专利名称:Method of measuring and calibrating
frequency down converter
发明人:Akira Nara申请号:US10987281申请日:20041112
摘要:A frequency down converter that maintains accuracy even if the frequency passband is wide uses a reference frequency band within the frequency pass band, thereference frequency band being resistant to degradation by aging or temperature
variation. The ideal characteristics of the reference frequency band are previously stored.The frequency down converter has a calibration signal source that inputs a calibrationsignal to the frequency down converter to measure the characteristics of the referencefrequency band and to store differences from the ideal characteristics. The calibrationsignal is input to obtain the characteristic data of other frequency bands within thefrequency pass band, and the characteristic data are revised by the above differences.Then compensation coefficients to compensate the revised characteristic data into theideal characteristics are calculated. The frequency down converter uses the
compensation coefficients to compensate the frequency domain data, which maintainsthe accuracy over the wide frequency pass band.
申请人:Akira Nara
地址:Tokyo JP