



TD-SCDMA Power Amplifier

Data Sheet

General Description

The ACPM-7886 is an amplifier module designed forTD-SCDMA applications in the 2010-2025MHz band.Designed around Avago Technologies’ GaAsEnhancement Mode pHEMT process, the ACPM-7886offers premium performance in a very small form factor.It is matched to 50 Ohms on the input and output.The amplifier has excellent ACLR and efficiencyperformance at max Pout and low quiescent current(50mA) with a single bias control voltage, Vctrl = 2.0V.Designed in a surface mount RF package, the ACPM-7886 is very cost and size competitive.Functional Block Diagram

Vdd1(1)Vdd3(10)RF in (2)Output Match RF outBias Control (8)MMIC Module Vctrl(4)Vdd2(5)(3,6,7,9)GndFeatures•Operating frequency: 2010 - 2025 MHz•28 dBm Linear Output Power @ 3.5V•High Efficiency 41% PAE

•Single bias, low quiescent current (50mA)

Internal 50 ohm matching networks for both RFinput & output

•3.2 - 4.2 V linear operation•4.0 x 4.0mm SMT Package•Low package profile, 1.1mmApplications



Package Diagram

Vdd3 (Pin 10)Vdd1 (Pin 1)RFinN/C (GND)VctrlVdd2 (Pin 5)

Bottom ViewAVAGOACPM-7886MLYWWDDXXXX4mm sq1.175mmmax

GNDRFoutGNDGND (Pin 6)Pin Description Table

Pin Number12345

Pin LabelVdd1RFinN/CVctrlVdd2

DescriptionSupply biasRF input

No internal connectionControl voltageSupply bias


1st and 2nd stages drain bias, nominally 3.5V

Signal input, internally grounded through inductor. ExternalDC block needed if DC voltage present on input trace.Recommend ground connection on PCBOutput level control, nominally 2V

Bias circuit supply, > 2.5V; nominally 2.85V.

Does not require a regulated input and can be connecteddirectly to the battery, if desired.



GroundGroundRF outputGroundSupply bias

3rd stage drain bias, nominally 3.5VSignal output, requires external DC block



Package Dimensions

4.00 ± 0.075mm0.10mm2.00mmMarking Notes :

Row 3:

ML = Manufacturing LocationY = Year

WW = Work WeekDD = Date Code

0.60mm0.40mm3.80mm4.00 ± 0.075mm0.10mm0.45mm0.60mm0.50mm0.40mm0.50mmViewed down through top of package

Row 4:

XXXX = Trace Code(Avago Technologiesinternal reference)

Maximum Ratings Table


Supply voltage, Vdd1 and Vdd3Supply voltage, Vdd2Analog control voltageRF input power

Operating case temperatureLoad VSWR

Storage temperature (case temperature)

Min.-1 V-1 V

Max.5.0 V5.0 V3.0 V+5 dBm+90 °C12:1

-30 °C+100 °C


1.Operation of this device in excess of any of these limits may cause permanent damage.2.Avoid electrostatic discharge on I/O pins

Recommended Operating Conditions


Supply voltage, Vdd1 and Vdd3Supply voltage, Vdd2Control voltageCase temperature

Min.1.0 V2.6 V1.9 V-20 °C

Typ.3.5 V2.85 V2.0 V

Max.4.5 V4.5 V2.1 V+85 °C



Electrical Characteristics of TD-SCDMA PA

Unless Otherwise Specified: f=2010-2025MHz, Vdd1=Vdd3=3.5V, Vdd2=2.85V, Vctrl=2.0V, Pout=28.0dBm,Ta=25°C, Zin/Zout = 50Ω


Leakage Current, Idd1,2,3; Vctrl=0 V, RF OffControl Current, Ictrl; Vctrl=2.0 VBias Current, Idd2; Vctrl=2 V, Vdd2=2.85 VQuiescent Current, Idd1,3; RF Off Vctrl=2.0 VAt Pout=28.0dBmSupply current Idd1+Idd3PAE including Vdd1,2,3GainInput VSWRACLR

1.6MHz offset3.2MHz offset

2nd Harmonic3rd HarmonicNoise Figure

Stability, no spurious under conditions:VSWR=4:1, all phases

3Input VSWR


1.6MHz offset3.2MHz offset














PA Operation/Shutdown Logic: DC signals


Operational ModeShutdown

2.0V typ< 0.2V

Vdd22.6 ~ 3.5V( 2.85V typ)0 ~ 4.5 V



Transmitter Off PowerDynamic Range:107dB

Transmitt Off Power: -83dBm

Figure 1. Transmit off power.

Signal Studio Configuration

Figure 2 TD-SCDMA signal configuration.



ESD Sensitivity Level

Human Body Model (EIA/JESD22-A114B):Class 1A (250Vmin, less than 500V)Machine Model (EIA/JESD22-A115A):Class A (50Vmin, less than 200V)


ESD Sensitivity level for Human Body Model andMachine Model necessitate the followinghandling precautions:

1.Ensure Faraday cage or conductive shield bag is used duringtransportation processes.

2.If the static charge at SMT assemble station is above the devicesensitivity level, place an ionizer near to the device for chargeneutralization purposes.

3.Personal grounding must be worn at all times when handlingthe devices.

Avago Technologies recommends utilizing thestandard precautions listed below.

1.Calculated Shelf Life in Sealed Bag: 12 months at <40°C and < 90% Relative Humidity (RH)2.Peak Package Body Temperature: 250°C

3.After bag is opened, devices that will be subjectedto reflow solder of other high temperature processmust be:

a.Mounted within 168 hours of factory condition ≤30°C / 60% RH

b.Stored at <10% RH if not used

4.Devices require baking, before mounting if:

a.Humidity indicator card is > 10% when read at23 ± 5°C immediately after moisture barrier bagis opened.

b.Items 3a or 3b is not met

5.If baking is required, please refer to J-STD-033standard for low temperature (40°C) bakingrequirement in Tape/Reel form.

Moisture Sensitivity Classification: Class 3

Preconditioning per JESD22-A113-D Class 3 wasperformed on all devices prior to reliability testing.ACPM-7886 is a moisture sensitive component. It’simportant that the parts are handled under precautionand a proper manner. The handling, baking and out-of-pack storage conditions of the moisture sensitivecomponents are described in IPC/JEDC S-STD-033A.

Tape Dimensions and Orientation

0.30 ± 0.052.00 ± 0.05[1]∅1.55 ± 0.054.00 ± 0.10[2] 1.75 ± 0.10 5.50 ± 0.05[3]CL4.38 ± 0.1012.00 ± 0.304.38 ± 0.101.80 ± 0.108.00 ± 0.104.38 ± 0.10∅1.50 (MIN)Notes:1. Measured from centerline of sprocket hole to centerline of pocket2. Cumulative tolerance of 10 sprocket holes is ± 0.2 mm3. All dimensions in millimeters unless otherwise stated.AgilentACPM-7886MLYWWDDXXXX6


Reel Dimensions and Orientation


Shading indicates thru slots18.4 max.178+0.4-0.225min wide (ref)Slot for carriertape insertionfor attachment to reel hub(2 places 180° apart)

50 min.12.4+2.0-0.0REEL FRONT VIEW


DIRECTIONCOVER TAPE1.5 min.13.0±0.221.0±0.8Notes:

1. Reel shall be labeled with the following information (as a minimum).a. manufacturers name or symbol b. Avago Technologies part numberc. purchase order number d. date code

e. quantity of units

2. A certificate of compliance shall be issued and accompany each shipment of product.3. Reel must not be made with or contain ozone depleting materials.4. All dimensions in millimeters (mm).

Order Information

Part NumberACPM-7886-BLKACPM-7886-TR1

No. of Devices1001000


7\" Tape and Reel



Suggested Board Implementation

C5 (10,000pF)C1 (4700pF)C4 (33pF)GNDC3 (33pF)C2 (4700pF)Notes:

1.All decoupling capacitors should be placed as close to the power module as possible.

2.RFin (Pin 2) has a grounded inductor inside package as a matching element. An external series capacitor is needed if a DC voltage ispresent.

3.An additional battery bypass capacitor should be placed on bias line before the battery terminal, but does not need to be immediatelyadjacent to the PA module. The bypass capacitor should be a large value, nominally between 2.2uF and 4.7uF.4.Trace impedance on RF lines should be 50Ω.

Solder Reflow Profile

The most commonly used solder reflow method isaccomplished in a belt furnace using convection heattransfer. This profile is designed to ensure reliablefinished joints. However, the profile indicated will varyamong different solder pastes from differentmanufacturers and is shown here for reference only.Other factors that can affect the profile include thedensity and types of components on the board, typeof solder used and type of board or substrate materialbeing used. The profile shows the actual temperaturethat should occur on the surface of a test board at ornear the central of the solder joint. For this type ofreflow soldering, the circuit board and solder jointsare first to get heated up. The components on the

Suggested Lead Free Reflow Profile For SnAgCu Solder Paste25020015010050Ramp 1050Preheat100SecondsRamp 2150Reflow200Cooling250Peak = 250 ± 5˚CMelting point = 218˚Cboard are then heated by conduction. The circuitboard, because it has a large surface area, absorbsthermal energy efficiently and distributes this heat tothe components.

Reflow temperature profiles designed for tin/lead alloyswill need to be revised accordingly to cater for themelting point of the lead free solder being 34°C (54°F)higher than that of tin/lead eutectic or near-eutecticalloys. In addition, the surface tension of molten leadfree solder alloys is significantly higher than the surfacetension for tin/lead alloys and this can reduce thespread of lead free solder during reflow.Lead Free Reflow Profile General Guidelinesi. Ramp 1

Ramp to 100°C. Maximum slope for this zone is limitedto 2°C/sec. Faster heating with ramp higher than 2°Cmay result in excessive solder balling and slump.ii. Preheat

Preheat setting should range from 100 to 150°C over aperiod of 60 to 120 seconds depending on thecharacteristics of the PCB components and the thermalcharacteristics of the oven. If possible, do not prolongpreheat as it will cause excessive oxidation to occur tothe solder powder surface.



iii. Ramp 2

The time in this zone should be kept below 35 secondsto reduce the risk of flux exhaustion. The ramp up rateshould be 2°C/sec from 150°C to re-flow at 217°C. It isimportant that the flux medium retains its activityduring this phase to ensure the complete coalescenceof the solder particles during re-flow.iv. Reflow

The peak reflow temperature is calculated by adding~32°C to the melting point of the alloy. Lead free solderpaste melts at 218°C and peak reflow temperature is218°C + 32°C = 250°C (±5°C). Note that total time over218°C is critical and should typically be 60 – 150seconds. This period determines the appearance of thesolder joints. Excessive time above reflow may cause adull finish and charred of flux residues. Insufficienttime above reflow may lead to poor wetting andimproperly fused (cloudy) flux residues.v. Cooling

Maximum slope for cooling is limited to 3°C/sec. Morerapid cooling may cause solder joints crack whilecooling at a slower rate will increase the likelihood ofa crystalline appearance on the solder joints (dullfinish).

PCB Design Guidelines

The recommended ACPM-7886 PCB land pattern isshown in Figure 3. The substrate is coated with soldermask between the I/O and conductive paddle toprotect the gold pads from short circuit that is causedby solder bleeding / bridging.Stencil Design Guidelines

A properly designed solder screen or stencil is requiredto ensure optimum amount of solder paste is depositedonto the PCB pads. The recommended stencil layout isshown in Figure 4. The stencil has a solder pastedeposition opening that is approximately 80% of thePCB pad. Reducing the stencil opening can potentiallygenerate more voids. On the other hand, stencilopenings larger than 100% will lead to excessive solderpaste smear or bridging across the I/O pads orconductive paddle to adjacent I/O pads. Consideringthe fact that solder paste thickness will directly affectthe quality of the solder joint, a good choice is to uselaser cut stencil composed of 0.100mm (4 mils) or0.127mm (5 mils) thick stainless steel which is capableof producing the required fine stencil outline. Thecombined PCB and stencil layout is shown in Figure 5.


2.10.3753.09.)H3CTIP(5 3. PCB land pattern (dimensions in mm)

1.680.6458.014.021.344.00.440.64Figure 4. Stencil outline drawing (dimensions in mm)

2.11.680.5555.092.31.344.0StencilOpening0.44Figure 5. Combined PCB and stencil layouts (dimensions in mm)


Solder Paste Recommendation

The ACPM-7886 package is a lead free package thatwas proven to pass MSL3 when reflowed under leadfree solder reflow profile. The recommended lead freesolder for SMT reflow is Sn-Ag-Cu (95.5% Tin, 3.8%Silver, 0.7% Copper) or other similar Sn-Ag-Cu solders.This lead free solder paste has a melting point of 218°C(423°F), the ternary eutectic of Sn-Ag-Cu system, givingit the advantage of being the lowest melting lead freealternative. This temperature is still low enough toprotect from damaging the internal circuitry duringsolder reflow operations provided the exposure timeat peak reflow temperatures is not too excessive.In certain situations, the designer may use leadedsolder paste for reflow. The recommended solder formounting ACPM-7886 package is Sn63 (63% Sn, 37%Pb). It is a eutectic compound with a typical meltingpoint of 183°C.


In 1999 the China Academy of TelecommunicationsTechnology (CATT) and Siemens proposed a new 3Gstandard that would rival WCDMA and CDMA2000 datarates. Time Domain Synchronous Code Domain Access(TD-SCDMA) combines both CDMA and TDMAtechnologies. It benefits from CDMA capacity as wellas being compatible with current GSM networks. Butunlike existing WCDMA, CDMA2000 and GSMnetworks, this new standard transmits and receives onthe same frequency thus greatly increasing spectrumefficiency. Figure 6 simplifies this explanation byshowing one TD-SCDMA frame with 7 slots and 16channelization codes in each slot.ACPM-7886 Test Setup

The test setup for measuring a TD-SCDMA powermodule resembles a GSM test. Specifically, it is veryimportant to properly configure the timing for the testinstruments and the device under test. In GSM, in orderto turn ON and OFF each time slot, a controlled pin onthe PA is triggered with a pulse period of 4.615ms anda 12% duty cycle (577uS). This pin is usually labeledas Vapc on most GSM PAs.

Application Information


The ACPM-7886 amplifier module is designed for TD-SCDMA applications in the 2010-2025MHz band. Thispower amplifier is able to produce excellent results forthe emerging Chinese standard, TD-SCDMA. TypicalACLR performance at Vdd is 41dBc with Pout of 28dBmand 41% efficiency.

Figure 6. TD-SCDMA frame.[1]



TD-SCDMA uses the same control technique exceptthat each frame is 5ms with only 7 timeslots and anadditional 75us downlink pilot and a 125us uplink pilot.Each of the 7 slots is 675uS. For the ACPM-7886, theVctrl pin is used instead of Vapc. As in GSM, there is atime mask specification that must be met, butconformance to this spec is dictated by the Vapc ramp.In addition to time domain specs, TD-SCDMA mustmeet linearity requirement. GSM/GMSK is referred toas constant amplitude or constant envelopemodulation, and thus the PAM is allowed to operate insaturation. As shown in Figure 6, each time slotsupports 16 different CDMA codes with QPSKmodulation; as a result this PA must meet similar ACLRspecifications as CDMA or WCDMA.Signaling Setup

To properly test a TD-SCDMA PA module as specifiedin the TS25.102 standard, one must generate the RFsignal shown in Figure 6 along with the timingdescribed in the previous section.

While at the time of publication of this Applicationnote, Agilent Technologies did not have a TD-SCDMAtransceiver or a baseband reference module capableof this signal generation, but it does have the E4438Ccapable of generating a TD-SCDMA waveform. If usedin conjunction with Agilent Technologies E4440A

spectrum analyzer and TSM Signal Studio, allperformance tests become much simpler although,ACLR, Gain, PAE, Idd and Spurious emission, etc. canbe measured with any spectrum analyzer.

Figure 7 shows the basic setup used to test ACPM-7886 for TD-SCDMA. This includes DC power supply,timing and RF signaling. In brief, the signal generatortriggers the pulse generator which in turn triggers thespectrum analyzer and the ACPM-7886 and any othermultimeters used. The RF signal is created using SignalStudio on a PC and downloaded to the signal generatorvia GPIB.

Signal Studio [2] facilitates the construction of thecomplex RF waveform shown in Figure 8. Using thissoftware, one can generate uplink and downlinkDedicated Physical Channel (DPCH) signals along withthe uplink and downlink pilot signals. All 7 traffictimeslots are supported, with up to 16 individuallyconfigurable code channels per timeslot, for a total of112 resource units(RU).

Signal Studio for TSM and other standards can be foundat: www.agilent.com/find/signalstudioFigure 8 displays the main configuration window withonly 1 downlink timeslot turned on.

10MHz Out10MHz InTrig InGPIBEvent1Vdd3Vdd2Vdd1RFinRFout20dBATTENUATORDUTISOLATORTrig InVctrlOutOutFigure 7. TD-SCDMA test setup.



Figure 8. Signal Studio configuration.

Technically the mobile will transmit on the uplink, butthe main point is to display the configurability for eachslot. In fact, the test for ACPM-7886 does not requirethe full 16 code channels.

Signal Studio is most beneficial for a base station uplinkor downlink test where multiple users will betransmitting on the same time slot. For this test onlyone time slot is used with a single code.




ACPM-7886 delivers good performance for TD-SCDMAin the 2010 – 2025MHz frequency band see figures 10,11, and 12. At Vdd of 3.5V, Vdd2 of 2.85 and Vcntl of2V and Pout of 28dBm this device produces efficiencyof 40% and ACLR1/ACLR2 of 41dBc and 56 dBcrespectively.

In normal CDMA or WCDMA systems, receiversensitivity is greatly affected by the TX power leakage,thus the transmit off power is of great importance.Figure 9 shows transmit off power of -83dBm whichresults in 107dBc of dynamic range.

Figure 9. Transmit Off Power.


0-102015 MHz ACLR12015 MHz ACLR2-20)Bd(-30 RLCA-40-50-60-70024681012141618202224262830Pout (dBm)Figure 10. ACLR vs. Pout at 2015 MHz.

602015 MHz5040)%( EA30P20100024681012141618202224262830Pout (dBm)Figure 11. PAE vs. Pout at 2015 MHz.

292725)Bd( 23niaG21192015 MHz1715024681012141618202224262830Pout (dBm)Figure 12. Gain vs. Pout at 2015 MHz.



Avago Technologies ACPM-7886 has demonstratedexcellent performance in the emerging Chinese TD-SCDMA standard. In addition, ACPM-7886 has a proventrack record for great results in the UMTS2100 underWCDMA modulation with or without HSDPA. Thismakes ACPM-7886 ideal for a dual mode/dual bandsystem for the Chinese market.References

[1] TD-SCDMA: The Solution for TDD Band, Di-Giuseppe, Principato, Fodor, Siemens White Paper 2002[2] 29 Oct.-Nov. 2005 http://www.agilent.com/find/signalstudio.For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: www.avagotech.com

Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies, Pte. in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2006 Avago Technologies Pte. All rights reserved. Obsoletes AV01-0100ENAV01-0319EN - September 1, 2006
