls Talking on the Phone (note-taking and choosing


Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。理论讲授的主要内容是用英语接打电话时 的常用表达法,同时指导学生进行课本中相关习题的实践,并布置课后拓展练习。

Unit 2

Can I Take a Message? (II)



1、教学目的: To know how to make overseas calls; to take a message when

receiving a telephone call; to know the different ways of expressing

time and date in British English and American English

2、重点难点: The focus of Unit 1 and Unit 2 is telephone numbers, addresses,

times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.




Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases related to the telephone

B. Some short conversations on the phone (telephone numbers and addresses) C. Listen to the part of a telephone conversation. Then choose the best response for each.

Part II Giving and receiving phone calls

A. Several calls answered by machines (key words and phases) B. Some recorded phone calls (note-taking and message-taking) C. Some more authentic versions of the calls

Part III Oh, there ’ s a phone.

A. A conversation (vocabulary and note-taking) B. The conversation (answering questions) C. A more authentic version (statements-T or F)

Part IV More about the topic: Videophones Get the Call (Spot Dictation) Part V Memory test: How to Make an International Direct dialing (IDD) Call

A. Some Access, Country and Area Codes (Codes) B. Instructions on making IDD calls (telephone numbers)

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是接打国外长途电话的


Unit 3

Clear or Cloud?

1、教学目的: To familiarize the students with English weather forecasts

2、重点难点:To talk about weather conditions and climate change; to write down

key words for weather description


Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. Statements about temperature (numbers)

C. A report on weather around the world (country ’names, times,

weather conditions and temperatures)

Part II A weather Report Homework Listen to VOA, BBC



A. A weather report (dictation)

B. A National Weather Service forecast (filling the chart with the temperatures) C. A more authentic version (other features of the weather)

Part III At a bus stop

A. A conversation about the weather (words and expressions and note-taking)



B. The same conversation (answering questions) C. A more authentic versions (statements-T or F)

Part IV More about the topic: Effects of Climate Change Part V Memory test: Weather Forecast

A. A weather forecast on the radio for (weather


B. A weather forecast for the UK (key words used to describe weather)

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是天气描述、 天气预报的英语表达法,同时指导学生进行课本中相关习题的实践,并布置课后拓展练习。

Unit 4

Can Time Move Backward?

1、教学目的: To familiarize the students with the four different ways of telling

the time

2、重点难点:To have a quick response to time, dates, schedule of a conference or

radio program


Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases B. Short dialogues (time)

C. Time difference: different time in different places (times and the days of a


Part II Local time

A. An announcement made on a plane during landing (dictation) B. A recorded phone call (note-taking and message-taking) C. A more authentic version of the call

Part III Ladies and gentlemen

A. Some announcements (words and their definitions, and note-taking) B. The same announcements (blank-filling)

C. Some more authentic versions (choosing possible answers)

Part IV More about the topic: Day-light-saving Time Part V Memory test: (note-taking and multiple choices) Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit


and Scotland



Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是时间、 时区、时差等 相关知识的英语表达法, 同时指导学生进行课本中相关习题的实践, 并布置课后拓 展练习。

Unit 5

Flying In and Out



1、教学目的: To understand airport announcements and airline information 2、重点难点: To understand telephone airline information; to write a summary

about a conversation


Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. Some comments by some experienced business travelers (blank-filling)

Part II Airport Announcements

A. Some airport announcements

B. Some more authentic versions (chart-completing)

Part III A Trip to the states

A. Some sentences taken from conversations (missing words) B. Two conversations (note-taking and summaries) C. Some more authentic versions (for consolidation)

Part IV More about the topic: In-flight Service

Part V Memory test: Airline Information (note-taking and blank-filling) Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是飞机飞行相关知识的 英语表达法, 包括机场通知、 乘机须知等, 同时指导学生进行课本中相关习题的实 践,并布置课后拓展练习。

Unit 6

By Bus or by Train?

1、教学目的: To understand bus schedule and railway announcements

2、重点难点:To understand a railway announcement broadcast with a very quick

speed; to remember the different ways of reading fractional numbers

and decimal numbers


Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. Some short conversations (blank-filling) C. A tourist guide (dictation)

D. Listen to the statements about the bus schedule below. (statements-T or F)

Part II At the Railway Station

A. Some railway announcements (names of places) B. The railway announcements (chart-completing)



C. More authentic versions (answering questions)

Part III Why are we waiting here?

A. A conversation (note-taking and summary-missing words)



B. A more authentic version of the conversation (answering questions)

Part IV More about the topic: Grand central terminal

Part V Memory test: Bus Information (chart-filling: times and prices) Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是乘坐汽车、 火车等交

通工具时相关知识的英语表达法, 同时指导学生进行课本中相关习题的实并布



Unit 7

This Way or That Way?

1、教学目的: To understand instructions of showing the way.

2、重点难点: To have an accurate understanding of directional instructions 3、教学内容:

Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. Short conversations about asking the way (blank-filling: verbs, etc.) C. Listen to the speaker giving directions to different places on the map.

(statements-T or F)

Part II Giving directions

A. Statements and conversations about giving directions (tracing the routes) B. Some more authentic versions (completion of the directions or blank-filling)

Part III Route 66

A. You are going to hear a report on Route 66. Complete the Fast Facts. B. Match column A with column B.

C. Listen to the whole report. Then answer the following questions.

Part V Memory test: Reading Maps Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是如何用英语来问


Unit 8

Cash or Cheque?

1、教学目的: To understand conversations about banking

2、重点难点: To know how to pronounce decimal numbers about prices; to

complete the summaries of the phone calls




Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. Short conversations at bank (blank-filling: missing words) C. About the origin of the slang

“ CheapspotCharliedictation) ” (




2、重点难点: To have an accurate understanding of doctor's instructions 3、教学内容:

Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. A short passage about non-smokers. (dictation)

C. Supply the missing words. (a dialogue about coronary heart disease)

Part II Heart Attack

A. A talk (the first part) (note-taking and chart-completing) B. The same talk (the second part) (column-filling)

C. A more authentic version (for consolidation and more specific information)

Part III Smoking kills (note-taking and statements: T or F )

A. An analytical report on smokers

B. A more authentic version of the report (True or False?)

Part IV More about the topic: Walking Toward Better Health (Spot Dictation) Part V Memory test: Sleeping Problem (A monologue: choosing

correct answers)

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit



Part II Using a bank account

A. A short Passage (dictation)

B. A conversation (drawing some money from a bank)

Part III Making phone calls to chase late payments

A. Phone calls (note-taking and summary completion) B. The more authentic versions (for consolidation)

Part IV More about topic: Origins of Money

Part V Memory test: Judy ’s Weekly Spending (note-taking and answering questions)

Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是金融相关知识的英语 表达法,包括货币、 银行账户等,同时指导学生进行课本中相关习题的实践,并布 置课后拓展练习。

Unit 9

Toward Better Health

1、教学目的: To understand doctor ’instructions and talk about one’sdaily



Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是身体健康相关知识的英语表达法,包括吸烟、 心脏病、运动等,同时指导学生进行课本中相关


Unit 10

Are You Fit and Healthy?



1、教学目的: To familiarize students with the format of experiment reports 2、重点难点: To identify key words and the summary of major points 3、教学内容:

Part I Getting ready

A. Words and phrases B. A dialogue (blank-filling) C. A passage (blank-filling)

Part II Stress and catching colds

A. A science report (note-taking & column-matching) B. A more authentic version (experiment report-completing)

Part III “ So you wanna keep fit, huh? ”

A. A radio feature (first part) (note-taking & missing information-supplying) B. The same radio feature (second part) (picture-arranging)

Part IV More about the topic: Are You Fit and Healthy? (statements: T or F &

English-Chinese expression-matching)

Part V Memory test: How

Exercise Is Enough Exercise? (blank-filling


Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是身体健康相关知识的

英语表达法, 包括感冒、 压力、运动等,同时指导学生进行课本中相关习题的实践, 并布置课后拓展练习。

Unit 11

The Interviewer’s Eye

1、教学目的: To know what makes a successful interview

2、重点难点: To summarize the key information about the interviewee; to

understand job ads


Part I

Part II

Part III

Getting ready

A. Words and phrases

B. Some typical questions an

interviewer might ask (blank-filling)

A good interview

Much &

Part IV



A. The beginning of an

interview (note-taking

and blank-filling) B. A more authentic

version (blank- filling: the

information about the

interviewee) The interviewer ’ s

eye A. A monologue (note-taking and

completing table) B. A more authentic version (blanking-

filling) More about the topic: Finding the Right Job (Spot Dictation)



Activity 4

A. Listen to some job advertisements. Supply the missing words.

B. Now listen to some statements about the three jobs advertises above.

(statements-T or F)

Part V Memory test: Job Opening(chart-completing) Part VI Reminder of key points in this unit Homework Listen to VOA, BBC

本单元理论讲授和实践练习并重。 理论讲授的主要内容是面试过程中相关知识


Unit 12

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Short conversations Numbers Announcements

A. Some announcements at the Banford Railway Station (chart-completing)

B. Some airport and railway announcements (blank-filling) Prices

A. Flight prices

B. You are going to hear some prices. Add up these bills as

quickly as you can and give full answers in English.



章目 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5

Can I Take a Message? (I) Can I Take a Message? (II)

Clear or Cloudy? Can Time Move


Backward? Flying In and Out


3 3



2 2 3


2 2 3

Activity 5 Activity 6 Activity 7

Telephone messages Addresses Spot dictation

A. Cash by computer: Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) B. Job situation for university graduates in US




Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8

By Bus or by Train? This Way or That Way?

Cash or Cheque?

3 3 3

3 3 3



Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12

教学方法直接关系到教学任务的完成和教学质量的提高, 要在批判继承原有教学方法的


1、坚持学生为主体,教师为主导,在教师的指导下,以“练”为主的教学 方法。学生为主体就是要使学生成为教学的主人,充分调动学生的学习积极性、

最大限度地让学生参与教学的全过程。 教师为主导, 就是打破教师中心论, 又要充分发挥教师的指导作用,使学生在老师指导下进行训练。

2、坚持改革教学手段,不断采用现代化教学设备。教学手段的现代化关系 到人才培养的质量。 要积级采用现代化的教学设备和手段, 灵活、方便的学习和实践空间,以提高教学质量。


演讲比赛、开展英语辩论等。 七、课程考核方式 1、考核方式 :考试 2、成绩构成 :

该课成绩 =平时成绩( 30%,其中平时考勤 10%,课堂表现 20%)+期末考试成绩( 70%) 八、选用教材和参考书目 1、教材 《英语听力教程 2. 参考书

[1] 《英语听力教程 1》(第二版), 张民伦主编,高等教育出版社, 2006 年; [2] 《英语听力入门》, 张民伦主编,华东师范大学出版社, 2000 年; [3] 《英语初级听力》,何其莘、金利民编,外语教学与研究出版社, 2008 年; [4] 《现代大学英语听力》,杨立民主编,外语教学与研究出版社, 2004 年。

1》(第二版), 张民伦主编,高等教育出版社,

2006 年。 在充分利用原有教学


Toward Better Health Are You Fit and Healthy? The Interviewer's Eye

Review 12 个单元

2 2 3 3 32

2 2 3 3 32



执笔人: 刘丹青 教研室主任(审签):李筑



二级学院(部)领导(审签) :张建昌编写时间: 2013 年 12 月 10 日


