1. Providing Emotional Support: Listening attentively, offering words of encouragement, and validating their feelings.
2. Sharing Knowledge and Expertise: Sharing information, providing guidance, and offering advice based on knowledge and experience.
3. Giving Practical Assistance: Helping with tasks, running errands, or providing transportation as needed.
4. Offering Physical Help: Assisting with physical activities, such as lifting heavy objects or carrying groceries.
5. Advocating for Others: Speaking up on behalf of those in need, defending their rights, and ensuring their
voices are heard.
1. 提供情感支持,耐心倾听,给予鼓励,肯定他们的感受。
2. 分享知识和专业知识,提供信息,给予指导,并根据知识和经验给出建议。
3. 提供实际帮助,协助完成任务,跑腿或提供必要的交通工具。
4. 提供体力帮助,协助进行体力活动,例如搬运重物或提购物袋。
5. 为他人发声,代表有需要的人发声,维护他们的权利,确保他们的声音被听取。