


★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官

http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 face apple banana ball cow Coke duck desk egg elephant eagle flag fox gift grapes head 脸 苹果 香蕉

球 母牛 可乐 鸭子 桌子 蛋 大象 老鹰 旗子 狐狸 礼物 葡萄 头 hand hair ice ice cream jam jello king kitten lion green leaf monkey white mike

red nose yellow net orange onion 头 头发 冰 冰激凌 果酱 果冻 国王 小猫 狮子 绿色的叶子 猴子 白色的牛奶 红色的鼻子 黄色的网 桔子 洋葱 oil panda peach queen park

river rabbit ship snake tiger table T shirt uniform U turn van vest 油 熊猫 桃子 王后 公园 河流 兔子 船 蛇 老虎 桌子 T恤衫 制服 转弯

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听、说 、读、写基本功。换言之,英语学习必须通过大量的听、说、

读、写训练。从这点出发,可以说,英语学习的 过程也是习惯养成的过程。小学生良好的英语学习习惯主要是指良好的听、说、读、写的习惯。

一、良好的听的习惯。 要求:认真听示范发音,听清后再模仿。用心听他人说英语。学习英语是从“听”起步的。“听”是“说 ”的前提,没有“听”,就无从模仿“说”。只有听得清,听得懂,才能说得准,说得好。用心地多听他人说 英语,有助于培养对英语的敏捷反应。因此,培养学生认真听教师或者录音的示范发音,用心听他人说英语是 至关重要的。

九年制义务教育英语学科三年级第一册课本没有出现英语文字,只有五彩缤纷的图片,使学生初学英语时 能集中全部注意力听录音,理解录音内容,进而正确模仿。与教材配套的录音带中有男、

女、大人、小孩的不 同音色,其音自然、地道,其景生动、逼真,


儿童心理学告诉我们,小学生爱模仿,模仿性强,但缺乏自控能力。课堂上,常有学生一听教师示范发音 ,就急于开口模仿,轻声跟讲,结果导致自身发音欠准,而且还影响了他人听音。因此,在英语起始教学阶段 ,教师就要训练学生静心听,可采用“手势暗示法”,即教师随着示范发音打手势“一、二”,这时学生边听 教师发

音,边看教师嘴形,注意观察其大、小、扁、圆及变化情况,做到看明、听清,当手势打“三”时,全 班齐声模仿。这样,发音易到位,模仿效果好。小学生听录音跟说跟读,往往只满足于“听到”,能跟得上说 ,跟得上读,而不注意语

音、语调、句重音、停顿等。因此,教师要引导学生“听清”,在播放录音前,可分 步提出听的具体要

求,使听一遍录音,便有一次收获。 英语课堂教学是小学生用英语交际的主要场合。其间,他们有很

多听英语的机会。但小学生有意注意较弱 ,维持时间较短,特别是在听同学发言时易走神。教师除了向学生讲明专心听同学发言的好处外,在教学上要 采用生动、形象、活泼、多样的教学方法与手段。特别要避免枯燥操练,开“定向长火车”,要多用“有意点 叫”、个别提问,对活动与集体操练应频繁交替使用。同时在教学内容上设置“牵制性”提问,“逼”学生专 心听他人说英语,不听,就无法参与。

如,教师问某生:How old are you?Where are you from?Is yourmoth er a teacher?随即转用第三人称问其他学生:How old is he?Where ishis from?Is his mother a teacher? 又如,请个学生用英语自述,然后让听的学生按

此内容相互问答。还可请学生指出发言者哪儿讲错了,该如何 纠正等等。以此引导学生用心听他人说

英语。 二、良好的说的习惯。 要求:大胆开口说英语、音量

适度、仪表大方。积极参加语言实践活动,大胆开口说英语,是英语学习所 必需的。从心理学、生理学角度来看,三年级学生人小,较之高年级学生心理障碍和怕羞感少。这正是培养大 胆开口讲英语的有利条件之一。九年制义务教育小学英语教材为“说”提供了良好的素材,所选内容均来源于 学生学习及日常生活,为学生所熟悉的。教材具有科学性、趣味性、亲

近性、实用性,为广大师生所欢迎。这 是培养大胆开口讲英语的又一个有利条件。因此,教师得抓住时机,充分运用教材,从起始年级,培养学生良 好的话的习惯。 首先,教师应十分注意发挥“情感教育”在英语教学中的作用。古人曰:“亲其师,才能信其道。”教师 要用“师爱”去赢得学生的亲近和信任,使师生感情双

向交流,密切师生关系,形成轻松、愉悦的课堂气氛, 从而有效地帮助学生消除心理障碍,克服怕开口说英语的紧张心理,开创敢讲英

语、争讲英语、爱讲英语的局 面。 同时,教师要精心组织教学,优化教学方法,利用一切教学媒体(图片、实物、玩具、幻灯、投影、录像 、录音、指套、木偶等等)创设情景,寓教于乐,让学生身置语境,有意识或无意识地开口练说,最大限度地 发挥学生说英语的主动性和积极性。


如:组织语言游戏、竞赛,开辟英语角, 举办英语兴趣小组,排演英语文娱节目,强调师生间同学间用英语问候,要求学生把所学英语用到日常生活中 去,对做得好的学生给予“小红花”、“小红星”奖励等等。以此造成说英语的氛围,激励学生多开口说英语 。 要做到人人大胆开口说英语,不是一件容易的事。学生因各人的

气质、性格不同,参与开口讲英语的程度 也不同。教师在教学中要特别关注那些存在怕说、缺乏自信心的学生。著名教育学家布卢姆认

为,一个人学习 成功的次数越多,他的学习自信心就越强。学习成功是建立在学习自信心的基础上的。因此教师要帮助这些学 生克服思想和心理障碍,要多给予鼓励和表扬,肯定其点滴甚至是微不足道的

进步,进行个别耐心具体的辅导 ,设个坡度,扶着前进,不要急于一步到位,让他们在口语训练中有所得,感受到成功和欢乐,以增强其说英 语的自信心,激起其说英语的内心欲望。

学生在讲英语时,教师最好别去打断,应允许学生暂时存在某些语言错误,待讲完后,教师再指出并纠正 。这样做,不干扰学生说话的思路、意念表达,不挫伤其说话积极性,又能帮助其提高言语水

平。在大胆开口 讲英语的基础上,教师要引导学生注意讲话音量适度、仪表大方。三年级始学英语,要求学生大声讲英语,随 着年级的升高,要求学生根据不同场合,调整自己的音量大小,声音高低,对于活动、小组操练宜轻声些,班

上发言得响亮些,让全班同学都能听到。有的学生急于发言,在连续说英语时,停顿过长,还常加“嗯”。此 时,教师要注意多留给学生一点思考时间,要求先想后说,想好再说。另外,教师要提请

学生注意,说话时不 要低着头,或眼望天花板,或视窗外,要面对听者,举止要自然,不拘束,从小养成良好的说的习惯。 三、良好的读的习惯。 “读”对小学生来说,主要是指“朗读”。要求:正确拼读单词,响亮地、流利地朗读课文,语音、语调 等基本正确。拼读单词有利于学生记忆单词,积累词汇。朗读英语有利于培养学生语音、语调、节奏、语感等 。也有助于“说”

的能力进一步提高。 九年义务教育英语学科三年级第二册课文开始出现文字,渐之,要求拼读单词。无论是个别还是全班拼读 (拼背)单词,都应要求学生先读一遍单词,再拼读字母,然后再读一遍单词。培养学生拼读

单词的良好习惯 ,十分有益于学生认读单词,正确拼写单词。 朗读英语是小学生学习英语的主要内容之一。“说”英语与“读”英语有相通之处,关系密切,两者相辅 相成。学生朗读英语好与差,很大程度上取决于教师的示范。这是给学生“先入为主”的朗读音调印象。因此 ,教师必须十分注重范读和领读。授课前,教师最好先自身整音,尽量与标准

音带取得一致。在自身(或音带 )范读、领读时,教师可配以手势以示升调、降调、重读等,加深学生的理解。以后还可指导学生在课文上标 音调符号。一般来说,新课之时,不宜请学生领读课文,以免

一个错,错一片,给纠正增添麻烦。在朗读语言 材料时,须要求学生切勿操之过急,拿来便朗读,要先通阅,了解内容,理解含义,揣摩音调,然后再朗读。 这样,朗读效果好。


已能讲能背了,在朗读时漫不经心,不是 看着一句句朗读,而是滑句,一古脑儿读完,存在“假读”现象。有的朗读时语速、节奏掌握不好,过慢、拖 沓,一字字顿着读,或是过快,发音不到位,无停顿,混着读。特在集体朗读时,伴有拖音明显,节奏较差, 语速偏慢等现象。为此,教师要对症下药,变换教法,随时纠正学生朗读的不良倾向,刻意培养学生良好的

读 的习惯。 四、良好的写的习惯。 “写”对小学生来说,主要是指“书写”。要求:书写姿势、方法正确,斜体行书规范书写,大小写、笔 顺、标点符号和格式正确。 小学生在学英文书写前,已学会汉字及汉语拼音的书写,且已养成一定的书写习惯,这对学习英文书写有 利也有弊。就书写而言,二者有相同之处,但更有不同之点。对于书写的坐姿,握笔方法,两者要求相同。而 汉字与英文在书写上差异很大。即使汉语拼音与

英文斜体行书在书写上也风格各异。因此,英语教师必须利用 学习正迁移,防止学习负迁移,对学生英文书写进行严格的训练。 时至三年级,仍有部分学生书写坐姿、握笔方法不正确。这就要求英语教师在教英书写时及时纠正,不能 放任自流。要让学生明白书写坐姿、握笔方法不正确会影响身体健康,影响书写质量与速度,对今后学习不利 。启发学生加强自我督促意识,保持正确坐

姿,握笔方法。特别要向学生指出,书写英文时,纸稍向左斜放, 纸的下边与桌面边缘成10°角,不要正放。


位置正 确。值得一提的是,要强调每个字母都要稍向右斜,斜度要一致(约5°)。中国学生由于写汉字的习惯,竖 直横平,有棱有角,四方端正。因此,在书写英文时,常出现直、方、角现象。对此教师要运用“比较法”教 学,及时指正。随着学习的进展,教师要继续坚持不懈地抓好单词、句子、段、篇的书写及标点符号的正确使 用,切实做到英文书写规范,使学生养成良好的写的习惯。 总之,良好的英语学习习惯不会自然生成的,而是经有意识培养形成的。小学生学习英语,主要通过课堂 教学形式。所以,良好的英语学习习惯的养成主要是靠教师。教师必须十分重视良好学习习

惯的培养,注意在 日常教学活动中有计划地、有步骤、严格地训练学生。

小学三年级上册英语测试题★--- 1.---Hello! Helen!

morning A. Hello! Bob !

C.Thank you B. Good

2.---How are you, Mr Wang? D.OK --- B.Thank you. A. How are you?

Hui. C.I'm Gao

3.---Good morning, Cindy! D.I'm fine.


C.Good morning , Dale A.Thank you !

B.Hello D.I'm fine


C. D; H A. A; E 5.--- B. E; F Thanks. D. A; B ---I'm OK. A. What's your name? B.How

old are you? C.Hi, Helen! How

are you? D.Good morning!

6.---Good evening, Eric! --- !

thank you A. Hello, Grace D.Good evening. Grace C.OK, Grace B.I'm fine, 9.对老师说“早上王老师进教室,同学们are you! A.Hello! ” morning, Mr Wang. C. Good B.How 10.you 当别人对你说“How are B.Good morning. A. How are you? ”时,你应该说: \"_____\" fine, thank you. C.I'm 11.时,你应该说“当别人和你打招呼说“ Hello ”” B.Hello! A.Goodmoming. you. C.Fine, thank 13.--- —What's this in English? C.'Ihis is a pen A.Yes, it is .

B.It's pen pen

D.It's a

14.---Goodbye! --- .

C.Hi ! A.Goodbye! B.Hello! 15.---Good afternoon! D.How are you?


Good afternoon A. Good morning !


D.Thank you

C.Yes 1/16. A.What's C.How your name? B.What

17.---Hello! D. How's

--- Gina. A.Fine, thanks. D.Hello!

C.How are you? B.I'm

18.---What's this? --- A.This is A .


B D.Yes,it's D C.It's C 19.--- Bill Smith. ? ---I'm B.Who's this A.What's your name Bill Smith 22.---My name is Kate. D.What's that C.Is your name _____? B.What's that A. Are you Lisa ---Lisa. C.What's your name

Please D. 24.---What's the girl--- ’s name? C.That is Kate A.Kate is . name is Kate D. Her B. It Kate 25.---Good morning, class! — A. Excuse me _____! meet you B.Nice to morning, teacher C. Good ★听音圈出听的单词 father brother : D. Sorry uncle mother sister

cock bear aunt dog cat elephant bird fox wolf duck ox rabbit milk ★听音选词,把序号填在括号里: 1. A.bread B.candy C.mummy D.daddy 2.A.fox

B.tiger C.head D.hand 3.A.hair B.tooth C.rice D.lion

5.A.ear B.skirt C.grape D.egg

6.A.nose B.leg 写正确: C.mouth D.coat ★找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个。

1.A.daddy B.fox C.uncle D.grandpa 英语 E g l h n i s 星期天 S n y u a d 马 h r e o s 2.A.cat B.pig C.hen D.eye 3.A.monkey B.banana C.peach D.apple 4.A.ten B.bread C.dumpling D.noodle 5.A.star B.sun C.moon D.black 6.A.winter B.boy C.summer D.spring 7.A.five B.nine C.Monday D.two 8.A.teacher B.car

C.doctor D.worker 9.A.book B.taxi C.bike D.car 10.A.north B.tea C.west D.east ★根据中文,把下列凌乱的字母拼汉语 C i e e n h s

椅子 c a r h I 三 t e e r h 铅笔 p n l e i c

轮船 s i h p 姐妹 s s r i t e 嘴巴 m u t o h ★ 按规范抄写下列单词:hand long short shut open take

sing dance heavy light

小学新标准英语四年级(下)-第八册 Module1

一、 交际用语:Don’t touch the machine, please.

Don’t feed the


二 常用短语:feed the ducks,

walk on the grass, play ball games, make crisps, cut the potatoes

三 语法:祈使句:表示祈求,命



Module 1测试题

一. 完成下列单词,并写出中文意思 1. m __ ch __ ne ( ) 2. p __ t __ t ( ) 3. d __ ck ( )

4. gr __ ss ( ) 5. w __ __ t ( ) 6. s __ __ __

( ) 二. 连词成句

1. please don’t machine touch the ____________________________________________________________! 2. glass ware please these


3. touch anything don’t ____________________________________________________________! 4. crisps machine make these

____________________________________________________________. 三. 读短文, 判断正误

Look, these are many students in the library. Some of them are reading carefully, some of them are talking and two students are walking in the library. The library is noisy. The teacher is angry. He says,

“ Silence! Don’t walk in the library.” The students stop talking and walking. Then the library is quiet.

1. All of the students are reading. T . F 2. The students can talk in the library. T . F

3. Two students are talking. T . F

4. The teacher is happy. T . F

5. At last the library is quiet. T . F


一、 交际用语:This computer is beautiful.

It costs one thousand eight hundred yuan.

二 常用短语:take sb. to sw. , be good for, look at,

It’s difficult to…

三 语法:描述事物

Module 2 测试题 一. 完成单词并连线

1. d___ff__c__lt 便宜的

2. exp__ __ s__ve 选择

3. p__ __f __ __t 困难的

4. oh__ __p 完美的

5. ch__ __se 昂贵的

二. 写出下列单词的反义词 1. big ------ ______ 2. tall -----_______ 3. fat ------ _______

4. long ---- ______ 5. cheep ----_______ 6. easy ------_______ 三. 连词成句

1. got/this/computer/has/big/a/screen



2. is/and/computer/small/this/powerful


3. to/it’s/difficult/choose _______________________________________________

4. look/these/at/coputers _______________________________________________

四. 用at.to.for.on 填空. 1. This computer is good______computer games.

2. It’s difficult ______ choose. 3. Look _____ all the students. 4. I can take it _____ school _____ my bike. 五. 读对话选择正确答案

A:Can I help you ? B: Yes, I want to buy a pen.

A: What colour do you want ? B: I want black. How much is it?

A: It’s twenty-five yuan. B: It’s too expensive.

A: That blue one is cheep. It’s eight yuan. B: Ok. A blue pen,please.

( )1. What does he want to buy?

A. pencil B. pen ( )2. What colour does he want?

A. black B. blue ( )3. The black pen is ______.

A. cheap B.expensive

( )4. He buys a ______ pen. A. black B. blue


一 交际用语:用过去时讲述故事 二 常用短语:break the door,

run away, once upon a time,

look after, run to sb. , come to sw.

三 语法:一般过去时中动词的不


Module 3 测试题

一、 写出下列单词的过去式

wolf. The boy laughed.

A. was B. is C. were

( ) 5. The people ________

run ________ say ________ angry. laugh ________ eat ________ come ________ shout ________ go ________ buy ________

see ________ eat ________ break ________ 二. 选择正确答案

( ) 1. Once upon a time, the boy looked ________ sheep.

A. on B. after C. at

( ) 2. The boy ran ________ the village.

A. to B. in C. over

( ) 3. They said, “ Don’t ________ lies! ”

A. say B. talk C. tell

( ) 4. There ________ no

A. was B. were C. very 三. 连词成句

1. the boy ran the

village to ____________________________________________________________. 2. the didn’t field to people the run

_________________________________ ___________________________. 3. after sheep he looked

____________________________________________________________. 4. sheep wolf the ate all the

_________________________________ ___________________________. 四. 根据首写字母完成短文

O______ upon a time, there w______ a boy. He looked a______ sheep. The boy was b______. He r______ to the village. He s______, “ wolf, wolf! ” Everyone ran to the f______. There was no w______. The people said, “ Don’t t______ lies! ” 五. 完型填空

Mary ________ a mouse. Yesterday, she ________ into a

shop. She ________ some cheese, then she ________ the cheese. Mary ________ a cat. He ________ scared. Mary ________ the door and ________ Module4

一 交际用语:Dad played the erhu.

I was very


二 常用短语:went to a concert,

look like, last year, Chinese

instrument, at the end

三 语法:play the +乐器 一般过去时的提问和回

Module 4 测试题 一. 完成单词并连线

1.c__ __c__ __t 紧张的 2.Ch__n__se 在……之前

3.n__ __v__ us 音乐会

4.b__f__ __e 激光唱片 5.__ __ 中国的 二.选择正确的答案 ( )1. I ___ to a concert yesterday.

A. go B. went ( ) 2. My mum and dad played ____ the concert. A. to B. on C.in

( ) 3. An erhu ___ like a violin.

A. look B. looked C. looks

( ) 4. Do you want to listen ____ music?

A. to B. with C. in

( ) 5. Was it a Chinese music ? Yes, it ___. A.is B. does C.was 三.连词成句

1.play/what/they/did/ _____________________________________?

2. concert/went/a/I/yesterday/to


3. like/it/violin/looks/a _____________________________________.

4. mum/the/pipa/played _________________________________


5. the/dad/my/and/concert/mum/in/played



I p____ in a concert last year. I p____ the piano. I w____ very nervous b____

the concert. At the e___ everyone c____. I w____ happy. And I w____ proud. 五.读句子,填空 Ann: What did you play yesterday?

Ming Ming : I ____ the erhu. Ann: What’s an erhu? Ming Ming : It’s a Chinese instrument. It _____ like a violin. Do you want ____ listen? Ann: Yes, I ____.

Ming Ming: Is it beautiful? Ann: Yes, it ____. 六. 读句子排序

( ) At the end, everyone


( ) She was very nervous before the concert.

( ) She was happy. And she was very proud. ( ) She played in a concert last year. ( ) She played the piano.


一 交际用语:We’re having a party.

-What are you



二 常用短语:Mother’s Day 三 语法:现在进行时:表示正在


Module 5

一. 完成下那单词 1.________发生

2._______________母亲节 3.________________出乎意料的 4.______clap的现在分词 5.______have的现在分词 6.________ sing的现在分词 二.根据提示完成句子

1. He is _____(paint) flowers. 2. He’s writing a m______ for his mother.

3. She is _____(make) a cake. 4. Mother’s Day is a s_______ festival for all the mothers. 5. He is ______ take some photos. 三.短语连线

paint a cake write some photos play a massage take a picture make the flute 四.选择出正确的答案

( )1. What are you _____? A.do B. doing C. does ( )2. We are ______ a party. A. have B. has C. having

( )3. Is it your ______ birthday? A. mum’s B. mum C.mums’

( )4. It’s a surprise _____ you. A. to B. with C. for

( )5. What’s _____ now ? A. happen B. happening C. happens 五.按要求完成句子

1. a/having/we’re/party 连词成句


2. Tom is singing. 根据答句写问句


3 Is it your mum’s birthday? 做否定回答


4. What is Sam doing? 写答句 ____________________________________________________.

5. doing/are/what/you 连词成句

____________________________________________________. 六.读短文判断

Today is Mother’s Day. Peter

wants to make a present for his mother. look , He is painting a picture for his mother. He’s painting flowers and animals. These are his mother’s favourite

things. He’s writing a message for his mother. 1. Today is Father’s Day. ( )

2. Peter is making a present.( )

3. He’s painting flowers and birds.( )

4. His mother doesn’t like flowers and animals.( ) 5. Peter loves his mother.( )


一 交际用语:I’ll draw the pictures.

-What will you do


-I’ll ___________.

二 常用短语:let sb. do sth.

Module 6测试题

一. 单词补充完整并写出意思 1.m___ ___t __________ 2. wi ___ ___ ._____________ 3. f ___ ___. _____________

4. st ___ ___k ____________ 5. re___ ___ ___t _______________ 二.连词成句

1.Picture/I/draw/will/the _________________________________________________________. 2. have/class/Let’s/a/party _________________________________________________________. 3. do/will/what/you


4. kites/Let’s/fly/our

_________________________________________________________. 三. 读一读写入正确的单词 Jim and Kate are my best friends. Jim is a tall boy. He’s my classmate. We like the same sport.

Our favourite sport is playing soccer. Every day, we play soccer after school. On Sundays he comes to my home. We watch TV ,listen to music and play computer games. Kate is a girl. She is my

neighour(同桌). She is seven years old. Every Saturday afternoon, she comes to my home. I tell

her stories. Then she sings song and dance for me. I like her very much.

I have ________friends. One is ________,the other is


3. i/t/n/h _________ ___________ Kate is my ________. Jim is my __________.

After school, I like playing ____________with Jim. Kate likes _________and _________. She likes listening to _____________.


一 交际用语:It’s very hot. It’s+ adj. 二 常用短语:look like, at all, at night, in the evening, not…at all

三 语法:There be 句型:表示在

某处有某物。 There is +单数,There

are + 复数

Module 7测试题

一. 整理打乱顺序的字母写单词,并写出它对应的反义词。

1. o/s/t/h/u _________ _________ 2. o/h/t _________ _________

4. a/f/r _________ ________ 5. m/s/l/a/l _________ _________ 二.根据课文内容及所给单词的首字母,写出正确的单词 This is s_____. The s________ is very b_________. And it’s very very h______. This p_______ is n_______ to the sun. This planet is f_____ from the sun. So it’s very c_____ there. And look at

this planet, it’s b______. Because it’s got three r________. 三. 连词成句 1. hot/is/it


2. snake/is/short/the ____________________________________________.

3. play/we/football/can

_________________________________ ___________.

4. right/is/that

_______________________________________________. 5.


A. an old woman B. an old man C. an old man and his children

sun/the/this/near/planet/to/is ( )2. Were there many ______________________________________.

四.读小故事,选择正确答案 Once upon a time, an old man lived in an old house. There were many mice in the house. The old man had got a cat. One day, an old mouse said:“All mice must come to my room this evening. We must think a way of doing about the cat.” All the mice came. They talked and

talked, but they didn’t know what to do. At last a little mouse stood up and said:“We put a bell

on the cat when the cat comes near, we can hear the bell.” ( )1. Who lived in an old

mice in this house?

A. Yes, there were. B. No, there weren’t. ( )3. Were the mice the cat’s friends?

A. Yes, there were. B. No, there weren’t.

( )4. Where did the mice come in the evening?

A. the cat’s room B. the old mouse’s room ( )5. Did the mice put the bell on the cat?

A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didn’t


一 交际用语:New York is in the east.

-Does he live


-Yes, he does. -No, he doesn’t.

二 常用短语:in the east (west,north,south) of… 三 语法:一般将来时 :表示在未


Module 8测试题 一. 补全单词

1. C___n___d____(加拿大) 2. c___ p____t___l (首都) 3. n___ ___th (北)

4. s___ ___ th (南) 5. w___s___ (西) 6. ____a____t (东)



_______________________________________________________________. 2. is/the/New York/in/east

_______________________________________________________________. 3. Dalian/is/where

_______________________________________________________________? 4.


_______________________________________________________________. 5. will/you/what/tomorrow/do _______________________________________________________________? 三. 根据课文和给出的首字母完成下列句子

1. This is the c__ __ __ __ __ __ of America.

2. D__ __ __ he live in Los Angeles? No, he doesn’t. 3. Los Angeles is in the w__ __ __ of America.

4. Maybe you c__ __ visit your c__ __ __ __ __, Daming. 四. 选择正确的答案 where what who

whose how how much when how many

1.___________pens? There are five.

2.___________is the cat? It’s under the table.

3.___________is he going? He is going to school.

4.___________is this book? It’s seven yuan.

5.___________is your friend? Ping Ping is.

6.___________is your name? My name is Tim.

7.___________sweater is this? Maybe it’s Tom’s

8.___________are you? I am fine. 五.按课文内容将下列句子排序

( ) Washington D.C is in the east America

( ) Mexico is to the south of America.

( ) The capital of America is Washington D.C ( ) People in America

speak English.

( ) Canada is to the north America.


一 交际用语:-Why do you like ..?

-Because… 二 常用短语:in the river, in the

water, in the tree, on the tree, in China , go there,

三 语法:用Why引导的特殊疑问



Module 9测试题 一. 单词

二. 选择正确单词

( )1. ______sing in the library.

A. please B. Do

C. Don’t

( )2. This TV______ one thousand yuan.

same___4___ with my sister and___5___, But we’re not in the___6___ grade. We’re

A. cost B. costs good___7___. We___8___ in C. costing

( )3. Kangroos Dalian. We___9___ very___10___. ( )1. A. three B. jump______ their back legs.

A. off B. on C. of

( )4. Fish live ______the river.

A. at B. on C. in

( )5. Some nights, the moon______ like a banana. A. look B. looks C. looking 三.阅读短文 选择填空

There are ___1___ people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister, my brother and I. My mother is a

___2___ ,she works in a hospital. My father is a __3____, he works in factory. I am in the

four C. five

( )2. A. worker teacher C. nurse ( )3. A. doctor teacher C. worker

( )4. A. school grade C. class ( )5. A. brother B. mother C. father ( )6. A. first same C. /

( )7. A. friends boys C. students ( )8. A. live lives C. living ( )9. A. is are C. were ( )10. A. sad happy C. good

B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.


一 交际用语:-What are you going to do?

-What about you?

二 常用短语:every day, sent sb.

a postcard , visit sb.

三 语法:用be going to 描述将



一. 读一读。连一连

1. a great time 写封信

2.My grandpa’s farm 每一天

3.Every day 去冒险

4.Write a letter 我爷爷的农场

5.Have adventures 一段时光 二.选择答案

1. _______ are you going to do this summer?

A. were B. what C. who 2. I’m going to speak English ____ every day. A. on B. in C./ 3. I will send you a postcard _____ wherever you are. A. in B. to C./ 4. They ____ me a postcard. A. are send B. will sending C. are going to send 5. I will go _____ holiday. A. in B. at C. on

6. We are going to ______ our English friends.

A. look at B. watch C.visit 7. What ______ they do next

year? A. do B. will C. are

8. ________ she will go to Qingdao.

A. What will she doing? B.

Where will she go? C. When will she go? 9. Will you go to school?_________________ A. Yes, I am. B. No, I will. C. No, I won’t.

10. Are you _______ to go to Shanghai?

A. go B. going C. went 五.连词成句 1.



2. will/send/I/postcard/you/a ________________________________________________.


________________________________________________. 4.


________________________________________________. 5. about/what/you


四.选单词将对话补充完整 swim milk lunch football bread afternoon bus bed

Sunny is in Dalian. She sent a postcard to Christina yesterday. Dear friend.

I am very happy everyday. I eat breakfast. I eat ______ and drink _______

in the morning. I go to Xinghai park at eight o’clock. I _____ in the sea. I have

_________ at twelve o’clock. I play ______with my friends at Olympics Square

in the ________. I go home by _______. I am going to go to ______ at nine o’clock. Write soon

From Suuny 五.根据情景完成对话

1.Where is she going to go? She _______ going to __________.

2. ________ ________ they going to go next year?

They are going to go to London.

3. Where will you ________ this summer?

______________will go to Guilin.

4. __________ is he going to go? He is ________ to go to Xi’an. 5. I will send you a _________________.

6._____________will he go this summer? He will go to ___________________.

小学生英语必背单词表 [全]

PEP英语三年级(上册)三会单词 Unit 1

pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡

笔 book 书 bag 书包 sharpener 卷笔刀 school 学校 Unit 2

head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 胳膊 finger 手指 leg

腿 foot 脚 body 身体 Unit3

red 红色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 blue 蓝色的 purple 紫色的 white 白色的 black 黑色

的 orange 橙色的 pink 粉色的 brown 棕色的 Unit 4

cat 猫 dog 狗 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 rabbit 兔子 duck 鸭子 pig 猪 bird 鸟 bear 熊 elephant 大象 mouse 老鼠 squirrel 松鼠 Unit 5

cake 蛋糕 bread 面包 hot dog 热狗 hamburger 汉堡包 chicken 鸡肉 Coke 可乐 French fries 榨薯条 juice 果汁 milk 牛奶 water 水 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 Unit 6

one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine九 ten 十

doll 玩具娃娃 boat 小船 ball 球 kite 风筝 balloon 气球 car 小汽车 plane 飞机

PEP英语三年级(下册)三会单词 Unit 1

boy 男孩 girl 女孩 teacher 教师 student 学生 this 这个 my 我的 friend 朋友I’m=I am 我是 nice 好的;愉快的 good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好 meet 遇见;碰见 goodbye 再见 too 也;太 Unit 2

father 父亲;爸爸 dad 爸爸(口语) mother 母亲;妈妈 mom 妈妈(口语) man 男人 woman 女人 grandmother(外)祖母 grandma(口语)(外)祖母 grandfather(外)祖父grandpa(口语)(外)祖父 sister 姐妹 brother 兄妹 let’s=let us 让我们 great 太好了really 真地;确切地 and 和;并且 how 多么;怎么样 Unit 3

eleven 十一 twelve 十

二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 how many 多少

can 能够;可以 look at 看;瞧 Unit 4

peach 桃 pear 梨 orange 橙子 watermelon 西瓜 apple 苹果 banana 香蕉 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 like 喜欢 some 一些;某些 thanks 多谢 Unit 5

bus 公共汽车 bike 自行车 taxi 出租车 jeep 吉普车 desk 课桌 chair 椅子 walkman 随身听 lamp 台灯 your 你的;你们的 zoo 动物园 Unit 6

small 小的 big 大的 long 长的 short 短的;矮的 tall 高的 giraffe 长颈鹿 deer 鹿

PEP四年级上册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1

computer(计算机) board(写字板) fan(风

扇) light(灯) this(这;这个) is(是)

my(我的) that(那;那个) your(你的) teacher’s desk(讲台) picture(图画;照片) wall(墙壁) floor(地板) yes(是;是的) it(它) Unit 2

one(一) two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(七) eight(八)

nine(九) ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) it’s=it is …o’clock(…点钟) math(数学) Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) for(为;给) class(课程) Unit 3

jacket(夹克衫) shirt(衬衫) skirt(裙子) dress(连衣

裙) T-shirt(T恤衫) red(红色的) blue(蓝色的) yellow(黄色的) green(绿色的) white(白色的) no(不;不是) not(不;不是的) colour(颜色) Unit 4

warm(暖和的) cold(寒冷的) cool(凉爽的) today(今

天) jeans(牛仔裤) pants(长裤) socks(袜子) shoes(鞋子) let’s=let us play(玩;踢) football(足球)

snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的) Unit 5

how much(多少钱) big(大的) small(小的) long(长的) short(短的) apple(苹果) banana(香

蕉) pear(梨) orange(橙子) watermelon(西

瓜) are(是) they 它(他、她)们 Unit 6

horse(马) aren’t=are not cat(猫) rabbit(兔

子) pig(猪) duck(鸭子) dog(狗) eleven(十一) twelve(十二) thirteen(十三) fifteen(十五) twenty(二十)

how many(多少) there(那儿;那里)


Unit 1 computer(计算机) board(写字板) fan(风

扇) light(灯) this(这;这个) is(是)my(我的) that(那;那个) your(你的) teacher’s desk(讲台) picture(图画;照片) wall(墙壁) floor(地板) yes(是;是的) it(它) Unit 2

one(一) two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(七) eight(八) nine(九) ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) it’s=it is …o’clock(…点钟) math(数学)

Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) for(为;给) class(课程) Unit 3

jacket(夹克衫) shirt(衬衫) skirt(裙

子) dress(连衣裙) T-shirt(T恤衫) red(红色的) blue(蓝色的) yellow(黄色的) green(绿色的) white(白色的) no(不;不是) not(不;不是的) colour(颜色) Unit 4

warm(暖和的) cold(寒冷的) cool(凉爽的) today(今

天) jeans(牛仔裤) pants(长裤) socks(袜子) shoes(鞋子) let’s=let us play(玩;踢) football(足球)

snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的) Unit 5

how much(多少钱) big(大的) small(小的) long(长

的) short(短的) apple(苹果) banana(香

蕉) pear(梨) orange(橙子) watermelon(西

瓜) are(是) they 它(他、她)们 Unit 6

horse(马) aren’t=are not cat(猫) rabbit(兔子) pig(猪) duck(鸭子) dog(狗) eleven(十一) twelve(十二) thirteen(十三) fifteen(十五) twenty(二十)

how many(多少) there(那儿;那里)


Unit 1 Young(年轻的) funny(滑稽可笑的) tall(高的) strong(强壮的)

kind(和蔼的、亲切的) old(年老的) short(矮的) thin(瘦的) Mr(先生)

like(像、喜欢) strict(严格的) smart(聪明的、巧妙的) active(积极的、活跃的) quiet(安静的、文静的) very(很、非常) but(但是) Unit 2

Mondy(星期一) Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三) Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期天) day(天) have(有、吃) on(在…..时候) do homework(做作业) watch TV(看电视) read books(读书) Unit 3

eggplant(茄子) fish(鱼) green beans(青豆) tofu(豆腐) potato(土豆)

tomato(西红柿) for(为) lunch(中餐) we(我们) tasty(好吃的) sweet(甜的) sour(酸的) fresh(新鲜的) salty(咸

的) favourite(最喜欢的) they are(他们是) fruit(水果) grape(葡萄) Unit 4

Cook the meals(倒垃圾) water the flowers(浇花) sweep the floor(扫地)

clean the bedroom(打扫卧室) make the bed(铺床) set the table (摆饭桌)

wash the clothes(洗碗碟) do the dishes(收拾衣服) use a computer(使用计算机) Unit 5

curtain(空调) trash bin(垃圾箱) closet(壁橱) mirror(镜子) end table(床头柜) bedroom(卧室) kitchen(厨房) bathroom(卫生间) living room(客厅)

in(在…里面) on(在…上面) under(在…下面) near(在..旁边)

behind(在…后边) clothes(衣服) Unit 6

river(河流) flower(花) grass(草) lake(湖泊) forest(森林) path(路)

pake(公园) picture(照片) hourse(房子) bridge

(桥) tree(树) road(公路) building(建筑物) clean(干净的)

PEP五年级下册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1

do morning exercises(晨练) eat breakfast(吃早饭) have english class(上英语课)

play sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner(吃晚饭)

when(什么时候) evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……点钟)

usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains(爬山)

go shopping(购物;买东西) play the piano(弹钢琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母) go hiking(去远足) weekend(周末) often(经常) sometimes(有时候) Unit 2

spring(春天) summer(夏

天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season(季节) which(哪一个) best(最;极) swim(游泳) fly kites(放风筝)

skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(种树) why(为什么) because(因为) sleep(睡觉) Unit 3

Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月)


月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月)

birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期) Unit 4

draw pictures(画画) cook dinner(做饭) read a book(看

书) answer the phone(接电话) listen to music9(听音乐) clean the room(打扫房间) write a letter(写信)

write an e-mail(写电子邮件) mom(妈妈) grandpa(爷爷;外公) study(书房) Unit 5

fly(飞) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡觉) climb(往上

爬) fight(打架) swing(荡;荡秋千) drink water(喝水) Unit 6

take pictures(照相) watch

insects(观察昆虫) pick up leaves(采摘树叶) do an experiment(做实

验) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(数昆虫) collect leaves(收集树叶) wtite a report(写报告)

play chess(下棋) have a picnic(举行野餐)

PEP六年级上册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1

by (经,乘) foot(脚) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车) how(怎样)

go to school(上学) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则) stop(停,停车站) wait(等

待) get to(到达) Unit 2

library(图书馆) post office(邮局) hospital(医院) cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店)


里) please(请) next to(与…相邻) turn(转弯) right (右边) left(左边) straight(成直线地) then (然后) Unit 3

next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上) comic book(漫画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) buy(购买) Unit 4

hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮) live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去)

watch--watches(看) read--rea

ds(读,看) does doesn’t=does not Unit 5

singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记者) engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售

员) cleaner(清洁工) where(在哪里,到哪里) work(工作) Unit 6

rain(雨) cloud (云) sun(太阳) stream(河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) seed(种子) soil(土壤) sprout (苗,芽) plant(植物,种植) hould (应该) then(然后)

PEP六年级下册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1


的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger 更强壮的

old—older 年龄更大

的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger 更大的 heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller(体型)更小的 Unit 2

have a fever 发烧 have a sore throat喉咙疼 have a cold感冒 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 matter事情,麻烦 sore 疼的 hurt疼痛 nose 鼻子

tired疲劳的,累的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 happy高兴的

bored无聊的,烦人的 sad 忧伤的,悲伤的 Unit 3


看 wash—washed 洗 clean—cleaned打扫 play—played玩 visit—visited 看望 do—did last weekend 上一个周末 go—went去 go to a park—went to a park 去公园 go swimming—went swimming去游泳

go fishing—went fishing去钓鱼 read—read 读 go hiking—went hiking 去郊游 Unit 4

leran Chinese—learned Chinese 学汉语 sing and dance—sang and danced 唱歌和跳舞

eat good food—ate good food 吃好吃的食物 take pictures—took pictures 照相 climb—climbed 爬 have—had buy

presents—bought presents买礼物

row a boat—rowed a boat 划船 see elephant—saw elephant 看大象

go skiing—went skiing 去滑雪 go ice-skating—went ice-skating 去滑冰

how怎么,如何 get—got 到达 last 上一个的,仅余的,留在最后的

小学一年级期末英语试题 一、 听音,选出与你所听到的单词


( ) 1、A B C ( ) 2、A B C ( )3、A B C ( )4、A B C

( )5、A B C


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听音涂色。

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、


1、teacher 2、desk 3、dog 4、cat 5、seat 三、单词连连看。 six five seven nine eight


1、This is my . (desk seat )

2、That is a . (dog cat)

3、This is our . ( classroom book )

4、This is a . (dog cat )

5、That is our . ( teacher seat )

6、Pen pencil. (and、 or)

7、It’s pen. (an、 a) 8、It’s school bag. (my、 I)

9、What’s ? (this、that)

10、It’s eraser. (a、 an)

11、How old are . (you、 your)

12、 birthday. (Happy、 How)

13、A red kite you. (for、 to)

14、Stand , please? (up、 down) 六、选词填空

( )1、How are you? A、old B、big C、am

( )2、I seven. A、’m B、am C、are

( )3、You nine. A、are B、’re C、am

( )4、A book you.

A、to B、is C、


( )5、Happy birthday you.

A、to B、for C、is 窗户 墙 盒子 公牛 酸奶 院子 拉链 动物园
