专利名称:Transmission shifting mechanism and force
attenuator therefor
发明人:Lanting, Mark Loring,Crull, Stanley
Warren,Edelen, Stephen Alton
摘要:An X-Y shifting mechanism (25) is disclosed for controlling the shifting of a shiftrail (17) in a first (Y-Y) transverse direction. The mechanism includes a shift finger
assembly (39) including a shift finger (23). A lever member (57) is pivotable about the axis(A) of rotation. When the lever member (57) is pivoted, the movement is transmittedthrough a spring (91) to rotate a spring seat member (73), thus causing pivotal movementof the shift finger (23). During a non-synchronous engagement, kick-out movementcauses pivotal movement of the shift finger in the opposite direction, compressing thespring (91) rather than damaging the shifting mechanism. The disclosed mechanism alsoenables preselection of neutral, compressing the appropriate one of the springs (91),such that the preloaded spring will move the shift finger and shift rail to the neutralposition as soon as a torque break occurs.
地址:Eaton Center Cleveland, Ohio 44114 US
代理机构:Douglas, John Andrew