

2024-03-01 来源:小侦探旅游网

Dear Mr,

Today is a happy day filling with paean and benediction. In this beautiful scenery on the special day , I only express the sincere blessing on behalf of all staff of hotel to the newlywed. Blessing you , the bridegroom

and bride, creditable combination. From the acquaintance, amativeness to matrimony, you have experienced the happiest time of your life.Your love is pure and sincere. Great distance marriage affinity, good combination. The new family established in pursuit of ideality and enterprise , is your wonderful love symphony .Blessing you, the bridegroom and bride ,a joyful newly marriage. Willing you , the brighter the wedding candle ,the happier the newly marriage.

General Manager


今天欢歌笑语,喜气洋洋。在此良辰美景,我仅代表饭店全体员工向新人们表示真诚的祝福。祝福你们,新郎新娘,祝贺你们的美满结合。从相识、相恋到喜结良缘,你们经历了人生最美好的时光。你们的爱情是纯洁的、真挚的。千里姻缘,天作之合。在对理想和事业追求中建立的新家,正是你们谱写美妙爱情交向曲的延伸。 祝福你们,新郎新娘,祝贺你们新婚快乐。愿你们良霄花烛更明亮,新婚更甜蜜。

总 经 理
