

2021-08-24 来源:小侦探旅游网


1. by and large:大体上,总的看来

例:I cannot totally take your point,but by and large I think yours is reasonable.

2. down and out:穷困潦倒,孤苦无助

例:People should lend him a helpful hand;he's really down and out.

3. far and away:毋庸置疑

Tom is far and away the best lecturer in our department. 4. high and dry:被抛弃的,处于痛苦之中的。

George took all the money away and left his companions high and dry,with nothing to buy the tickets.

5. high and low:到处

I looked high and low for my pen,but I couldn't find it anywhere.

6. ins and outs:错综复杂事物的因果

After careful investigation, he got to know the ins and outs of the accident.

7. on and off:间断地

It rained on and off all day long. 8. on the up and up:坦率,诚实

How can we know whether a person is on the up and up by his appearance!

9. out and about:户外活动

Mr Smith recovers quickly,and he'll be out and about very soon.

10. out and out:完全地,彻底地

What I said is an out and out truth. 11. over and over:多次地,重复地

The foreigner repeated what he said over and over,but I still couldn't understand him.

12. through and through:完全地,充分地

You can trust him,for he's honest through and through. 13. up and about:病愈

I'm much better now,I've been up and about for almost a week.

14. ups and downs:盛衰,浮沉

Life is hard. There are a lot of ups and downs in one's life. y 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统 Fall guy

(2002-11-28 17:28:34)

英语中有些词语是从体育用语演变成日常用语的。“fall guy (替罪羊)”这个词语就是一个很好的例子。所谓“替罪羊”就是指由别人决定来当输家或牺牲品的人。

最早的“fall guy”是一些靠摔跤挣钱的人。20世纪末,摔跤在美国是一项十分盛行的运动。摔跤比赛不仅在大城市里举行,也在农村交易会和巡回表演中进行。

摔跤比赛的目的是把对手的双肩按在地上。双肩着地叫做 “fall”,就是在摔跤中把对手摔输。但是随着这项运动的流行,它日益失去了运动的本色。许多比赛都是实现安排好的表演。摔跤手事先都知道谁是赢家。如果一个摔跤手比赛前被买通好,他就会甘愿输掉比赛,就是在比赛中 “take a fall”。这个人就叫做 “the fall guy”。

现在,“fall guy”已经演变成为“替罪羊”,就是受骗代人受过的人。替罪羊总是要takes the rap,即背黑锅。当然,“替罪羊”另一种常见的说法是“scapegoat”。

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